Has anyone with a bad prescription ordered prescription sunglasses with a decent wrap for cycling and running? I’m a -4 in one eye and -4.5 in another eye. For my prescription every day glasses, I get a base curve of 3.00. I think I should be able to tolerate a 6.00 (but not an 8.00) so I can get a decent wrap. I’ve tried emailing and talking to Rudy Project but they are very unresponsive. Has anyone specifically tried Riley X? I have spoken with them over the phone and they are very helpful. Oakley can not do my prescription.
I was also just outside of Oakleys RX range for jawbones but Bret from sportsoptical in Denver was able to make me a great set of Jawbone lenses (actually I ended up getting both clear and dark set).
If nothing else I would call Bret and see what he recommends for you.
Good luck,
Here’s a review from 08 about his work:
-4 isn’t THAT bad a prescription. I’m about that and I’ve never had a problem getting Rudys. Yeah, there are some Oakleys and Adidas glasses that only go up to a -3 or so. I got mine from sportrx in LA, they were great to deal with. There are several Rudy and Oakley options they have that have a decent wrap and with pretty high RX numbers. And that’s for the “in-frame” type. If you are OK w/ the clip-in/insert options, you can pretty much get any RX you need.
I was also just outside of Oakleys RX range for jawbones but Bret from sportsoptical in Denver was able to make me a great set of Jawbone lenses (actually I ended up getting both clear and dark set).
If nothing else I would call Bret and see what he recommends for you.
Good luck,
Here’s a review from 08 about his work:
Besides having a bad prescription, I have another issue: I can only tolerate a base curve of +3.00. That, along with my prescription, really limits my choices. I spoke with Bret. He told me he has ways to compensate for the base curve issue. So, he can put me in glasses with quite a bit of wrap. No one else seems to be able to do what he can do. I placed my order with him yesterday.
Smith Pivlock Rx
I love mine and NO there are no lines running down the lenses.
No frame, large lenses, interchangeable and very easy. They pivot up to release or pivot down to snap on.
Bad is all relative. I’m at -10.75 in my bad eye and -10.25 in the good one. I haven;'t seen -4 since i was in high school.
Can you wear contacts? I cant stand wearing my eye glasses for even for small amounts of time. I couldn’t imagine having to wear them thru the whole race. With vision that bad you must have prescription goggles, what do you do from the water to the transititon?
I wear contacts but they are pretty harsh,
I wear mainly for training racing. But the Smith Pivlocks are nice for days with contacts or put in Rx adapter lens If I don’t want contacts.
I have a pretty bad stigmatism.
you can try giving our operators at FramesDirect a call. they can enter your RX and give you a list of options that will work.
You can also always get regular eyeglass frames with a tinted sunglass lens. Our search tools may help you find some eyeglass frames that are a good shape for sports. link in sig.
you can try giving our operators at FramesDirect a call. they can enter your RX and give you a list of options that will work.
You can also always get regular eyeglass frames with a tinted sunglass lens. Our search tools may help you find some eyeglass frames that are a good shape for sports. link in sig.
Thank you. I contacted them a couple days ago. They were very helpful. I wanted to get something was a wrap, ideally. That is what sportsoptical.com can do, even with my base curve requirements.
Smith Pivlock Rx
I love mine and NO there are no lines running down the lenses.
No frame, large lenses, interchangeable and very easy. They pivot up to release or pivot down to snap on.
Those are probably a base curve of 8.
oops, just realized you were the same guy =)
you can try giving our operators at FramesDirect a call. they can enter your RX and give you a list of options that will work.
You can also always get regular eyeglass frames with a tinted sunglass lens. Our search tools may help you find some eyeglass frames that are a good shape for sports. link in sig.
Thank you. I contacted them a couple days ago. They were very helpful. I wanted to get something was a wrap, ideally. That is what sportsoptical.com can do, even with my base curve requirements.
oops, just realized you were the same guy =)
you can try giving our operators at FramesDirect a call. they can enter your RX and give you a list of options that will work.
You can also always get regular eyeglass frames with a tinted sunglass lens. Our search tools may help you find some eyeglass frames that are a good shape for sports. link in sig.
Thank you. I contacted them a couple days ago. They were very helpful. I wanted to get something was a wrap, ideally. That is what sportsoptical.com can do, even with my base curve requirements.
No problem. SportsOptical.Com are the only folks who do what they do (or at least claim to). Hopefully it will work out since they ain’t cheap.
Can you wear contacts? I cant stand wearing my eye glasses for even for small amounts of time. I couldn’t imagine having to wear them thru the whole race. With vision that bad you must have prescription goggles, what do you do from the water to the transititon?
In my case, I wear prescription goggles and keep them on until I get to my bike.
If I had the money and if I were not so squeamish, I would get LASIK in a heartbeat. 30 years of wearing glasses (and many pairs since I started) wears on me.
Bret at Sports Optical was the right choice. My Rx is the opposite direction of yours and outside of the Oakly parameters, I’ve had several sets of glasses and lense from him for the whole family and he does a great job. When compared to Oakly or Rudy direct, his prices are quite reasonable and he usually give returning customers a 20% discount, so that is good for future needs.
Bret at Sports Optical was the right choice. My Rx is the opposite direction of yours and outside of the Oakly parameters, I’ve had several sets of glasses and lense from him for the whole family and he does a great job. When compared to Oakly or Rudy direct, his prices are quite reasonable and he usually give returning customers a 20% discount, so that is good for future needs.
Yeah, he seems great. It’s very nice to be able to speak with someone who really knows their stuff. My triathlon team has a 40% discount with Rudy Project, including their prescription stuff. But their customer service is so bad that I could not place an order with them directly.
SportsOptical.Com are the only folks who do what they do (or at least claim to). Hopefully it will work out since they ain’t cheap.
Bret @ Sports Optical. They CAN do it.
I have Oakleys with -7 and -7.5, from
Heavyglare can do some things with strong prescriptions that Oakley can’t or won’t.
Otherwise any of the sunglasses with prescription adapters will work. Performance Bike will do it cheaply. I don’t much like them since now there are four lenses instead of two, to fog/scratch/etc, but it’s still better than no sunglasses.
I have Oakleys with -7 and -7.5, from
Heavyglare can do some things with strong prescriptions that Oakley can’t or won’t.
Otherwise any of the sunglasses with prescription adapters will work. Performance Bike will do it cheaply. I don’t much like them since now there are four lenses instead of two, to fog/scratch/etc, but it’s still better than no sunglasses.
I have not heard of heavyglare.com before. I just called them. As you pointed out, the interesting thing that can do - which others can not - is make strong prescription lenses with a strong wrap. They told me they do this through the technology they use to make lenses. What they can not do is compensate for base curve issues like SportsOptical.com can.
I had sported.com do my inserts & bought Rudy’s to put them in. I’ll post my rx and the models tonight.