Hey! I recognize that little bike!
Yeah! Found this forum not too long ago and finally created an account, been enjoying it!
Starting with a +17 degree stem to see how that is
Here’s my (kinda) new bike! I got in the spring, but too late for the one race I’ve managed so far this year. I’m going to do the Alpha Win sprint next weekend in La Quinta to use it for at least one race for 2024!
Looks slick, nice colour and very clean. I appreciate the attention to details of the presentation (valves, crank, big-smalls, no gobbins etc.).
PS What drives me mad is the misalignment of the ‘5000’ label on a tire - some exemplars (like your front) seem to be 5 degrees off the proper placing…
There might be a few things I would change, but this is AMAZING. Love it. Could ride as is with one change - white stickers on the front wheel - big white sticker guy lol
Beautiful bike Brian - good luck in Kona!
I actually reached out to HED to see if they could make decals using the new shimmer color on my bike. They would have to get the material from QR and it was a whole thing. Also that Jet isn’t mine, I’m borrowing it. My sual race set up is that front with an all black HED disc.
Bold choice to race Kona with no pedals. True commitment to aero.
That makes sense - I was nitpicking - it’s a gorgeous bike. I could’ve sent you stickers just for the race though! lol jk…have a phenomenal race!
Thank you! I didn’t notice it until I took the picture, and now it will bother me until my next tire!!!
What are you using to mount the front water bottles please?
2016 Cervelo P3 - Nothing too fancy, but I am clearly the limiter, not the bike
Considering updating the cockpit and getting shorter cranks