Pain in the butt getting better. Wanted to share

I have hamstring tendinitis where it attaches to ischial tuberosity. The way you can identify is plain in your butt when flexing the knee against resistance while pulling your foot towards your butt.

I have sufferred for over a year. I finally took 12 weeks off from running and went to a PT. They indicated it would take 12 weeks to cure. They did all kinds of things but finally I had to get started runnning again as I could not wait any longer. The injury was still not totally better. I believe ultimately I will have to take 6 months off or maybe even longer to really cure it.

But I have found something that seems to be really helping so I thought I would share. I do three sets of 10 hamstring curls where the my hamstring is engaged with weight and then I let the weight down. But start with lifting the weight. I do it by lifting the weight with both legs and then disengage my health leg and lower the weight only with the unhealthy leg. I use to be only able to do 20 pounds but now I am up to 40 pounds.

I still have the pain but I have been able to run shorter distance and so far it does not seem to be getting worst. It is still early but thought I would share so this might help others that suffer the same problem. I don’t think it will be totally cured until I stop running for six months. My last race is in November and if it is still a problem I will quit running starting in November for six months to finally totally cure it. This year I had already signed up for races starting in April and was unwilling to walk away from my entry fees. I know my run times will suck and will focus on a strong place going into the run.

If I am lucky I will be able to run this season while lifting the weights and slowly it will go away.