Oregon 70.3 start list and broadcast

Does anyone have the link for the start list of Oregon 70.3 pros.
Also will the race be broadcast.


No broadcast. Here is the pro start list from Ironman. It’s not updated as I know Eric and Paula aren’t racing.

No broadcast. Here is the pro start list from Ironman. It’s not updated as I know Eric and Paula aren’t racing.

why did Paula and Eric drop out?

Eric is focusing on Xterra races. Not sure about Paula, but probably focusing on PTO prep.

I am at run aid station 1. Lionel, Trevor and Martin just ran by looking great. Should.be a fun battle on the run.

Thanks for the update Martin is new to me, what is his background? He’s having a bar burner of a race.

Another day at the job for Lionel, easy win.

Is there a place where you can see who has won the most IM/70.3?

Another day at the job for Lionel, easy win.

Is there a place where you can see who has won the most IM/70.3?
It is Lionel for sure…I think this makes around 30, 70.3 wins.
I look forward to his post race video.

Another day at the job for Lionel, easy win.

Is there a place where you can see who has won the most IM/70.3?
It is Lionel for sure…I think this makes around 30, 70.3 wins.
I look forward to his post race video.

His website says 31 guess 32 now. Even if 5 of those are challenge etc. He still got it. Not much credit given for that.

Andy Potts website says 30 70.3 wins so if both numbers are correct Lionel would have only recently passed that.

I believe this race has now passed Augusta as the fastest “downhill” swim. I know in some venues they make the swim longer to be more closer to the time in water, I guess this didn’t do that.

16:13 Mark Dubrick leading swim
LS 22nd ~1:40 back

I always get a kick out of swim splits when they are faster than the ITU time splits when they swim 1.5km. Again I get it, some venues you can’t really just “add on” as easily if there is no entrance or dock.

Good for the new dad club to get a W.

I believe this race has now passed Augusta as the fastest “downhill” swim. I know in some venues they make the swim longer to be more closer to the time in water, I guess this didn’t do that.

16:13 Mark Dubrick leading swim
LS 22nd ~1:40 back

I always get a kick out of swim splits when they are faster than the ITU time splits when they swim 1.5km. Again I get it, some venues you can’t really just “add on” as easily if there is no entrance or dock.

Good for the new dad club to get a W.

Swim upstream then down

They’ve tried that in past at other venues, and the issue becomes an safety issue. If people are going that fast downstream, imagine how much of a struggle they’ll have swimming into that current.

Hell I believe it was a few years back at Chattanooga, they did a course change in the swim basically on the fly. They stopped sending people upstream as the pros were having difficulty with it.

Swim upstream then down

I had an athlete who had a top 15 overall swim time today hold 2:58-3:02 /100m upstream yesterday and :held :58 downstream yesterday.

Going upstream is not an option there unless, of course, you want a near 100% DNF rate.

I believe this race has now passed Augusta as the fastest “downhill” swim. I know in some venues they make the swim longer to be more closer to the time in water, I guess this didn’t do that.

16:13 Mark Dubrick leading swim
LS 22nd ~1:40 back

I always get a kick out of swim splits when they are faster than the ITU time splits when they swim 1.5km. Again I get it, some venues you can’t really just “add on” as easily if there is no entrance or dock.

Good for the new dad club to get a W.

Swim upstream then down

Current in Salem is too strong. It’s almost unnerving in some areas where you have 0 control.

I does seem possible to make the swim longer there by just going further upstream, but at that point you’re just debating over how long you want the current to carry you.

It’s a fast swim, but it’s by no means challenge-free.

I believe this race has now passed Augusta as the fastest “downhill” swim. I know in some venues they make the swim longer to be more closer to the time in water, I guess this didn’t do that.

16:13 Mark Dubrick leading swim
LS 22nd ~1:40 back

I always get a kick out of swim splits when they are faster than the ITU time splits when they swim 1.5km. Again I get it, some venues you can’t really just “add on” as easily if there is no entrance or dock.

Good for the new dad club to get a W.

Lmao. Its not even close. Oregon is borderline white water. Nothing compares and its a big asterisk imo. The results aren’t real.

I believe this race has now passed Augusta as the fastest “downhill” swim. I know in some venues they make the swim longer to be more closer to the time in water, I guess this didn’t do that.

16:13 Mark Dubrick leading swim
LS 22nd ~1:40 back

I always get a kick out of swim splits when they are faster than the ITU time splits when they swim 1.5km. Again I get it, some venues you can’t really just “add on” as easily if there is no entrance or dock.

Good for the new dad club to get a W.

Lmao. Its not even close. Oregon is borderline white water. Nothing compares and its a big asterisk imo. The results aren’t real.

The results are real, just the paces are not comparable to other venues.

I think we now see this as a race selected by novice swimmers and avoided by top swimmers. No advantage to gain in the water.

Not worth it being a pro race, will get a bad draw and it will sell out every year with or without a pro race.

If only new dads, Lionel and Skipper on the other coast,weren’t so sleep deprived they could have done so much better.

I know some top swimmers who did choose this race, really scratching my head on that

Current in Salem is too strong. It’s almost unnerving in some areas where you have 0 control.

I does seem possible to make the swim longer there by just going further upstream, but at that point you’re just debating over how long you want the current to carry you.

It’s a fast swim, but it’s by no means challenge-free.

With dam control and the river gradient there is a limit to navigable stretches. There’s an easy access spot further upstream with easy trail access. But you end up having to walk a hundred yards of gravel to get thru there. It reminds me a bit of the old Vineman course in the Russian River where most years absolutely included some walking.

Overall still a great venue. It is nice to have a community that welcomes triathlon.