OT: Poctet PC vs. Laptop

I’m considering purchasing a pocket PC over a traditional laptop/notebook this summer. Anyone out there wrestle with the same decision and what swayed you to one side? My wife and I currently share a 2 year old Compaq notebook w/ Centrino and love it.

Dave in VA

What do you plan to do with it? A pocketPC is good for managing contacts and schedules, occasional email and web browsing. It’s not something you’re going to sit down and do your taxes on, or develop large spreadsheets, etc. Even the new VGA resolution ones are a pain to browse most internet sites for any extended period of time, and the lower resolutions ones have you scrolling all over the place to see any content.

I considered a PocketPC as a second machine for checking email around the house. I ended up going with a 12" (Dell 700m) laptop instead. Much more functional for what I was looking to do, and not that much more expensive than the nicer PocketPCs.

I concur. I got a pocket PC/cell phone recently and love it but wouldn’t replace my notebook with it. The pocket PC is good for out of office contact and the notebook is irreplaceable in the home/office. I like the pocket pc rather than a regular cell phone because it allows me access to my contacts, calendar, notes, etc., while I’m on the phone. Later when I’m at home, I hook the two up and they syncronize. I don’t use the internet access that much but it has come in handy a couple of times. I may have my work email/internet hooked up to it soon but that’s not my decision.

Really depends on what your needs are but get a tablet. Does everything that a notebook can do with way less weight. Integrated wireless, expandable, etc. Hand & speech recognition, and more. When I whip it out, everyone wants to try it. :wink: I’ve gone through my share of iPaqs and jornadas. No more. I have one with more juice than this one but take a look:


I have email and www access anywhere I go.
I’m sure to drop back while riding though. :wink:
Laptops/WiFi are a PITA although it’s very easy to war drive a free connection in ANY city.

Cool, thanks. I had no idea that they could be that expensive. This does look like a possible laptop replacement.

Dave in VA

Check this puppy out. It’s not available yet and will be way out of my price range but should be the next big thing. Runs regular software not the dumbed down versions.
