So I am watching the start to the 2004 IMWIS earlier today, I only got just past T1 before I had to leave. I have 2 questions for you.
1.How did you beat the Pro’s out of the water? They said you were racing as an AG athlete, but you were first out of the water, did they not give the pro’s a 5 or 10 min lead? That is one hell of a swim split if you caught and passed the pro’s.
Second question, how did you get through T1 so fast, I thought I flew through it last year and I was still like 7 mins. you were well under 5 mins. I could understand for the pro’s but to be an AG and get ttrough it that fast is amazing. I did see you carried your shoes to the mounting line, any other pointers?
Any plans to return to madison again in the future?
OK I will stop stalking you now LOL!!! No worries.
1.How did you beat the Pro’s out of the water? They said you were racing as an AG athlete, but you were first out of the water, did they not give the pro’s a 5 or 10 min lead? That is one hell of a swim split if you caught and passed the pro’s.
**That was the_ last IMNA even where they let us all start at the same time. About 4-500 meters in I just moved to the front. **
Second question, how did you get through T1 so fast, I thought I flew through it last year and I was still like 7 mins. you were well under 5 mins. I could understand for the pro’s but to be an AG and get ttrough it that fast is amazing. I did see you carried your shoes to the mounting line, any other pointers?
Yeah… I was cursing under my breath the whole time going… big meaines… don’t let us AGs leave our shoes on the bike. My T1 was the fastest AG T1 there and was pretty close to the pros (they got to cut some corners). Hey! There ain’t no latte sippin’ in T1! MOVE!!!
Pointers. Take your time for the first 15-20 seconds out of the water… then start jogging and T1 is all about… glasses, helmet, GO! Close to everything else should already be on the rig.
Any plans to return to madison again in the future? My family is from Sheboygan but I really don’t like that course that much (too much up and down) and I like the shorter faster stuff a better. To take a quote from a friend who went from Long Course to Short Course…
**“I’ve learned that I like hurting a whole helluva a lot for a little bit of time then I do hurting a little bit for a long period of time.” **
Hey man thanks for the reply, I planning on watching the rest here in a few minutes.
**“I’ve learned that I like hurting a whole helluva a lot for a little bit of time then I do hurting a little bit for a long period of time.” **
I can really relate to this statement. You know I have always done real well in shorter races up to about olympic distance, anything over that I do not enjoy as much and I never do as well. I can finish “in the money” on shorter, small, races then be MOP to almost BOP in the longer races. I just do not enjoy suffering for that long. I am doing IMWIS this year then I think I will take at least a year off from the long stuff and have fun with the short races. I DNF’ed in the cold last year so I felt I needed to go back and prove something to myself this year.
Anyway thanks for answering my questions, have a great night.
The weirdest, or maybe I should say funniest, thing about this whole thing is you are now about to go pop in a DVD and watch me on TV. Every once in awhile I get emails about the IM moo thing and it never fails to give me a huge grin. Weird, funny, whatever.
OK so I watched the rest of it, that does have to be pretty cool to get so much time on the video. I saw the Hook’em Horns, and I saw Sergio put in a great run. The one thing I wish that they would do though is talk more about the early leaders/contenders. Once you got passed by Harju it was over, they really did not mention you again. There where a lot of guys that dropped out later in the race but they just kind of stop talking about them.
I guess from an competitor standpoint I always wonder did they DNF because of nutrition, the heat, or was it just to save their body for another day when they have a better chance to win. I guess your ave. Joe does not care and it does not make great TV. Anyway, thanks for going back in time with me.
Ya gotta remember that it’s a production that’s put on with a shoe string budget and put together within the span of about 5 hours or less. That show you saw is VERY close to the one that they broadcasted on local Madison TV at 11pm that night.
I dropped at the end of the ride on purpose. It was about my 5/6th ride over 100 and I had a suprise Kona race to get ready for. Had never done anything that long in my life… wasn’t about to do two of them within 5 weeks.