PC Question for Frank


I just purchased PCs this weekend from my LBS. Now that I have them, I can only ride them 2-3 minutes at a time. What is the learning curve on these things? How often should I ride them? When can I expect to be able to ride extended periods of time?

The one thing I did find out quickly is that my left leg is extremely lazy.

Thanks for in advance for your reply. Have a nice day!

This is quite variable and depends a lot on you - how hard you work at adapting. Sounds like you should be on two or three a day workouts for awhile to facilitate this.

Despite your “awful” performance on your first ride you are not alone and most like you, who put their mind to it, are able to get back to 50-100 mile rides in 2-3-4 weeks (albeit with regular coasting).

Put the time in and two weeks from now you will look back in amazement at how much better you are on them.
