Pain after quad cramps?!?

Random one.

I’ve occasionally had a cramps at the end of a hard race before. Quads, groin, even my shin one time. Usually i attribute these to some form of going too hard, being under hydrated or not enough electrolytes. After they subside I don’t really ever think about them again.

Saturday, I was doing a 3-4hr z2 ride (which I do weekly) and I got a nasty cramp in my quad. I was well hydrated, plenty of sodium and not going hard. I kept riding, the cramp went away but the soreness remained for the rest of the ride.

Here I am, 72+ hrs later and that spot on my quad still hurts. Feels like I got a hit hard, and now have a nasty bruise, right on that spot.

I’ve started to lift recently (not heavy … mostly just body weight but some 20-30# kettlebells), in case that’s related.

Anyone ever had that?

Have you ever pulled or torn a muscle before? The bruising makes me thing you tore your quad a bit. When I pulled my hamstring it felt like a very sharp cramp.

And yes, after I have cramped that muscle is noticeably more sore for a couple days.

Yes. Any time I’ve ended up with cramped muscles in a race, whether it be biking or running, and I continue to push through the cramps, those muscles end up very very sore for days. I just assume I am doing some trauma to them by continuing to exercise them while cramped.

I’m getting soft if I actually tore a muscle doing body weight / ATG squats

But y’all confirmed what I suspected, but didn’t want to admit