when doing double workouts, do you guys/gals always order them as they are in a race? any reason not to mix them up? i have heard the mantra of “specificity” from some highly respected sources, but practicality as to weigh in as well. i am trying to increase volume in all disciplines. the problem is that i live in az and the uber hot weather is approaching. early morning runs will soon be the only viable option in order to avoid the heat. any issues with ordering things like run/swim or bike/swim? anything i need to look out for?
Provided you are not doing all of your bricks in that order, I think it’s okay. It’s good to change things up a bit, anyway. Just be careful that you are not so tired from your run/bike that your form goes to hell in the swim. You will have to be vigilant in maintaining good form in the water. Hey, that’s race specific if you ask me, toward the end of longer race swims, I really find that my form goes crazy if I don’t focus on it. SO this could be good training. Just make sure you are getting some good race-specific bricks in there as well.
I generally try to do my hard/long bikes before my hard/long runs. Running really pounds the legs, and it’s hard to get a quality bike in even the day after a hard/long run.
i was told to do most of your run sessions when fresh as running is so relient on keeping good form to avoid injury etc. The sport science guy i spoke to said if you are constantly running when tired your technique will suffer and there is little value in this. I was also told that swimming is the same. Though of course he stressed the point that you need some session where you run straight off the bike to get use to that feeling.
if your running track workouts when your tired you’ll not be able to reach your full speed nor last as long. In college xc we never ran 2x day on speedwork days.
I try to always do my most improtant/hardest/fastest workout first then fill in the rest.
if by double workouts you mean bricks then yes, bricks IMO should always be race-specific (e.g., B/R, S/B, S/B/R, or multi-bricks like B/R/B/R). If by double workouts you mean 2-or-more-a-days then IMO the main consideration should be get your key workout done first. I dont think race-order-specificity is an issue in scheduling 2-a-days, i.e., doesnt matter that swim will be a second workout. For me at least I generally don’t do 2-a-days on my long run or long bike days, unless its a quick (<30min) run off the bike. What I’ll do alot is have bike/run focus weeks where i’ll only swim 2-3x / week and this will be a second workout during lunch or after work after a morning CT ride or moderate or hills run. Making swim the second daily workout fits with my training goals and limiters (swim needs work but I think most time gains can come on bike and run) and importantly it works with my time constraints (pool close to work, can change & shower there etc.). I also think it makes a good second workout because it is for me less stressful on my body, which is good as I am more tired than I would be in the am. Make sure to build volume gradually blah blah…
I’m starting my 20th season of tris right now, and here is my advice. Although the race is done swim-bike-run, try to order your training over the typical day as
run first, bike later, swim last.
Basically from the most weight bearing and pounding sport to the least weight bearing. Here is my reasoning. You run best on fresh legs. Running is a sport that you MUST do with good technique. If you run with poor technique you WILL get injured eventually. Run with poor technique on fried legs from riding and you will add to the chances.
You can ride on legs fried from running without injuring yourself. You’ll lose some top end, but you won’t get hurt.
Finally, swim as you last workout of the day. The cool icing effect of the water will help you recover and get ready for the next day.
OK, you still need to do some tri specific training, so once every three weeks, ensure you do bike-run bricks. A good way of practicing swim-bike transitions is ride to the pool for your swim workout and then ride home.
Running on fried legs either as the second workout of the day or doing long runs on Sunday after long Sat rides have their place. But they are high stakes poker with your body parts. Do them sometimes and sparingly. I see way too many clueless coaches and self coached folks doing week in and week out 100 mile rides on Sat and then 20 mile runs on Sunday, or riding a hard 2 hours in the morning and then going to the track after work on totally sore tight and useless legs. Don’t do this.
Here is my sample “low injury training format”
Mon: Swim
Tue: easy 30 min warmup ride, morning Run 60-90 min with track intervals. Ride home easy 30 min for transportation and shake out legs
Wed: Morning Ride 90K hard group
Thu: :easy 30 min warmpup ride, morning Run hills 60-90 min, swim at lunch
Fri: Rest
Sat: :Run long (2 hours for half Ironman, 2-3 hours for ironman), easy swim if I can get to a pool, or on race/brick weeks some light stuff in each sport
Sun: Ride long (3-4 hours for half, 4-6 for Ironman) or race or brick every third week
I’d like a 10 x 200 swim workout, to go please. No, that’s it … and I have a coupon. OK, thank you.