On sandbaggers

Is it really appropriate for multiple people who have or have at least qualified for their pro cards to show up to a local sprint tri that has barely 200 participants, and maybe 100 on road or tri bikes? If the race weren’t in October, I’d maybe buy that the race served as a tune-up, a really hard brick that hardly cost $60, but given that this was the last race of the season within 500 miles, I’m not sure this is a reasonable expectation.
Just wondering what the almighty ST thought, and for the record yes, I am whining.

boo hoo

It’s not like the “awards” are really worth crying over at a local sprint tri, and if there were more than just 1 “pro” they got to race each other. And I’m sure the promoter was glad to have a few more entry fees if it’s that small a race.

I can’t think of anything more pathetic than being upset about someone fast showing up at a race.

Is it really appropriate for multiple people who have or have at least qualified for their pro cards to show up to a local sprint tri that has barely 200 participants, and maybe 100 on road or tri bikes? If the race weren’t in October, I’d maybe buy that the race served as a tune-up, a really hard brick that hardly cost $60, but given that this was the last race of the season within 500 miles, I’m not sure this is a reasonable expectation.
Just wondering what the almighty ST thought, and for the record yes, I am whining.

Might I ask what race you are talking about? Who were the “pros” there today?

u crying about getting beat by people faster than you? they trained hard and earned there awards. suck it up dawg

I suggest you go back to Connecticut and train harder so that you can compete with the New Jersey dudes.

Edit: none of the three guys who beat you are pros.

I’d like it. Shows you how fast they really are.

I would love it. We have pros come by our club race once in awhile. It’s cool toeing the line with them.

I think I’d rather get second with a pro in first on the podium with me than 1st myself.

In my dreams, that would be 11 degrees of awesome.

there’s a thread where you can whine and cry. get over it.

you race the people that show up. i don’t see a problem with it. maybe they wanted to race once more this year. just b/c it’s october doesn’t mean that race season is over. lots of racing left this year. maybe nothing close to you, but texas, carolinas, florida, etc all have races.

I suggest you go back to Connecticut and train harder so that you can compete with the New Jersey dudes.

Edit: none of the three guys who beat you are pros.

I’ll respond again but don’t feel I need to.

As Ken points out none of the people there today were Pro’s. I decided to race this as it was a local sprint, close to home, ocean swim and just a month out from Vegas Worlds. A fun race.

As Macca say, “…I’m here to win…” if you don’t like it, I suggest you train harder and show up better prepared. I mean at 21 years old, you must have all the time in the world…right?

I enjoy when it happens. I try to still be able to see them while they finish. That would put me within 400 to 800m at the finish on a typical sprint. I will take that any day.

It does not happen. But, one can chase the carrot.

This is the pettiest, weakest jealousy thread I have ever read. Who cares if they’re good enough to go pro? They earned it! They worked hard to be fast, whats wrong with them using it?

I don’t know. Is it really appropriate for multiple posters who have or have at least have qualified to post on ST to show up to a small whiny thread that has barely 10 participants, and maybe 5 who actually care? If the post weren’t on a Sunday, I’d maybe buy that the thread served as a distraction from work, but given that this was a thread on a Sunday evening and Monday is a holiday for many people, I’m not sure this is a reasonable expectation.

Just wondering what the almighty ST thought, and for the record yes, I am mocking your whining.

Get over it man. If you want to do something about it, get faster. A lot of people would be happy and THANKFUL for your splits.

You had to know you were gonna get flamed for that dude … lol

Is it really appropriate for multiple people who have or have at least qualified for their pro cards to show up to a local sprint tri that has barely 200 participants, and maybe 100 on road or tri bikes? If the race weren’t in October, I’d maybe buy that the race served as a tune-up, a really hard brick that hardly cost $60, but given that this was the last race of the season within 500 miles, I’m not sure this is a reasonable expectation.
Just wondering what the almighty ST thought, and for the record yes, I am whining.

I believe this is the thread you are looking for:


Is it really appropriate for multiple people who have or have at least qualified for their pro cards to show up to a local sprint tri that has barely 200 participants, and maybe 100 on road or tri bikes? If the race weren’t in October, I’d maybe buy that the race served as a tune-up, a really hard brick that hardly cost $60, but given that this was the last race of the season within 500 miles, I’m not sure this is a reasonable expectation.
Just wondering what the almighty ST thought, and for the record yes, I am whining.
HAHAHAHAHA. Oh my god, you aren’t seriously saying that these 3 guys ahead of you are even remotely close to being pros


I mean yeah, they’re pretty good on the local scene and the guy who won had a great race at vegas, but eckel and norling? If these guys are pros you must think Alexander is a diety.

having been a “sandbagger” like you describe, in a race just today, id like to explain from my perspective and the perspective of others like me. Simply qualifying for an elite license is not all its cracked up to be. I may be fast enough to race as a pro but i will get my ass kicked by most pro fields. I race nearly every local race to get experience, exposure, and because i LOVE to race! should i and those like me only enter big races and not get as many wins as possible? plus even some of the local races offer prize money which is important to us poor college athletes. and we also may flat-out and miss out on that almost guaranteed $300…

One guy at the race was a two-time world champion and an Olympic team member…just not in triathlon.
