Paralympics - entry point?

Lots of knowledgeable and connected folks on here.

A coworker with CP is a committed runner and cyclist (novice but interested swimmer). He is interested in learning about the Paralympic path but having trouble connecting with anyone official. He’d like to be able to talk to someone about the process - picking a sport, categories, standards, levels, etc.

He has reached out to someone (not sure whom) with no reply.

We are in Lansing, MI. If you have any suggestions for an entry point for him, please either post it here or message me directly. Specifics like phone/ email are helpful if available, links to things like standards and other info is also cool.

Sorry for the crowdsourcing (“let me Google that for you”) - lacking the time/ bandwidth to really scour the net right now. Figured folks on here might know already.


Send them my contact

I can connect them w right info

Thanks so much, Brooks!

This is probably a great place for your coworker to start to try to learn more about the local para opportunities near you in Lansing,[]=2939&view_type=list#posts . The Move United website also has a list of sanctioned events where they could go compete. Each sport has its own unique stipulations including classification (ie which athletes compete against one another) so your coworker should google para and whatever sport they are interested in to learn more about that individual sport.
A dad who just drove 90min to take their kid to and from wheelchair basketball practice

Thanks, and keep dad-ing hard! Where are you based?

We live in Lancaster PA and travel to Baltimore Maryland for para practices, my daughter has competed in track, basketball, and swimming. Hopefully your coworker can get linked up with a great group, we are very lucky to have found the Bennet Blazers in Baltimore, they have made a world of difference in giving our daughter a needed competitive outlet! Also doesn’t hurt the Blazers have the street cred of developing Tatyana McFadden and Daniel Romanchuk two top pushrim track athletes.

Lots of knowledgeable and connected folks on here.

A coworker with CP is a committed runner and cyclist (novice but interested swimmer). He is interested in learning about the Paralympic path but having trouble connecting with anyone official. He’d like to be able to talk to someone about the process - picking a sport, categories, standards, levels, etc.

He has reached out to someone (not sure whom) with no reply.

We are in Lansing, MI. If you have any suggestions for an entry point for him, please either post it here or message me directly. Specifics like phone/ email are helpful if available, links to things like standards and other info is also cool.

Sorry for the crowdsourcing (“let me Google that for you”) - lacking the time/ bandwidth to really scour the net right now. Figured folks on here might know already.

Aaron - drop me a line if there’s anything we can do to help get them into the sport. Most of our events have a para division and if they don’t, it’s only b/c no one has asked.

Much appreciated! Looking forward to seeing you guys this summer.