Options instead of Tribike?

I never used tribike or anything in the past but I am looking at doing a race in south america and I’d like to travel a bit without the hassle of my bike and maybe some other race gear.

Unfortunately it doesnt look like UPS or Fedex work down there, so I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with other shipping companies?

BikeFlights seems like the most reputable but no service in SA

Sendmybag seems decent
Movehub seems a little sketchy?
Secureship seems decent too

If anyone has any experience with these or have other suggestions it would be really appreciated.

For context I’d be shipping it back to canada!

Bring it on the plane.

Just buy a bike bag and fly with it. It depends on the airline for baggage costs but we fly with my
Wife’s bike 10-20 times a year. Never had an issue.

I appreciate that but maybe I wasn’t clear.

I’ve flown with my bike ~20 times I have no problems with that what I am askin about.

-Fly with bike on airplane to race to SA
-I want to do a multiday hike/camping/etc. post race before flying home. Hiking up a mountain with a bike doesnt make sense. And I can’t really think of a reasonable place to store a bike abroad (if you have recommendations that would be awesome). So I am looking into a way to ship my bike home.


I appreciate that but maybe I wasn’t clear.

I’ve flown with my bike ~20 times I have no problems with that what I am askin about.

-Fly with bike on airplane to race to SA
-I want to do a multiday hike/camping/etc. post race before flying home. Hiking up a mountain with a bike doesnt make sense. And I can’t really think of a reasonable place to store a bike abroad (if you have recommendations that would be awesome). So I am looking into a way to ship my bike home.


Shipping your bike internationally is just going to be obnoxiously expensive.

Your point about finding a place to temporarily store your bike needs to be your focus. Maybe the hotel you were staying at or at the airport? No offense to all the fine countries in South America but I’m not sure I’d trust most places to store my expensive bike.

Leave the bike in your hotel room.