Please help me diagnose my crunchy knee

For some reason over the last couple of weeks my knee started grinding about half the time I stood up from sitting in my chair at work and only when I stand up from sitting. It never happened before and it started quite suddenly. The grinding didn’t bother me much but it seems to be getting worse now.

The thing that is really bothering me is that now it sometimes almost locks up a little bit and when that happens it hurts a fair amount right in the left side of my right patella (but kind of in there behind it and toward the bottom). It only seems to happen when my leg starts at 90 degrees or so and more specifically at about 45 degrees is when it locks.

Strangely enough it doesn’t hurt at all to run or bike which I guess is a good thing. But has anyone else had this or does anyone know what might be up? I’m thinking (hoping) it’s just a muscle imbalance as I’ve had a pretty light workout schedule throughout August and probably lost some strength. Thanks in advance if you have any input.

My knees sound like Rice Crispies when I squat or go up stairs. I have chondromalacia. My Dr. says the sound is the tendons in my knees scraping on the rough surface of the back of my patella. As long as I take chondroitin/gluc osamine and do my weekly leg exercises it doesn’t hurt.

Ditto on the chondromalacia, you can hear my kness when I descend a staircase. Its good for freaking people out too.

same for me…25 years of butterfly style hockey goaltending tend to wear away at the old knees.

Ever since I had my knee scoped in May for a torn meniscus its sounds like rice crispies when I go up stairs. Don’t like it, but it doesn’t hurt.

Thanks. I have been reading about it… certainly sounds like that’s what it is. Feels like right where this diagram illustrates.

Any of you guys get a slight locking feeling sometimes too?

Edit: I’ve found several sources that mention occasional locking as well… Thanks again.

25 years of butterfly style hockey goaltending tend to wear away at the old knees

Patrick Roy, is that you???

Dude I’d almost be this is gout. Tis true. Small crystals for in the joints.

My doctor said it was the beginning of arthritis. I don’t know if I believe him because he completely blew the diagnosis of my rotator cuff tear earlier this year.