Pain on tendon behind/inside knee


I’ve got an inflamed tendon behind/inside my right knee. This tendon attaches the hamstring to (I guess) the tibia. This is a pain when running - it hurts inside/below the knee, and is particularly painful when going uphill - for example, I’m unable to run anything over a 10% grade, even if it’s short.

It’s not a problem at all when cycling, so I’ve focused on cycling for the past 2/3 weeks (started about 3 weeks ago) - but I’d like to get back to running, as I haven’t done a long run in over 4 weeks, and IMC is coming up in 12 weeks…

What can I do to heal this problem fast? I’ve tried stretching the hamstring, then icing a bit. Also tried Ibuprofen twice a day for about 5-6 days, didn’t seem to improve. Right now it’s not painful unless I run.

Should I:

  • ice again and again, until I feel no pain when running?
  • apply anti-inflammatory cream locally? (any good recommendations for non-prescribed anti-inflammatory in Canada?)
  • run on it, it will get better over time?
  • other suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

One thing that helped me was…

Thanks! Will try it out at home - don’t want to look stupid in my office :wink:

Apart from the stretch of the hamstring/calves, any specific additional benefits?

I would suggest a moist heating pad. When I have had tendonitis issues and had to see a physical therapist, they have used deep-heating devices.

Traditional theory says to ice an injury… you may want to try alternating 5 minutes ice with 20 minutes heat. A while into my injury, I started to ask myself, “Why is the p.t. doing deep-heating through lasar or ultrasound and then I go home and throw an ice bag on it???”

Heat seems to loosen things up. Look for the CAUSE of the pain, not just the pain itself.