OWS death at Crossfit Games today

I was just reading that one of the athletes, Lazar Dukic, 28, died in the water during an OWS this morning at the opening event of the Crossfit Games in Forth Worth TX. I believe it was a 3.5 mile run followed by an 800m OWS.
Details are still coming out, sounds like staff didn’t really notice him being in difficulty until it was too late.

Wife told me that the stream commentators mentioned it looked like someone was struggling…. Guess they didn’t relay the message on?!? And 800 m ows after a hard 3.5 mile run for athletes that don’t swim much sounds like a horrible idea. CrossFit athletes aren’t really known for pacing so most probably went all out on the run before attempting the swim

Disclaimer: I used to do CrossFit but don’t anymore.

Ah crap. I didn’t see your post before posting.

Here’s a video of him struggling with lifeguards on either side. Sad stuff.


Believe me, those were not lifeguards on those stand up boards. That is the problem with a lot of events including triathlons. They think if they just throw bodies into kayaks or paddle boards, that it is all good. Those citizens have no idea what is happening in front of their faces, real lifeguards would have been there in an instant. Really sorry to see that this totally preventable death could have been otherwise. Hope they have good insurance, gonna need it for this obvious screw up…

Horrible news.

I didn’t even know swimming was part of CrossFit. (I guess it won’t be anymore.)

Sending love to the deceased’s friends and family.

Absolutely agree. It will be interesting to see what their safety protocol was…absolutely no excuse for that.

Believe me, those were not lifeguards on those stand up boards. That is the problem with a lot of events including triathlons. They think if they just throw bodies into kayaks or paddle boards, that it is all good. Those citizens have no idea what is happening in front of their faces, real lifeguards would have been there in an instant. Really sorry to see that this totally preventable death could have been otherwise. Hope they have good insurance, gonna need it for this obvious screw up…

(As you know) The stopping and bobbing is what it looks like when someone is drowning. This is pathetic and sad.

Horrible news.

I didn’t even know swimming was part of CrossFit. (I guess it won’t be anymore.)

Sending love to the deceased’s friends and family.

has been for past 4 games or so. problem is the gyms dont have pools

Ah crap. I didn’t see your post before posting.

Here’s a video of him struggling with lifeguards on either side. Sad stuff.


Yikes. That video is not a good look…so sad, wow thinking of his family and friends in this time.

I’m just astonished that they’d do a swim AFTER a run, my God. And if they did, that they’d brief the safety staff that hey, these people are gunna be tired when they start swimming so be extra alert. Ugh. Terrible terrible terrible. A life was lost today and it just never should have been.

Just looked it up. This athlete got 2nd place in the 3 mile kayak + 1 mile swim with fins in 2021.

That suggests to me the guy wasn’t a novice swimmer.

It’s highly likely, just as in all open water swim competitions, he had some heart issues that initiated the distress.

I’m not excusing the safety staff, but I’m imagining these “lifeguards” are of a similar vein to the typical pool lifeguard who faces down corn pop.

I read elsewhere that someone from the shoreline saw he was in distress and ran in the water to save him. I think he was lost underwater for a bit, but that’s just based on my reading/inferences about the event earlier in the day.

I would not be the least surprised if the kayak had made it over to him before he went under if he still would have died.

Real sad though and a learning leasing for everyone involved and watching.


Oh my. It’s even worse than I assumed, he actually was under for some time… 60 minutes. People tried to help and were turned away because no one saw him go under except the crowd? This is serious event malpractice. Not your “typical” swim death.

They let the guy go down and didn’t pull him up until an hour later?!?

F$Wking horrific to watch someone drown and die needlessly in front of “water safety” personnel.
I hope Roka drop their sponsorship and Lazir’s family sue the crap out of CrossFit.

Why are we swimming in boiling water after a run? I see a lot of blaming of safety personnel which, sure, but the format makes no sense to me. Run 3.5 miles in the heat, get your HR going crazy, then jump into 90 degree water. It’s so much easier to help struggling athletes on land. I don’t think this happens if the swim comes first.

According to this article (https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/sports/ap-a-competitor-in-the-crossfit-games-has-died-during-a-swimming-event-at-a-texas-lake/) Dukic was a water polo player, so (if true) he was definitely a good swimmer.

Most of the articles I’ve seen say he was a very good athlete and was commonly in the top 5/10 in Crossfit competitions.

It’s sad that no one was able to help him, especially since there were people who competitors thought were there to help them (at least that’s what I think when I compete). As a Red Cross lifeguard, I don’t really expect paddleboarders and kayakers to be lifeguards, but I do expect them to come to my aid if necessary.

He was so close to the shore… and several in the crowd could see he was in trouble. I read where at least one spectator entered the water to try to help him.

What caused the distress, and whether he could have be saved if someone would have reacted in time, is irrelevant IMHO. Attempting to provide help should have occurred and I can’t see any reason for it not to have occurred.

I did a race about a month ago in Penticton where the race leader passed out in front of me on the run due to the heat and under-hydrating. We were just on a trail and he was able to get medical attention but if that happens on the swim it’s a different story.