My procrastination caught up with me. I and my partner need 2 entries to CIM full marathon. Willing to pay extra $50 dollars upon successful entry. Anyone wants to back out of the race, just enter the two following emails into race roster. I will pay the entry fee on my end, you get a refund, then I will Venmo you the extra $50 as a show of gratitude.
Email 1: chendifei1993@gmail.com
Email 2: dean.chen@me.com
Found 2 bibs! No longer needed. Thanks!
I really hope you used the official transfer process (which opened today according to the race website) and didn’t just BUY a bib
None of my business, but buying bibs is kind of a dick move
Why do you want to do this race ? I have done it twice with miserable results
They got their bib - they ain’t coming back
there were just way too many people on the Facebook transfer page waiting for a bib. I have a job. So I can’t be on the Facebook page 24/7. And it’s not like there is a line that I’m skipping using money. There is no line, It’s totally random who gets a transfer.
really? I heard it’s a fast course. Just tons of people. This will be my biggest event for sure.
its fast because last half is smoother downhill if you dont over do it on rollers in first half, and there is prize money bringing in a lot of competition - which is a bigger factor that makes races fast. freezing cold start that some years has rain
Have an awesome race!
I have a feeling we won’t see “dean chen” in the results; not THIS ONE anyway? I’m guessing they got a bib under someone else’s name
CIM allows bib transfers for a small fee, I’m sure he’ll run under his own name.
The point of the post was to AVOID the transfer portal
No, Facebook is not the transfer portal, there is a FB group where you can match people trying to sell their bib with people who want one. Once you have your match then you can go to the portal. The FB group is not an official group run by CIM and you are not required to find your match there. It isn’t managed, there’s no line, it’s random who gets a number/match, as he says. He simply wanted to find someone outside that group instead of watching it and waiting.
Ok, thanks for clarifying - I still suspect sketchiness, however
“Sorry, no entries found.”
Sketchiness (somewhat) confirmed