Patrick Lange's carbs on IM Marathon

2x IMWC Patrick Lange said in a recent influential article “Secrets From the Fastest Runner in Ironman Triathlon”, enterily dedicated to himself, on the online magazine Thriatlete, regarding carbohydrates intake during bike and run “I aim for 110-120g carbs per hour I consume 30-40g fewer carbs on the run compared to the bike because of the impact and movement of my body”. Thus the brackets are 70g-90g carbs per hour on the run.

How does he carry 70g-90g carbs per hour on the run?

The article has overall useful stuff and training plans, but how to carry, in powder to mix, pills, liquid gel, thick gel, anything else remains totally unclear. At the fluid stations, Gatorade is low carb, cola has carbs, but 39g per can, while on run course we are served paper cups, 1/4 filled with cola. I estimate 1/8 of a can or less, no more than 5g per paper cup, thus at minimum 70g divided by 5g gives 14 paper cups of cola or, similarly, of Red Bull. If I find 8 stations in one hour of IM run, I should take 2 cups of cola/red bull per station. Pretzels have gluten and need time to digest, chips during competition require plenty of water, mixing powder with water slows down, gels have low amount of carbs, being electrolyte and aminoacid (protein) focused, carb pills don’t exist, therefore some forum debate is needed. Can anybody post a clear, feasible (no spaceship/drone intervention) and performing contingent-state plan on how to intake 70g-90g carbs (with electrolytes, not present in cola) on the bibbed run? Thank you ~ cheers

  1. In many triathlons you get gels at aid stations.
  2. Occasionally you can have a special needs bag / nutrition bag at the run as well. Lange had one in Nice WC last year.

Ok, three Maurten gels per hour wtih electrolytes from Gatorade and cola at the other stations to fill cravings. Thank you.

I think that a large part of it also is not starting the run in a deficit situation. Consume sufficient calories and hydrate on the bike.


i wouldnt call gatorade low carb, it has 140 calories vs coca cola 240 calorie in same 20fl.oz… so its less carbs

1 water bottle, 100g maltodextrin, 100g fructose, 50g gatorade powder. Put it in your hand, pocket, bottle belt, anywhere.

3oz container of maple syrup has 330cal, 72g of cho. One of those an hour for me on the run, with gatorade on top.

1 water bottle, 100g maltodextrin, 100g fructose, 50g gatorade powder. Put it in your hand, pocket, bottle belt, anywhere.

I’m sort of curious how beneficial fructose is to someone like Lange on the run when he’s done in 2:40. The time to metabolize it works against him.

I know glucose+fructose allows digesting more g/min overall, but… just wondering if there’s a point where more intake is not helpful.

1 water bottle, 100g maltodextrin, 100g fructose, 50g gatorade powder. Put it in your hand, pocket, bottle belt, anywhere.

I’m sort of curious how beneficial fructose is to someone like Lange on the run when he’s done in 2:40. The time to metabolize it works against him.

I know glucose+fructose allows digesting more g/min overall, but… just wondering if there’s a point where more intake is not helpful.

The small intestine is capable of converting something on the order of 1gram of fructose/kg of body weight to glucose without involving the liver so I believe your worry about time to metabolize is probably unwarranted unless one exceeds this consumption rate.



1 water bottle, 100g maltodextrin, 100g fructose, 50g gatorade powder. Put it in your hand, pocket, bottle belt, anywhere.

I’m sort of curious how beneficial fructose is to someone like Lange on the run when he’s done in 2:40. The time to metabolize it works against him.

I know glucose+fructose allows digesting more g/min overall, but… just wondering if there’s a point where more intake is not helpful.

I’m no DrAlexHarrison, but I would think his overall burn rate in terms of g/min is substantially higher. Like around 100kcal/mile whether it’s 6:00 or 10:00 min pace.

1 water bottle, 100g maltodextrin, 100g fructose, 50g gatorade powder. Put it in your hand, pocket, bottle belt, anywhere.

I’m sort of curious how beneficial fructose is to someone like Lange on the run when he’s done in 2:40. The time to metabolize it works against him.

I know glucose+fructose allows digesting more g/min overall, but… just wondering if there’s a point where more intake is not helpful.

I’m no DrAlexHarrison, but I would think his overall burn rate in terms of g/min is substantially higher. Like around 100kcal/mile whether it’s 6:00 or 10:00 min pace.

No disagreement. To rephrase what I’m asking: if fructose takes ~3hrs to metabolize, once you have less than 3 hours to go, how much longer is it useful to eat more? In other words, when he starts the run, his body is still processing fructose taken on the bike.

Obviously metabolism happens across a timespan, but it seems like the farther into the run, the less useable payoff for ingesting more.

Probably won’t hurt him either… my question is mostly curiosity.

How does he carry 70g-90g carbs per hour on the run?

Well first, he only needs 2.5 hours worth of carbs for his run.

Second, you can dissolve a lot more carbs in water than these 4€ gels would have you believe. I run marathons with a 350mL gel flask containing 200g sugar.

So Patrick can easily fit those calories in one small flask.