Pics of my evening ride

Sweet receding hairline! :smiley:

I’m sure I’ll regret that in about 10 years as my hair starts to fail me. . . .

Sweet set up - hairy guy in the firehouse, Penthouse on the floor and facing a toilet :wink:

You are one brave man!

Dude that is just my hair clumping up from sweating so much… ya right. Sure wish i could grow hair on my head like I do on my legs. Maybe Dr. Coggan can transplant some leg hair :slight_smile:

Penthouse ? Matty Reed is on the cover. It’s the new USA triathlon magazine :slight_smile:

What is the giant duct tape for?


Are you talking about the Coupling to the 2 1/2" hose ?
Dr. Coggan look at page 1128 - 129 upside down in USAT Mag.

So that is what winter riding is like :slight_smile:

Would love to get on rollers , never tried them but looks like a blast once you get the hang of it.

You are a fireman I presume ? Nice bike , always liked QR .

Isn’t Penthouse off the shelves , thought they went out of business ± 10 yeas ago ?



Come on - humor me. It really IS Penthouse, right? We all have our own mental image of what goes on in a firehouse (I have NO idea) - much like in an operating room :wink:

OK, Porn for triathletes then … bikes, spandex, etc. Same diff.

focusing on a turd in the toilet for balance?

I am a firefighter and they are a blast for 30-45 minutes takes some concentration. Just got the rollers a couple weeks ago and started riding about a week ago without fork mount. I try to stay within two inches of center trying to hold a line. The QR Kilo was my first tribike. I then got a QR Lucero lite which I love. Thinking about a QR CD01 and selling the QR Kilo. Have not looked at a Porn magazine since I had a daughter 12 years ago.

Not the best scenery I have ever seen, but whatever works : )

Funny story.
The guy who runs house fund (eats for firehouse.) Used to buy Little debbie brownies with nuts. Well I rolled two up like a turd on my last night shift and then took two days off. So I was gone 6 day’s. Took rolled up brownie’s carefully shaped with lumps and laid into toilet like it was a turd. I came back a week later and it was still there. . . LOL. . . No one would touch it let alone clean it. Thought about picking up and eating it like on caddy shack in front of evreyone but only for a second.

Awesome!!! now go scrub your truck!!!

Ironwolf thats your front wheel on . felt great today when I did a 1/2 hour ride after my run. It actually felt fast just need to get a cheap 105 or ultegra cassette for the rear wheel . Hate to use the two Dura ace ones I have. Thought I had a 105 laying around . But it was a DA cassette. A happy overlook on my part.

that’s a shitty view… ba dumpbump… i’m here all week folks, try the veal!

dude, your talking to a guy that does 13 mile treadmill runs…daily…

dude, your talking to a guy that does 13 mile treadmill runs…daily…

uh??? i was referencing the toilet?

(now you made me explain my joke. making it less funny… and it can’t get much less funny!)

imjust saying, compared to a 2 hour treadmill run, starring at a toilet might not be that bad…

You are a lot older than I pictured you.

tssssssss…buuuuuurn…you gonna take that from a girl bmanners??? I wouldnt!!!