Orbea Ordu vs Specialized Shiv (1)


If to be honest, I am interested in bike for self-supported transcontinental bikepacking tour (last year successfully completed 9000km on a road bike, but for future want TT)
From neighbor theme , I made the conclusion that it is possible to ride everyday on TT for long distances and feel comfortable - need a good bikefit they say

Please tell Your opinion, which of these 2 bikes is more comfortable and feel more relaxed?

2019 Shiv


2021 Ordu

I would suggest a gravel bike.

I’d stick with the roadie with clipons.

Of the two, it’s going to depend on fit/sizing, but I’d tend toward the Ordu. The Shiv is very low; the issue being having a comfortable basebar position for climbing, cornering, poor surfaces, etc. Pure TT bikes tend to be designed for a basebar position equivalent to deep drops (makes sense for a 45min. TT, less so for bikepacking).

If this is as upright as you can get on the bike…

Titanflexr thanks for answer,
Orbea looks even lower than Shiv
Yes Orbea can flip the bar but even after this i think bar still will be lower…

