Parenting picky eaters

Buy the kind you need to stir. Then put it in the fridge so you don’t have to stir it so often.

Ingredients: peanuts, salt.

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What you ate in Poland is called kotlety “cutlet”, usually pork chop cooked with bread crumbs and egg

Yeah, honestly it was the same as what my mom cooked at home - only 1000x better. We used pork or chicken generally. But at my aunt’s, the meat was raised on their property, the eggs came from their animals, the breadcrumbs were from their home made bread etc.

The food I ate there was just next level delicious, even the same Polish foods I wasn’t super enthusiastic about when my mom cooked them at home that I thought were typically weird or bland. Almost everything we ate there was grown in their village either by them or a neighbour.

Swap pork chop for chicken of veal then pour some sauce or “gravy” on and melt some mozzarella on top and you got a nice chicken/veal parm (basically)

Here’s your problem - don’t put fresh tomatoes in the refrigerator. And store bought aren’t that good anyway (except cherry toms).

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I think the problem is moreso that store bought tomatoes taste like flavourless wet cardboard than the temperature they are kept at.

Agreed cherry tomatoes are marginally better.

I’m from Jersey and I approve this message

Ok - I’ll bite.

What’s wrong with the fridge.
We keep store bought ones on the counter for a few days to ripen more then put them in the fridge to get a couple more days out of them.

My daughter has ADHD and ditto to everything. There is some connection with food cravings and low dopamine for people with ADHD. I can’t remember the details but I read alot about it when she was in elementary school and I tried drastically to improve her eating habits. I cooked as much as possible from scratch, bought only food that was free of artificial colors, preservatives and other triggers. She also had potty issues and bed wetting so this all started with the pediatric urologist giving me a list of foods for her to avoid. Once we eliminated those we saw improvement in her sleep and behavior so I knew there was a conneection. Not sure that is helpful other than to say I understand the frustration especially the night snacking and not eating exactly what she literally asked for or orderes when we go out.

That’s interesting. I’ve wondered if the ADHD played a role in it. He’s also wet the bed every night of his life without exception for the last nine years. We took him to an ENT appointment and like his sister he has huge adenoids, scheduled for removal next month. They suspect it’s eosinophilic esophagitis affecting his sleep and exacerbating/triggering his vomiting episodes (random stomach upset w/ vomiting, vomits after severe coughing fits from seasonal allergies and exercise). They’re planning a biopsy during the procedure so we’ll have more information to work with.

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I learned a lot from this book, too

For instance: Roma tomatoes have NOTHING to do with Italy; they were developed by a lab in Maryland for the USDA