My friend and associate Chris Ward dropped off a sample pair of Pearl Izumi Push running shoes yesterday. I have one quick run in them and am resonably impressed for these reasons:
It’s not easy to build a running shoe, let alone a fairly nice one.
These are a good bit different than a lot of other shoes out there, so IMHO they represent a valid alternative to other brands.
They are simple, light, uncluttered and functional.
They fit my average feet quite nicely and predictably.
A shop here in madison has the new pearl izumi tri shoe. It seems very nice and fits like a slipper with lots of ventilation. Anyone actually used it on the road. I’m not sure I want to plunt down the $115 to test it myself.
I put a pair on and did a lap of our (very small) store. I was like, “There is no way I could run in these- they are like thick socks…”. They did have enough cushioning though and my feet rode low enough in the footbed to be very stable. I could easily do 10K in them. I’m ever once of 170 lbs dressed and kitted out in full regalia. A marathon? Hmmm… Stay tuned…
compared to Sidi’s and Carnac’s tri-shoe and road shoes in general. I think Steve Larsen rode the “Vaper” (why it is spelled with an “e,” I have no idea) shoe in NZ, and I think he had some input in the design of the PI road shoes. I’d
I meant to say “I’m every ounce of 170 lbs while kitted out in full regalia” In other words, with all my running stuff on. I just like the way “full regalia” sounds- It’s not like I’m running around in a kilt or anything… Nope, I don’t have any pictures of the shoes handy and don’t know how you post the darn pictures on this forum anyway. Sorry.
Usually, I wear a thong with the English flag printed on it. This could get the ire of the Scots up. But on some St. Patrick’s Day races, I wear an orange G-string, which I flash to the wearers o’ the green. This usually really gets the Irish going, and increases the times of the field. I have my best 5K times when I am being chased down by angry, Irish Catholics*.
*I am not referencing Catholics by any derrogotory means, but we all know that wearing orange on St. Pat’s Day in Boston is pretty much a death wish.
You ought to investigate getting a good tartan plaid for your running kit. I never did figure out which clan’s pattern used flourescent colours…
Well, Mr. Bunny and others, I got into a bit of a row with a woman in another forum over the whole “tartan,” kilts, and plaids in general. While she’s a Yank, she was married to a Scot for quite some time and had more than a layman’s understanding of the whole mess. She eventually sent me to this website: