P3X 3D print speedbox + help me with the stem cover?

I have just bought a “new bike”, a cervelo p3x.
Before i bought it, i new that the plastic parts was due to a replacement, and that the parts is hard to get my hands on.
Therfore I tired to lern som 3d modeling. Her is my take on the speedbox. I could not get my head around how to make a snap closer, so i have modelt it to use some magnets i had laying around.
It prints with minimal support.
picture is my atempt, still some small changes is needed.
I have also made an atempt on the stem cover, but I can not get the thicken surface, in onshape to work. Both is laying as a puplic document in onshape. It is not pretty, in the way it is made, but remember it is my first atempt using advanced modeling i onshape.
I hope that someone couldt help, bacause my plan is to put it in thingiverse, so more people could get the benefit of the sharing i love about the maker comunity.


Check out custombikexcessories for some inspiration. They do something similar

Looks very solid for a first attempt

Wow, that would be a huge blessing to all us other riders. That stem cover breaks if you look at it wrong.