Over $3000 in cash & Prizes at Peterborough TT

Over $3000.00 of cash & prizes for TT
We have assembled over $3000.00 worth of cash and prizes for the Peterborough/Douro TT on July 30th. We have prizes for the oldest entrant, the slowest finisher and a bazillion categories.
This is a chip times event and aimed at both fast and slow riders. We have many junir categories as well.
Check out: http://www.peterboroughcc.com/ for details
On-line registration at: http://www.onlineregistrations.ca/pcc/

"We have prizes for the oldest entrant, the slowest "

So maybe I’ve got a chance.:slight_smile:

See you there. I’m the guy riding the Cervelo.


What’s the difference between master’s and senior’s class? I don’t have an OCA license.

If you are over 30 you can either race in the appropriate Master class (A 30-39, B 40-49 or C 50+) or you can race in Senior III against the younger ones. Most older dudes race in the Masters. In order to race Senior I or II you would have to get a license and collect points etc.

One day licenses will be available at the event.
