Parents, what are the lil'parasites co$ting you!

We’re just another middle class family slugging it out in trenches and a year end review of the family finances indicates we’ve dropped a whopping 30 to 35k on our 13 yo daughters sport activities (namely soccer & hockey). That covers team fees/kits/equipment/extra-skill sessions/tournaments/travel (car&air). And thats only one of them . Have another 16 yo but he only plays one sport at a high level, so a paltry ~15K. wtf!?
They can try but they wont stop me from retiring next year:)

WOW!!! So glad my kids never took to hockey for sure.

We’re just another middle class family slugging it out in trenches and a year end review of the family finances indicates we’ve dropped a whopping 30 to 30k on our 13 yo daughters sport activities (namely soccer & hockey). That covers team fees/kits/equipment/extra-skill sessions/tournaments/travel (car&air). And thats only one of them . Have another 16 yo but he only plays one sport at a high level, so a paltry ~15K. wtf!?
They can try but they wont stop me from retiring next year:)

Well, mine were no where near that high, of course I told them NO, they were not joining the national travel teams for the sports they played.

And yes they were talented, one recruited to a D1 school, ended up playing 4yrs for D3. Played on H.S. VB team that one states, and was ranked as the best team in the country, or one of them.

Be happy, you can afford to give your kids those experiences, and still retire with kids in High School. Not many parents can afford to retire with 1 let alone 2 kids in High School.

Look at the bright side. You can afford to spend more on your kids sports than most peoples car is worth.

We’re just another middle class family slugging it out in trenches and a year end review of the family finances indicates we’ve dropped a whopping 30 to 30k on our 13 yo daughters sport activities (namely soccer & hockey). That covers team fees/kits/equipment/extra-skill sessions/tournaments/travel (car&air). And thats only one of them . Have another 16 yo but he only plays one sport at a high level, so a paltry ~15K. wtf!?
They can try but they wont stop me from retiring next year:)

Well, mine were no where near that high, of course I told them NO, they were not joining the national travel teams for the sports they played.

And yes they were talented, one recruited to a D1 school, ended up playing 4yrs for D3. Played on H.S. VB team that one states, and was ranked as the best team in the country, or one of them.

Be happy, you can afford to give your kids those experiences, and still retire with kids in High School. Not many parents can afford to retire with 1 let alone 2 kids in High School.

Look at the bright side. You can afford to spend more on your kids sports than most peoples car is worth.

where did i say i could afford it :wink:
And sorry i should have said semi-retired. Working a couple days a week when I want. So thats as good as being retired :wink:

Are you a fucking moron? Where in the fuck should it cost 30k for a kid to play a sport?

What kind of payback are you expecting with that kinda outlay?

What the fuck is weong with people? Imgonna go shake my fists at clouds…

Are you a fucking moron? Where in the fuck should it cost 30k for a kid to play a sport?

What kind of payback are you expecting with that kinda outlay?

What the fuck is weong with people? Imgonna go shake my fists at clouds…

Two sports…approx 15k per. She plays both year round . The multiple tournaments really jack up the cost , especially for soccer (Boston, San Diego, Fla.) And hockey…thats just a really expensive sport period
What do you mean by ‘payback’…lol. Shes really good at both and loves to play! Thats it bro.
Edit: should of mentioned all figures in Can. dollars so thats only ~22K US.

Are you a fucking moron? Where in the fuck should it cost 30k for a kid to play a sport?

What kind of payback are you expecting with that kinda outlay?

What the fuck is weong with people? Imgonna go shake my fists at clouds…

Two sports…approx 15k per. She plays both year round . The multiple tournaments really jack up the cost , especially for soccer (Boston, San Diego, Fla.) And hockey…thats just a really expensive sport period
What do you mean by ‘payback’…lol. Shes really good at both and loves to play! Thats it bro.
Edit: should of mentioned all figures in Can. dollars so thats only ~22K US.

Yeah, your choosing to be on a team that travels to all those states, Your kid could play on a more local team save you $$$ and time.

Sorry, had 3 kids do youth sports. Got very tired of parents bitching all the time about how much money they spend, how much time they spend traveling, how tired the kids where, how they struggled at school… etc… THIS IS ALL ON YOU. Your choice.

Some people choose to buy a new car every year, some choose to travel to kids sporting events. NOT the parasites fault.

Are you a fucking moron? Where in the fuck should it cost 30k for a kid to play a sport?

What kind of payback are you expecting with that kinda outlay?

What the fuck is weong with people? Imgonna go shake my fists at clouds…

Two sports…approx 15k per. She plays both year round . The multiple tournaments really jack up the cost , especially for soccer (Boston, San Diego, Fla.) And hockey…thats just a really expensive sport period
What do you mean by ‘payback’…lol. Shes really good at both and loves to play! Thats it bro.
Edit: should of mentioned all figures in Can. dollars so thats only ~22K US.

Yeah, your choosing to be on a team that travels to all those states, Your kid could play on a more local team save you $$$ and time.

Sorry, had 3 kids do youth sports. Got very tired of parents bitching all the time about how much money they spend, how much time they spend traveling, how tired the kids where, how they struggled at school… etc… THIS IS ALL ON YOU. Your choice.

Some people choose to buy a new car every year, some choose to travel to kids sporting events. NOT the parasites fault.


I have told my kids that I 100% support their endeavors with sports. I have 3 in hockey. 8u,12u,15u. They are all in rec leagues with the oldest adding a girls competitive league and a high school team. I think we are 6k into the year. AA/AAA just isn’t in the cards. I am not paying $15k-20k for a season of hockey for each kid.

I retired last year and now found myself as an unpaid uber driver getting my kids to rinks every night. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. If they pushed to do AA/AAA then I would have to go back to work and then I wouldn’t be driving them to practices, which means they wouldn’t go. Not spending the crazy amount for travel leagues opens up more money and time for camps, extra tournaments, and clinics.

Are you a fucking moron? Where in the fuck should it cost 30k for a kid to play a sport?

What kind of payback are you expecting with that kinda outlay?

What the fuck is weong with people? Imgonna go shake my fists at clouds…

Two sports…approx 15k per. She plays both year round . The multiple tournaments really jack up the cost , especially for soccer (Boston, San Diego, Fla.) And hockey…thats just a really expensive sport period
What do you mean by ‘payback’…lol. Shes really good at both and loves to play! Thats it bro.
Edit: should of mentioned all figures in Can. dollars so thats only ~22K US.
You’re fuckin’ ten-ply, bub.

Look at it another way. Down the road they will determine which home to put you in or making decisions around your well being.

Think of this as an investment.

I don’t know but it’s no where near that much. I’d say a few thousand dollars. That was enough to give her the experiences and she’s playing soccer at a D1 school next year.

Right now I’m saving my ungrateful boomerang ~$2k/mo.
His video game better finish soon and make some $$$.

Right now I’m saving my ungrateful boomerang ~$2k/mo.
His video game better finish soon and make some $$$.

This will be my grandnephew. He’s a science and math guy, not a sports guy, which bums his mom and his Aunt Cathy out. But when he becomes an astronaut or finds the cure for the disease his sister has, and that will be worth it.

my son played local rec soccer year round. He had a great time, made friends, ran about a bit and stayed healthy and it cost at most a few hundred a year. He now has his dream job at a large indoor soccer training center where several ex pros coach, and some players from the local MLS team and fringe players from he USMNT go to train through winter.

i grew up in the UK a long time ago, but the idea of spending a tens of thousands on kids to play soccer/football seems ridiculous. There were kids i went to school with and kids i knew from track and field/athletics meets who signed contracts with clubs in the english league system who i am pretty sure spent practically zero to play football prior to signing their professional contract. Some signed at 16. i even knew kids from the 6th form college (high school age) who were still in school, but were getting paid to play for clubs in the sixth tier.

I never added up the cost of my kids’ activities for good reason. A couple of years in a row I tallied up the cost of my adventures in that sport discussed in that other forum. No way I could complain what we spent on th ekids knowing what I was spending on myself.

I never added up the cost of my kids’ activities for good reason. A couple of years in a row I tallied up the cost of my adventures in that sport discussed in that other forum. No way I could complain what we spent on th ekids knowing what I was spending on myself.

Yea, I wonder what my mom and dad spent on all of my horses and related stuff. Swim team was likely cheap compared to horses.

Are you a fucking moron? Where in the fuck should it cost 30k for a kid to play a sport?

What kind of payback are you expecting with that kinda outlay?

What the fuck is weong with people? Imgonna go shake my fists at clouds…

That they enjoy it? Considering the cost of the main hobby here it’s probably pretty close. I’m assuming that is over 12 years. With my daughter it will be a wash but I wasn’t looking for a payback.

Should I not pay for my son’s sports because he had no interest in playing in college? He is still probably $1500 a year. So over 12 years is a good bit.

Are you a fucking moron? Where in the fuck should it cost 30k for a kid to play a sport?

What kind of payback are you expecting with that kinda outlay?

What the fuck is weong with people? Imgonna go shake my fists at clouds…

That they enjoy it? Considering the cost of the main hobby here it’s probably pretty close. I’m assuming that is over 12 years. With my daughter it will be a wash but I wasn’t looking for a payback.

Should I not pay for my son’s sports because he had no interest in playing in college? He is still probably $1500 a year. So over 12 years is a good bit.
$1500 a year is reasonable; cheap, I dare say in this day and age.

$30k like the op claims/boasts, in a single year? Absolutely moronic.

Are you a fucking moron? Where in the fuck should it cost 30k for a kid to play a sport?

What kind of payback are you expecting with that kinda outlay?

What the fuck is weong with people? Imgonna go shake my fists at clouds…

That they enjoy it? Considering the cost of the main hobby here it’s probably pretty close. I’m assuming that is over 12 years. With my daughter it will be a wash but I wasn’t looking for a payback.

Should I not pay for my son’s sports because he had no interest in playing in college? He is still probably $1500 a year. So over 12 years is a good bit.

No that is per year… hockey you can’t play for 1500 a year. Well I mean I guess you could but that’s basically rec league for winter season. It was $1200 for ice time when I was in high school 25 years ago. Plus travel it was easily 3k.

Traveling has gotten stupid for sports. The sports aren’t expensive it’s all the teams thinking they need to travel all over the US to get competitive games.