Please critique my new fit EDIT: new video with helmet

I’d suggest the Moderator’s make it mandatory that pictures/vids of “Fit Critiques” MUST have the rider wearing their racing helmet.

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I agree. I will repost.


Done! :slight_smile:

Seat´s too high…

^^^^^This. Hip/Knee/Ankle angle should typically be in the 145-150deg range. You’re currently right at the high end of the range, but with some ankle extension to compensate for seat height. Try dropping the seat 5-10mm and see how you feel.
The arm extension is pretty good (eyeball wind tunnel), so if it’s comfortable and doesn’t impact handling then all good.

And that helmet really does not do much good for your CdA.

Some turtling (see images below) could help quite a bit (if he can sustain it comfortably), ideally getting that tail down between the shoulder blades. Failing that, a slight backward tilt of the head might reduce CdA by bringing that tail down. Not sure how that Carnac helmet tests, but it does have the advantage of being one of the least expensive aero lids you can get and al least visually isn’t too far off the older POCs and Kasks.

From this:

To this:

Ok! Thank you for that. I already did 5mm less for the seat, now, the elbow pads are higher than the seat, is that ok? most pics or positions I see those tend to be lower. I used to have 8mm less of cockpit height, but closed too much my hip.

I have that one and a Specialized Evade.

How to achieve that? elbow pads closer to the chest? I already feel my vision to the front a bit compromised… should I slip my seat forward? backwards?

There is no hard-and-fast rule for seat vs saddle height. See the pic below of T100 Singapore winner Youri Keulen (the two are almost level). The more extended “superman” type positions we see lately naturally lead to higher pad positions. Having dropped the saddle, if that is more comfortable for you you can try dropping the bars by the same amount.

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awesome! thank you again!