Online Running Community

I am looking for an online running community that provides professional feedback on running form from a coach similar to what Effortless Swimming provides for swimming.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Thanks for your suggestions. I am going to check them out.

Check out It has both professional feedback from coaches and community based.


Letsrun is a bunch of basement trolls who pretend to be professional coaches LOL

At a glance their credentials (olympics, nationals, podcasting, etc.) seem similar to that swim coaching website, but it says you can email them too to see if they are a good fit.

What about just ask on Slowtwitch? Plenty of smart people on here. Why would you come on ST just to ask why you want to go elsewhere. Is that not like showing up at a pub and asking people which is the best pub to go to when you have the answer staring you in the face?

Is that not like showing up at a pub and asking people which is the best pub to go to …???

“No one goes there anymore … it’s too crowded” - Yogi Berra