P3SL Bottom bracket

I just had to take my bottom bracket out of my 2 month old P3SL after the ralphs sand and rain shower and its a Truativ SLLT and not the FSA Platinum that should have been in there according to the cervelo website. Have I had a sly deal done on me by the bike shop who built the bike or is this what the bike is supposed to be shipped with.
It just seems that a bottom bracket on a 3500 dollar bike should be able to last longer than a few rides???

anyone know the answer?



I am confused, who is your blast pointed at? Cervelo or Truvativ?

I think you can also read the “Specs may change without notice.” at the bottom of the specs. I think it’s around $10 difference in price @ retail, so a very comparable substitute. Had they not swapped the gear, you might be among the many venting about product shortages. Now, if any BB should be toast after 2 months is a different story.


The answer is as follows: We got a batch of 600 FSA bb’s in and found they had play on the axle. It was borderline whether or not they were usable, but I made the decision that we should not. So then came the problem of where to find 600 replacements of the same quality. In the end we got a combination of TruVativ and RaceFace, each of which was more expensive than the FSA Platinum.

Right now we use a combination of the three, due to the supply issue. And the FSA play has been solved by them, so it is not an ongoing issue.

I’m surprised you have an issue with the TruVativ bb, it is pretty bombproof as far as I can tell. If you have a problem, it definitely falls under their warranty, you’re LBS should be able to help you with that.

Thanks for the reply. I cleaned the truativ bracket out as well as I could with some non-abraisive cleaners and there is still a problam. IK suppose thats just part and parcel of riding in the rain with a bike. I have given up with my LBS after the bad service when I got the bike in the first place but thats a different issue. I have ordered the FSA bottom bracket to replace the one I took out so I will watch out for the play issue you mentioned and get the bike back on the road by the weekend.

The origional post isnt supposed to be down grading the bike it just seems that the bottom bracket gave way under some pretty marginal conditions.

I agree with you. you can probably warranty it directly with TruVativ (not 100% sure), that would be worth a try. I haven’t heard about your issue before, so 1 out of 600 or so seems a bit of a fluke.

Ah, I don’t mean to come off as a jerk (but I usually do anyway), but you rode the bike in the rain and the sand (read that again… sand) and you’re still surprised that you have bottom bracket problems?

I’d be surprised if you *didn’t *have bottom bracket problems to some degree after that. That is pretty hard use.

The rain and sand was nearly impossible to miss at Ralph’s even though we would have liked too.

I have heard of a lot of people having bike issues after this race on the forum…water in places they didnt expect and sand as well.

You would think a brand new 2005 bike would hold up a bit better though.

Thanks for the info. By the way the bike is helping me a lot after riding road bike for the past 5 seasons. I am very very happy with the frame and all the other parts as they are what I would expect. I was just posting to se if anyone else had suffered the same problem. Thanks for designing the bike, its making my dream come true so far…

Thanks for the reply. I cleaned the truativ bracket out as well as I could with some non-abraisive cleaners and there is still a problam. IK suppose thats just part and parcel of riding in the rain with a bike. I have given up with my LBS after the bad service when I got the bike in the first place but thats a different issue. I have ordered the FSA bottom bracket to replace the one I took out so I will watch out for the play issue you mentioned and get the bike back on the road by the weekend.

The origional post isnt supposed to be down grading the bike it just seems that the bottom bracket gave way under some pretty marginal conditions.

whoa, riding in the rain is hard use!?! i better tell all the car manufacturers about all their various bearings undergoing some very, very hard use.

no, the original poster has a very good point–a high quality bb should work a lot, lot longer. it looks like this is either a design issue or a fluke. but his point stands.

maybe if they rode the bike UNDERwater, then i can understand the bb failing. but just riding in a little rain? come on, man.

My R2.5 Chorus also had the Truvativ BB…and guess what, it died after about 2 or 3 weeks. Was replaced with an FSA Plat under warranty by the nice guys at Excel Sports. I agree they should last just a “wee” bit longer…