Old Frame Display Ideas Needed

Are there any threads on this already? I tried searching but nothing came up. If there is, I don’t want a duplicate.

But if not: looking for some ideas on displaying my old QR tri frame.

Was thinking about throwing it up on my wall at work. Just the frame. Gonna take all components and cables off. It’s the 2011 black and grey industrial camo paint scheme. Was gonna paint the wall black and hang it there.

But do others have any ideas? I’m not great with this kinda stuff. Feel free to throw some pics up.


I wouldn’t display it.

Unless you won Kona on it, it’s just a product.

Ya, you probably should just throw it in the dump and add to a growing landfill.

Here are a couple hanging display options that are both functional and look cool:




I wouldn’t display it.

Unless you won Kona on it, it’s just a product.

I’m going to assume that you have completely barren walls in your house/apt. Blank as can be. Shelves and counters too.

No pictures unless they made the cover of time magazine. No artwork unless Picasso himself said it was worthy. No things unless you found them on a historical archaogical dig.

Bah humbug.

Ya, you probably should just throw it in the dump and add to a growing landfill.

Here are a couple hanging display options that are both functional and look cool:




Appreciate it. Yea I’ve found some of those hangers that double as a shelf. Might have to go that way. Also thinking maybe a vertical hang might be nice. I’ll keep looking.

I was thinking if you wanted to get creative, saw it in half, and stick one half into the wall and the other half coming out of it.

I have a P4 frame bolted to the ceiling above my treadmill. I like how it adds to my pain cave decor.

What is the construction of the wall? Any limits on what you can do? Those suggestions seem fine but might not work well with a non round top tube. Is that what you have? I race on a QR Cd0.1 and I’m not sure that that frame would work well with the ‘notched’ receiver for the top tube of two of the suggestions.

Could you use a toggle wall anchor (presuming drywall) and rig up a way to use the dropouts in a ‘floating off the wall’ approach? You would need some standoffs between the wall and the frame, but it might look as it it is just suspended in air…

I have a P4 frame bolted to the ceiling above my treadmill. I like how it adds to my pain cave decor.

That would be a cool idea. But it’s drop ceiling so no real way to do that.

What is the construction of the wall? Any limits on what you can do? Those suggestions seem fine but might not work well with a non round top tube. Is that what you have? I race on a QR Cd0.1 and I’m not sure that that frame would work well with the ‘notched’ receiver for the top tube of two of the suggestions.

Could you use a toggle wall anchor (presuming drywall) and rig up a way to use the dropouts in a ‘floating off the wall’ approach? You would need some standoffs between the wall and the frame, but it might look as it it is just suspended in air…

That’s the idea. It is a CD0.1 so I’ll have to be precise with whichever hanger option I choose.

No real limitations with the wall. I’m the only one in here. And it’s one of the big main walls. Metal studs behind drywall.

I’ll look into the toggle wall anchors. And find out what a standoff it hah.

Not frame, but a simple pipe clip on the wall can hold a fork by the steerer tube and then add a QR in makes for a decent bog roll holder. May need a wooden mount to get the offset right depending on the fork rake.

Note that the best example of this I saw was at my friends house. I’m sure it’s unconnected as the reasons cited weren’t explicitly interior design differences, but he is now divorced.

if the bike is still roadworthy, it sounds like quite a waste!

if the bike is still roadworthy, it sounds like quite a waste!

It is roadworthy but a 2011. Things are breaking. And I have a newer tri bike.

It’s going on the wall.

Something like this could be cool. https://fixturelab.com/a-cool-bike-display-idea-you-need-to-use-in-your-bike-shop-today/

Don’t see it available for purchase but feel like it could be recreated fairly easily.

Something like this could be cool. https://fixturelab.com/a-cool-bike-display-idea-you-need-to-use-in-your-bike-shop-today/

Don’t see it available for purchase but feel like it could be recreated fairly easily.

Yep that’s exactly the idea I had in mind. Will have to try and find a way to replicate,


Rock 'em Sock 'em robots!

I have been 3D printing black wall hooks that would do the job for displaying this using a single fastener in 2 separate hooks. Or a single V-style hook in the middle.

I’ve also been toying around with a design that attaches to the wall and goes through the bottom bracket to secure the frame to the wall and you wouldn’t see any hooks on the top tube. Just screw the threaded piece to the wall and head on the nut to secure the BB.

Send me a PM if you are interested.

I’ve also been 3D printing Wheel hangers if anyone is interested in getting those extra wheels up of the floor and in a safe place.


Here’s an idea of what I did with an old bike frame that the fork cracked on. No replacement forks so I’m needing a new bike soon. This was the first bike I ever raced on and I hung all the races I did on it.


Something like this could be cool. https://fixturelab.com/...our-bike-shop-today/

Don’t see it available for purchase but feel like it could be recreated fairly easily.

Ha, this is exactly what I was thinking and suggested. I had no idea that it existed!

Here’s an idea of what I did with an old bike frame that the fork cracked on. No replacement forks so I’m needing a new bike soon. This was the first bike I ever raced on and I hung all the races I did on it.

Ah man, that sucks. Six races and the bike is done!

Regarding the suggestion to use a Stand Off fixture, that’s a great idea. Just Google retail standoff fixtures and you’ll find a million you can get the right size.