On Phone Contacts

WTF Mike !?

(I have 622 on my phone . Did a quick scroll down and I can’t place a third of’em…lol)

Watchu got?

Michael Cohen had 39,745 contacts on one of his cell phones, Douglas Daus testified.

914, combined work and personal, but I have them going back eons (> 20 years), many might just be an email.

I keep mine in Outlook and then backfeed into my smartphone so I have them backed up.

  1. I scrolled through and recognized almost all the names, but some date back quite a bit.

I cleaned my contacts up recently. Everything (email, text messages, calls) gets added to your contacts. There are duplicates and multiple entries for one person. I spent a lot of time deleting! I bet I have less than 100 now

ETA: 161

I have less than I thought, only 1159 for me.

27 for me. I don’t get around much.

819 in contacts
I try to clean it up periodically. But with features that let you add so quickly, it grows faster than I can delete.
I do enjoy the game of scrolling through OLD text messages to people i don’t have entered as contacts to see if I can remember who and what was being discussed.

WTF Mike !?

(I have 622 on my phone . Did a quick scroll down and I can’t place a third of’em…lol)

Watchu got?

Michael Cohen had 39,745 contacts on one of his cell phones, Douglas Daus testified.

He had a lot of spare time in prison.

343, some dating back almost as far back as my first cell phone. I could probably cull half of them.

A dozen or so. Some work, some not.

Less than 50. About half work and half personal. I honestly don’t know how you get to hundreds or thousands of contacts, especially for personal contacts. I can see how some jobs might drive up your contact list. But I’m not sure I’ve actually physically met thousands of people in my lifetime, much less wanted to be able to contact them later. Same with social media “friends.”

All contacts: work (4,681) and personal (1,165) - but that includes phone and email.

Phone only: work (444) and personal (212).


I don’t have a work phone. 7 are explicitly work related. 7 more are autoloaded by verizon.

There’s probably 5-10 I could delete too.

I guess I am tech illeterate well at least phone, no clue how to see how many. But old work and personal are combined, I am sure I could ditch probably half which are old work I will never hear from.

Oh Android Pixel if anyone wants to tell me.

Figured it out… 479 … Daughter is on Android but Samsung, its easier to find in that version than googles.

3,719, but that includes all work and personal contacts. Many of the work contacts are probably outdated and need to be deleted, I just never seem to get around to it.


A good chunk of them are from people at former jobs. I could probably cull that number down to under 100 of people I’m currently working with and friends/ family.

230 on my device. mix of personal and professional contacts. mix of people I communicate with often and some I haven’t contacted in years.

1,103 business and personal. I’m sure I could eliminate a ton if I were to take the time.