Osymetric and fit

i have recently installed Osymetric chain rings and wanted to fi d out if this will affect my fit. I feel a little pain in my knee during a workout that was not here before. should i try to get a tweak or maybe its just a transition period and the pain will disappear. thanx for any advice in advance .

no pushing a bigger gear thru the power phase. more pressure on knees than before.
rings do not affect fit coordinates.

That makes sense , but apparently studies have shown that osymetric rings will have around 15% less stress on knees than regular ones . That’s confusing

thru the back side (partial reduction of the dead spot) less stress but now pushing more teeth thru the power phase

They won’t affect your fit but their effectiveness is dependent upon the fit. If you sit further aft or forward of how the rings were made, you won’t see the full benefit of the ring’s ovalization. This is where Rotor Q-Rings shine–they are adjustable based on your fit. Osymmetric from what I understand, are not.

Here in France we have a lot of cyclists with O’Sym and most of them need to be 2 to 5 mm higher on the saddle with the O’Sym (if they were at the good position before of course).
And they must think to keep a good RPM.

Osymmetric chain rings require a different muscle activation pattern. Chances are likely that your glute(s) aren’t activating and instead, you’re using the quads to do most of the work. You might need a slightly shorter crank length to let the knee recover and practice your glute activation, but once you’re consistent, you should be able to go back to the original crank with no issues.
