Pacifica Cycling Route Help


I am planning to ride with my son down the coast next month, from San Francisco to Los Angeles. We will be on road bikes and have a support car. I have done this ride numerous times in the past, as part of a larger charity group. We are basing our route on what I have ridden in the past, but I’m always interested in finding alternatives to the busiest sections of road that we may encounter.

One section that I found pretty sketchy in years past is when leaving Pacifica and heading south, we ride Highway 1 for about a mile of winding climb to reach the Devil’s Slide bike path. Highway 1 has no shoulder here (unless that has changed?) and drivers like to go fast. I’m considering either (a) having our support car follow us closely with hazards on, which will likely upset the motorists behind; (b) finding an alternate route to this section; or (c) getting in the car to shuttle this brief section. Since option (a) is kinda rude and inconsiderate to others, and option (c) is undesirable because it disrupts the “purity” of completing the entire route by bike, I’m leaning toward option (b) - finding an alternate route just around this section. I don’t want to add too much mileage.

On Google Maps, I can see that we MAY be able to ride to a road called “Shamrock Ranch Road” and then take a dirt path to connect to the Devil’s Slide Trail. The problem is that I don’t know if we can actually ride to the end of the pavement, and then it looks like the dirt path will be quite a bit of climbing and/or hike a bike.

Perhaps a better alternative is the Pedro Point Coastal Trail as described and seen at the links below. This looks doable and maybe only a little bit of walking with the bikes. Does anybody have any familiarity with this area and can give an opinion if this alternative route will work? Or is there any better idea?

Based on the Strava heatmap, it doesn’t look like Shamrock Ranch Road is open to the public.

Are you aware of highway one is closed in a couple of places, so you cannot ride down from Carmel area to Cambria on highway one.

Based on the Strava heatmap, it doesn’t look like Shamrock Ranch Road is open to the public.

Thanks. I saw that after I posted. Luckily, it looks like the other alternative, the Pedro Point Costal Trail, should be doable with just a little bit of walking. But I’d still like any input from anyone who has been there.

Are you aware of highway one is closed in a couple of places, so you cannot ride down from Carmel area to Cambria on highway one.

Yes, I’m aware of the closures. One of them should be open by the time we ride, so we’re planning to ride to the further closure point, and then get picked up and drive around the long way to Cambria, and then get dropped off just south of the closure the next morning.

We were just up visiting the Carmel area, here’s a nice route seeing as you have a support car, once you get down by Camel there is a road which is called Carmel valley road, G16 it takes you out to Greenfield on the 101 it’s a beautiful road, not many cars at all after you leave the Camel valley area, hilly but the scenery is wonderful especially on a bike. Then you can get back over to highway one at Paso Robles on highway 46 just south of Cambria.

Another thought would be to drive down on the 101 to Jolan road G18 just north of Bradley which takes you past Fort Hunter Ligget and the Mission San Antonio de Padua another great quiet road, but I am not sure if it puts you south enough past the road closure on highway one. Best of luck, I am sure you will have a lot of fun. LA Rob

Thank you - those are great ideas but we have limited days as is. One year, our group shuttled from Carmel to King City and then rode the back roads to Cambria - very fun but I think I might get lost forever out there!

I’m hoping that our rides to and from the closure points will have very minimal traffic because of the closure.

We were up at Cambria in March and yes the roads were a bit quieter as we drove up to ragged point, not too much traffic once we went past Hearst Castle turn off. So hopefully it will be a bit quieter for you. Yes there are so many back roads up there, it would be easy to get lost for sure. Cheers LA Rob

Are you riding with gravel tires? If yes, take Pedro Mountain Rd, the trailhead starts at Higgins Ways in Pacifica. This will take you up and over the mountain to the McNee Ranch State Park trailhead off Hwy 1. You’ll be able to skip the sketchy sections of Hwy 1 near Devil’s Slide by doing this.

We’ll be on road tires so I’m trying to keep dirt limited. Probably will try the trail on the west side of Hwy 1.