One in 5 Mail-in voters in 2020 admit cheating in recent poll


20% of likely voters admit they filled out a ballot for another person.

17% admit voting in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident.

Stop quoting Rasmussen. Holy fuck.

Although Rasmussen skews heavily toward talking to Trumpers so maybe they are on to something here…


20% of likely voters admit they filled out a ballot for another person.

17% admit voting in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident.

It’s not 20% of likely voters, it’s 20% of the 30% that chose to answer that question. Rasmussen is lying to you.


20% of likely voters admit they filled out a ballot for another person.

17% admit voting in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident.

It’s not 20% of likely voters, it’s 20% of the 30% that chose to answer that question. Rasmussen is lying to you.

What was the question?

Stop quoting Rasmussen. Holy fuck.

Although Rasmussen skews heavily toward talking to Trumpers so maybe they are on to something here…

It says that it was also done in conjunction with The Heartland Institute. I’d never heard of them so looked to see what Wikipedia has to say:

“The Heartland Institute is an American conservative and libertarian public policy think tank known for its rejection of both the scientific consensus on climate change and the negative health impacts of smoking”

So they sound pretty legit. /s

Stop quoting Rasmussen. Holy fuck.

Although Rasmussen skews heavily toward talking to Trumpers so maybe they are on to something here…

It says that it was also done in conjunction with The Heartland Institute. I’d never heard of them so looked to see what Wikipedia has to say:

“The Heartland Institute is an American conservative and libertarian public policy think tank known for its rejection of both the scientific consensus on climate change and the negative health impacts of smoking”

So they sound pretty legit. /s

The real story here is that Trumpers are likely to say that they fraudulently voted via mail because that’s what they want the survey to say.

Stop quoting Rasmussen. Holy fuck.

Although Rasmussen skews heavily toward talking to Trumpers so maybe they are on to something here…

It says that it was also done in conjunction with The Heartland Institute. I’d never heard of them so looked to see what Wikipedia has to say:

“The Heartland Institute is an American conservative and libertarian public policy think tank known for its rejection of both the scientific consensus on climate change and the negative health impacts of smoking”

So they sound pretty legit. /s

The real story here is that Trumpers are likely to say that they fraudulently voted via mail because that’s what they want the survey to say.

It would be nice to see Trumpers actually concerned about evidence for their claims, for a change.


20% of likely voters admit they filled out a ballot for another person.

17% admit voting in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident.

It’s not 20% of likely voters, it’s 20% of the 30% that chose to answer that question. Rasmussen is lying to you.

What was the question?

Answered by the 30% of respondents who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot: During the 2020 election, did a friend or family member fill out your ballot, in part or in full, on your behalf?

I didn’t even notice they were only looking at the mail-in voters. If you assume 50% mail-in, that’s 21% of 30% of 50%. That’s 3% of voters. Also consider there is a segment of the population that has an interest in showing absentee ballots are fraudulent and helping someone with a ballot isn’t, “cheating”.

Two minutes of Google research shows this is the nothingest of nothingburgers.


20% of likely voters admit they filled out a ballot for another person.

17% admit voting in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident.

It’s not 20% of likely voters, it’s 20% of the 30% that chose to answer that question. Rasmussen is lying to you.

What was the question?

Answered by the 30% of respondents who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot: During the 2020 election, did a friend or family member fill out your ballot, in part or in full, on your behalf?

I didn’t even notice they were only looking at the mail-in voters. If you assume 50% mail-in, that’s 21% of 30% of 50%. That’s 3% of voters. Also consider there is a segment of the population that has an interest in showing absentee ballots are fraudulent and helping someone with a ballot isn’t, “cheating”.

Two minutes of Google research shows this is the nothingest of nothingburgers.

Not to mention if the person knows that someone helped them fill it out that they must know what was filled out on it.

I’m sure there’s a lot of this going on:

“Honey, I’m filling in my mail in ballot. Do you want me to do yours too?”

“Oh thanks, Honey. That’d be great. Just fill in Rs/Ds down the ticket for me.”

“Ok, will do”

“Hi, this Kirk from Rasmussen polling, can I ask if you had someone else fill in your mail-in ballot in 2020?”

“Sure, my wife filled it in for me”


20% of likely voters admit they filled out a ballot for another person.

17% admit voting in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident.

It’s not 20% of likely voters, it’s 20% of the 30% that chose to answer that question. Rasmussen is lying to you.

What was the question?

Answered by the 30% of respondents who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot: During the 2020 election, did a friend or family member fill out your ballot, in part or in full, on your behalf?

I didn’t even notice they were only looking at the mail-in voters. If you assume 50% mail-in, that’s 21% of 30% of 50%. That’s 3% of voters. Also consider there is a segment of the population that has an interest in showing absentee ballots are fraudulent and helping someone with a ballot isn’t, “cheating”.

Two minutes of Google research shows this is the nothingest of nothingburgers.

Not to mention a yes answer to the question doesn’t even imply wrong doing. There are probably tons of elderly voters out there who have someone else fill out the ballot for them because they can’t or it’s just difficult for them to do so.


20% of likely voters admit they filled out a ballot for another person.

17% admit voting in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident.

It’s not 20% of likely voters, it’s 20% of the 30% that chose to answer that question. Rasmussen is lying to you.

What was the question?

Answered by the 30% of respondents who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot: During the 2020 election, did a friend or family member fill out your ballot, in part or in full, on your behalf?

I didn’t even notice they were only looking at the mail-in voters. If you assume 50% mail-in, that’s 21% of 30% of 50%. That’s 3% of voters. Also consider there is a segment of the population that has an interest in showing absentee ballots are fraudulent and helping someone with a ballot isn’t, “cheating”.

Two minutes of Google research shows this is the nothingest of nothingburgers.

Not to mention if the person knows that someone helped them fill it out that they must know what was filled out on it.

according to the US census :
“In 2020, 43% of voters cast ballots by mail”
so if 20% of those were some sort of situation as descried then of the total percentage then 8% fell into the category “admit cheating” what ever that is defined as. In otehr words 92% of ballots cast were not this category.

I’m sure there’s a lot of this going on:

“Honey, I’m filling in my mail in ballot. Do you want me to do yours too?”

“Oh thanks, Honey. That’d be great. Just fill in Rs/Ds down the ticket for me.”

“Ok, will do”

“Hi, this Kirk from Rasmussen polling, can I ask if you had someone else fill in your mail-in ballot in 2020?”

“Sure, my wife filled it in for me”

Or, “hey put a stamp on this for me”.
Or “I’m blind, fill in these bubbles”.
Or “My hand tremors are bad today”. My father in law had that kind of help in 2020.

or “Ballot Harvesting”. I ballot harvested in 2020, I dropped off both our ballots in the mail box by my office

Rassmussen reports? The grifters that are so bad even Fox stopped using them?

Daily Poll Watch: Rasmussen polls are so biased that even Fox News has shunned them (

“My advice would be simply to disregard the Rasmussen Reports poll, and to view their work with extreme skepticism going forward.”
-Nate Silver

The Hartland institute? The group with a long, deplorable, history of pushing deliberate misinformation?

Heartland Institute - Wikipedia

I don’t know Pat, smells like bullshit to me. Do you really believe The Big Lie?


20% of likely voters admit they filled out a ballot for another person.

17% admit voting in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident.

It’s not 20% of likely voters, it’s 20% of the 30% that chose to answer that question. Rasmussen is lying to you.

What was the question?

Answered by the 30% of respondents who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot: During the 2020 election, did a friend or family member fill out your ballot, in part or in full, on your behalf?

I didn’t even notice they were only looking at the mail-in voters. If you assume 50% mail-in, that’s 21% of 30% of 50%. That’s 3% of voters. Also consider there is a segment of the population that has an interest in showing absentee ballots are fraudulent and helping someone with a ballot isn’t, “cheating”.

Two minutes of Google research shows this is the nothingest of nothingburgers.

Not to mention if the person knows that someone helped them fill it out that they must know what was filled out on it.

according to the US census :
“In 2020, 43% of voters cast ballots by mail”
so if 20% of those were some sort of situation as descried then of the total percentage then 8% fell into the category “admit cheating” what ever that is defined as. In otehr words 92% of ballots cast were not this category.

You’re 8% is too high, you’re missing that 70% of the respondents didn’t answer the question.

I can see why the true believers think this place is a left wing circle jerk. These talking points get brought here and fall apart under the most basic scrutiny. Rarely do they ever result in a mea culpa.

I’m still waiting for a definition of, “record year over year” inflation.


20% of likely voters admit they filled out a ballot for another person.

17% admit voting in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident.

It’s not 20% of likely voters, it’s 20% of the 30% that chose to answer that question. Rasmussen is lying to you.

What was the question?

Answered by the 30% of respondents who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot: During the 2020 election, did a friend or family member fill out your ballot, in part or in full, on your behalf?

I didn’t even notice they were only looking at the mail-in voters. If you assume 50% mail-in, that’s 21% of 30% of 50%. That’s 3% of voters. Also consider there is a segment of the population that has an interest in showing absentee ballots are fraudulent and helping someone with a ballot isn’t, “cheating”.

Two minutes of Google research shows this is the nothingest of nothingburgers.

Not to mention if the person knows that someone helped them fill it out that they must know what was filled out on it.

according to the US census :
“In 2020, 43% of voters cast ballots by mail”
so if 20% of those were some sort of situation as descried then of the total percentage then 8% fell into the category “admit cheating” what ever that is defined as. In otehr words 92% of ballots cast were not this category.

You’re 8% is too high, you’re missing that 70% of the respondents didn’t answer the question.

I can see why the true believers think this place is a left wing circle jerk. These talking points get brought here and fall apart under the most basic scrutiny. Rarely do they ever result in a mea culpa.

I’m still waiting for a definition of, “record year over year” inflation.
maybe 8% is high, still it is not that significant, and I agree it may be high but is the “upper bound”. If 70% did not answer the question then that makes the survey less than reliable and the confidence interval for the 1 in 5 may be 0 in 5 or 1 in 20 who knows. In the end this whole thing is really a “nothing burger” and just one more way to give MAGA something to talk about. I do agree it is insignificant and if “cheating” did occur I doubt it was for only one party. In the end it was likely a wash.

. In the end this whole thing is really a “nothing burger” and just one more way to give MAGA something to talk about.

Yeah, it makes no sense. ~160M ballots were cast in the 2020 General. Around ~65M were mail-in. Using 20% of that, you’d have around 13 million illegal ballots where someone filled it out for another person. For “cheating” I think we’re talking about filling it out for another person who doesn’t know what you’re doing. So of those 32M there’d be at least thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of people who decided to fill out their own ballot or vote in person, and they’d set off alarms for two votes for one registered voter. But you know what we didn’t hear about in all the intensive scrutiny of the 2020 election? Very many attempts at double voting at all .

The only way it’d work is if the voting-for-other person scheme was so crafty that 99.9% or something of the cheat ballots were cast only for people who never intended to register to vote, vote, or use a vote-validation system. And such precision would be nearly impossible to pull off. How do you know that the person who never participated in an election in the past won’t suddenly decide to register and then be confused when told that they’re already registered, and, in fact, had already mailed in their vote. If a very small percentage of that ~13M did that, it’d be noticeable.

Doesn’t pass the sniff test. One of those intensive audits would surely have revealed evidence.

It’s more likely that despite “mail-in voting” being a non-issue prior to ~2020, because a certain cult decided it’s an issue, it must be an issue, and will continue to be an issue, facts be damned.

They don’t mail ballots to people who are not registered to vote. Or allow counting of them if somehow got one- but I’m not sure how they could get one - since they only mail them to registered voters.

. In the end this whole thing is really a “nothing burger” and just one more way to give MAGA something to talk about.

Yeah, it makes no sense. ~160M ballots were cast in the 2020 General. Around ~65M were mail-in. Using 20% of that, you’d have around 13 million illegal ballots where someone filled it out for another person. For “cheating” I think we’re talking about filling it out for another person who doesn’t know what you’re doing. So of those 32M there’d be at least thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of people who decided to fill out their own ballot or vote in person, and they’d set off alarms for two votes for one registered voter. But you know what we didn’t hear about in all the intensive scrutiny of the 2020 election? Very many attempts at double voting at all .

The only way it’d work is if the voting-for-other person scheme was so crafty that 99.9% or something of the cheat ballots were cast only for people who never intended to register to vote, vote, or use a vote-validation system. And such precision would be nearly impossible to pull off. How do you know that the person who never participated in an election in the past won’t suddenly decide to register and then be confused when told that they’re already registered, and, in fact, had already mailed in their vote. If a very small percentage of that ~13M did that, it’d be noticeable.

Doesn’t pass the sniff test. One of those intensive audits would surely have revealed evidence.

It’s more likely that despite “mail-in voting” being a non-issue prior to ~2020, because a certain cult decided it’s an issue, it must be an issue, and will continue to be an issue, facts be damned.
actually I think some of the so called “cheater” ballots were official citizens who did not reside in the state they voted in… does that really change anything? If I have the legal right to vote and if per the US system one votes specifically for the president (I assume this is where this concern is pointed to), then it is not really cheating at all just an anomaly. In the end that person probably voted as they would regardless of the state the vote was counted in so to speak. This is not even a real problem for that aspect of the election.

They don’t mail ballots to people who are not registered to vote.

Yeah, I didn’t make that clear, but I was considering that it’d be a two-stage process. You’d have to commit registration fraud and voter fraud on someone you hoped was 100% disenfranchised and never intended to do either. But even being right 99% of the wouldn’t be good enough. If just 1% of those people decided to register or vote, they’d stick out like shit in milk and trigger an instant investigation.

But we didn’t see that in any significant numbers in 2020.

In Georgia, a highly contested state, there was not a single instance of fraud at all detected in 2020. One in 2022 (source). And that source is Heritage, not the Nutella-chaps-EricMPro-DSW Thinktank. This is despite people trying harder than they ever have in modern history to find fraud.