"Offseason" Fittings


Our shop is in WI, and the majority of our customers (fitting or retail) simply don’t ride in the winter (mid Oct - mid Mar on avg). The few that do are trainer-based, and I’d *guess *less than 50% of those are using a trainer which allows any sort of road-like freedom of movement. Granted, most fit bike systems don’t offer this either and that doesn’t stop us (fitters) from doing the fits in the first place.

I’m a big believer in clients being able to go out and put miles in on their new fit, as soon as possible, to keep the things we talked about current in their minds and to start physically adapting to their new position. It also offers a better chance for timely feedback on the results.

So, offseason/winter fits are something of a challenge for me philosophically. On the retail side it’s one of the levers we can try to pull during the months when bikes aren’t exactly flying out the door, and I totally get the value of doing that. I just don’t feel great about it when there’s a high probability the client isn’t going to use it anytime soon.

Am I off base, and how far?

There is no offseason!

Some of my busiest times Fitting are in December/Jan/Feb. My motto is “next season starts now”, and a Fitting is where a better foundation for an outcome in June or July begins.

Dec/Jan traditionally when you’d take your bike in the shop for a complete stripdown to frame overhaul and rebuild, something that should still be done. The smart riders know to take care of it when it’s snowing, so they aren’t waiting two weeks in May for service. Getting a fitting done at the same time is also smart - adjustments and/or upgrades are made before it gets built up again.

For those that do spend time on a trainer, ask them “how comfortable is it?” A good setup should be good indoors as well as outdoors. If the rider loathes riding indoors because of pain/discomfort, there is a reason. Of course riding indoors isn’t always as comfortable as riding outdoors - and I believe that there are some key discussions to have with folks who have bad pain cave setups that can cause issues indoors that they don’t have outdoors.

Go visit a trainer studio, talk with and observe riders. A triathlete unable to be down in the armpads on a trainer needs a bike fit. A roadie who can sit on their saddle needs a bike fit.

It’s not a sales thing, it’s a human performance thing. Take the splinter out of the lions’ paw and they will be your friend forever.

Journey not an event. Fit who you have in front of you and let them know you might need to reassess / tweak later.

I am a fitter in mid michigan, I do a ton of fits in the off season. I have a large local tri club and market to them in the off season. They like getting fit in the off season so that they can adapt during off season training. As far as follow ups I call all of my off season fits after we have a couple of weeks of temps in the 50’s to follow up.