Omega on Felt DA

Just got my Omega in and couldn’t wait to bolt it on.

how are you routing the cable such that there appears to be no housing?

I made a plate, that is fitted in between the stem face plate and stem. The factory noodle was then inserted in a hole made in the center of the plate.

not sure you could go much lower there :wink: and then use risers for the pads (i get why, it’s a joke)

There is no risers on the pads? Whatch ya talkin about Willis? That is stock HED mounting gear.

BMANX is right, no risers. For the gear I have it is the only way to get the reach close to where I want it without having the stack way too high. Maybe one of these years Felt can come out with the zero rise stems, but I am not holding my breath.

willis done be used ta his zipp vuka clips this year and plumb fergot how the hed clip lites are set up!! my very bad!