Official Slowtwitch 100/100 Run Challenge (2021/22, the 15th annual) Discussion thread

On November 15th, the 2021/22 edition of the 100 runs in 100 days Challenge, commonly known as 100/100, commences. That’s 1 month from today. We have one big new rule, which I’ll get to. First…

Thanks to Dev Paul for conceiving of and curating this Challenge over the years. for both the last 3 years we’ve had between 700 and 800 participants, which have been our 3 biggest years.

We shall begin with our customary “Airing of the Grievances.” Let us all get it out of our systems. Last year we’ve moved to Nov 15th and we’re sticking with that (which will be the source of one grievance).

In this thread we’ll explain the rules, answer questions, and then share successes and failures, and give each other encouragement, as the Challenge progresses.

This Challenge honors frequency. Not distance. Not speed. Not effort. It honors regularity. Routine. To prevail in this Challenge you don’t see how much you can do; rather how little. Not how hard you can run, but how easy. You might think running that easy detrains you. Let’s revisit this once you’re a couple of months into it.

What Counts?

  1. Any run that’s at least 30 minutes long or at least 3 miles long (see below for exceptions).
  2. The runs can be outdoors or on a treadmill.
  3. Walking does not count, but an honest-effort walk-run does count.
  4. Aquajogging and elliptical training do not count.
  5. You can (and probably should) take days off.
  6. You can do days with more than 1 run session; each sessions counts.
  7. You get no credit for going longer than 30min; a 30min run is identical to a 60min run for this Challenge.
  8. Extra effort gains you nothing.
  9. You can go as slow as you want provided both feet leave the ground on every stride.
  10. Runs must separated by at least 1 hour to count as multiple sessions.

Runs shorter than 30 minutes

  1. If you do 2 runs shorter than 30 minutes in one day you can count the total as 1 run.
  2. Up to twice per week you can run a session that is shorter than 30min if on the very next day you run a session that makes up the difference, i.e., a 23min run doesn’t count, but, if you run a 37min run the following day, then you’ve officially run 2 sessions. You’ll need to jimmy the run-duration totals in your training log to get the credit (you’re on your honor here).

New rule

13: Only 3 runs count in any given day.

Joining the Challenge; Entering Runs on the Slowtwitch Training Log

  • Go to our Challenges page on the Slowtwitch Training Log. You can always navigate there via the blue navbar above (below the ad banner at the top), hover over “Training” (third heading from right) and click on Training Log.
  • Sign up for a Training Log account if you don’t already have one (your Reader Forum account is also your Training Log account, i.e., there’s one unified login for both).
  • Then look for 100/100 for 2021/22. It’s hard to miss.
  • Click “enroll”.
  • If you just go to the Challenges page, this is an easy place to go to in order to enroll. Just make sure you’re signed in first.
  • Now start entering your runs in the log. Make sure you only enter runs that combine as 30 minutes as one session. If you have a 20min + 15min day, enter it as one workout of 35 minute or it will not get rolled into the results sheet.
  • Please ensure that you log a distance along with the time. If you don’t know the distance, please try to estimate.
  • Your runs will automatically get entered into the Challenge results sheet.
  • Here’s what my Training Log page looks like, and you can see I’m enrolled in the 100/100. If that icon on your training log instance said ENROLL, then click it. If it says LEAVE, as mine does, then you’re already successfully enrolled in the Challenge.

Strava Sync

  • You’ll see a button on our Training Log allowing you to sync with Strava (in fact, you can see it in the screenshot above). Click that button if you enter your results some other way, in another training log or program. The only requirement for this to work is that your other training log must also sync with Strava. Basically, if your session is on Strava, our log will find it, download it, and your sessions will automatically append to the Challenge. “EricTheBiking” (on the Forum) is our Training Logmeister. He’ll answer questions you have about this on this thread.

Viewing Challenge Standings

  • From the Challenges home page, click on the link to go to the 100/100 for 2021/22, you’ll see where you and everyone stands.
  • Click on any of the column headers, and it will sort the sheet based on that category (frequency, time, distance, aerobic points). Just, frequency is how we judge this.
  • Please note that you must be logged in to actually enter your data. You can’t enter data without logging into your account (seems obvious…).

Accumulated Wisdom: This is year-15 of this Challenge. Much has been learned, good and bad.

  • This is an exercise in who can whisper the loudest.
  • Don’t try to bank run sessions early. Just trust the process. You’ll probably be more successful “banking” runs, as in, performing double runs, later in the Challenge rather than earlier.
  • Take days off when you need to. As your fitness increases, you may find later in the Challenge you can run doubles. Most who hit their 100/100 do take rest days.


While some might go for 100 runs, the reality is that unless you are already running 4-6 hours per week, this might be unrealistic. For most a realistic goal is to start at Bronze club pace (or less) and then see how things go.

Platinum Club = 100 runs in 100 days
Gold Club = 90 runs in 100 runs in days
Silver Club = 80 runs in 100 runs in days
Bronze = 70 runs in 100 runs in days

Please put any questions on this thread. Better to put them here than send PMs or emails.

Please post stories about your workouts, pictures from running days and chime in to motivate each other on this thread. Don’t just log workouts and disappear. The community is what it’s all about.

Zwift Running

We’re going to try to ramp up our group Zwift runs during this challenge.

Haha…with the new 3 run max per day who is taking the bait for 300 runs in 100 days?

If platinum club is 100 runs in 100 days do we have something like Californium level for 300?

No real grievance other than I seem to be entering this thing 10 lbs over race weight and I kinda would like to try my first Ironman in 7 years next summer so the current trajectory of 1-2 lbs heavier per week since end of race season needs something like 100/100 to reverse the growing layer of bioprene as it’s turning into a built in deSoto WaterRover (RIP) .

OK thanks for hosting this silliness. Not sure what my target is but likely 800km spread over 80-100 runs

So the person who “won” last year ran 250 times in 100 days?

Did the minimum run distance used to be 1 mile per day? I was thinking about doing this but the 3 mile minimum is more than I want to commit to and a recipe for me to get injured. Be inclusive of us runners who want to go shorter!

So the person who “won” last year ran 250 times in 100 days?

Did the minimum run distance used to be 1 mile per day? I was thinking about doing this but the 3 mile minimum is more than I want to commit to and a recipe for me to get injured. Be inclusive of us runners who want to go shorter!

the operating principle is to give the community what it wants. if a majority of folks wants to lower what constitutes the minimum to establish a qualifying run, we’ll do that. just, we’ve hashed over the rules many times over the years. it’s been a pretty confirmed 3mi minimum. however, i’ll do whatever the community asks for, and if it comes down to it i’ll stick this up as a poll and we’ll settle it that way.

So the person who “won” last year ran 250 times in 100 days?

Did the minimum run distance used to be 1 mile per day? I was thinking about doing this but the 3 mile minimum is more than I want to commit to and a recipe for me to get injured. Be inclusive of us runners who want to go shorter!

the operating principle is to give the community what it wants. if a majority of folks wants to lower what constitutes the minimum to establish a qualifying run, we’ll do that. just, we’ve hashed over the rules many times over the years. it’s been a pretty confirmed 3mi minimum. however, i’ll do whatever the community asks for, and if it comes down to it i’ll stick this up as a poll and we’ll settle it that way.
Here’s one vote to keep the 30-minute or 3-mile minimum.

A 3-mile run is a valid effort for anyone, fast or slow. Now that I have my Medicare card, there are times I’m running (and I don’t mean walking), but sometimes I’ll cover less than 3 miles in 30 minutes. The “old” rules where everyone had to run for 30 minutes regardless of pace would sometimes penalize faster runners who were dealing with time constraints on their run training.

But a 1-mile run is too short.

So the person who “won” last year ran 250 times in 100 days?

Did the minimum run distance used to be 1 mile per day? I was thinking about doing this but the 3 mile minimum is more than I want to commit to and a recipe for me to get injured. Be inclusive of us runners who want to go shorter!

the operating principle is to give the community what it wants. if a majority of folks wants to lower what constitutes the minimum to establish a qualifying run, we’ll do that. just, we’ve hashed over the rules many times over the years. it’s been a pretty confirmed 3mi minimum. however, i’ll do whatever the community asks for, and if it comes down to it i’ll stick this up as a poll and we’ll settle it that way.
Here’s one vote to keep the 30-minute or 3-mile minimum.

A 3-mile run is a valid effort for anyone, fast or slow. Now that I have my Medicare card, there are times I’m running (and I don’t mean walking), but sometimes I’ll cover less than 3 miles in 30 minutes. The “old” rules where everyone had to run for 30 minutes regardless of pace would sometimes penalize faster runners who were dealing with time constraints on their run training.

But a 1-mile run is too short.

you and i have the same push/pull. i’m on medicare easy street in 3 and-a-half months. but i’ve actually pushed my mileage per run out further than i have in the last several years. but i need days off - several - after an 8mi run. i’m going to use this challenge to try to get sessions in while preserving at least one 8-miler a week.

You can run less than 30 min or 3 miles. You may just need more than one in a day toake them add to the 30

I don’t know how many times I have run 10-15 minutes and those runs where the right workout…they just did not count for the challenge and that was fine. On the other hand many times I set out to just run 10 min and at minute 8 felt all good and warmed up and made it a solid 45in run.

Clarifying question—two 3 mile runs (both under 30 minutes) in one day—-does this count for two runs or only one?

I realize the rules state two 30 minute runs in one day only counting as one run, but I also see the language about 30 minutes or 3 miles, so wanted to clarify. Thanks!

Clarifying question—two 3 mile runs (both under 30 minutes) in one day—-does this count for two weeks runs or only one?

I realize the rules state two 30 minute runs in one day only counting as one run, but I also see the language about 30 minutes or 3 miles, so wanted to clarify. Thanks!

2 runs that meet the minimum qualifying standard count as 2 runs if there is at least 60min between the end of one and the start of another. also, if 1 of those runs is short of qualifying, you can make up for it the next day. i’d have to go back and read the rules, but i think that if, say, you had 1 x 30min run, and then 1 x 22min run, then on the following day 1 x 38min run counts as 1 run but also catches up the 2nd run from the day before, and qualifies that run. something like that.

So the person who “won” last year ran 250 times in 100 days?

Did the minimum run distance used to be 1 mile per day? I was thinking about doing this but the 3 mile minimum is more than I want to commit to and a recipe for me to get injured. Be inclusive of us runners who want to go shorter!

the operating principle is to give the community what it wants. if a majority of folks wants to lower what constitutes the minimum to establish a qualifying run, we’ll do that. just, we’ve hashed over the rules many times over the years. it’s been a pretty confirmed 3mi minimum. however, i’ll do whatever the community asks for, and if it comes down to it i’ll stick this up as a poll and we’ll settle it that way.

I would like to do a separate 200/100 challenge with a different format.


So the person who “won” last year ran 250 times in 100 days?

Did the minimum run distance used to be 1 mile per day? I was thinking about doing this but the 3 mile minimum is more than I want to commit to and a recipe for me to get injured. Be inclusive of us runners who want to go shorter!

the operating principle is to give the community what it wants. if a majority of folks wants to lower what constitutes the minimum to establish a qualifying run, we’ll do that. just, we’ve hashed over the rules many times over the years. it’s been a pretty confirmed 3mi minimum. however, i’ll do whatever the community asks for, and if it comes down to it i’ll stick this up as a poll and we’ll settle it that way.

I would like to do a separate 200/100 challenge with a different format.


a little more detail please.

Did the minimum run distance used to be 1 mile per day?

That’s what seems to be the Global Standard as far as what constitutes a Running Streak, according to Runners World,, and so on

For my money, that’s barely enough to get warmed up and into the “good stuff” endorphin-wise that comes on after 20-30 minutes, so why even bother?

So the person who “won” last year ran 250 times in 100 days?

Did the minimum run distance used to be 1 mile per day? I was thinking about doing this but the 3 mile minimum is more than I want to commit to and a recipe for me to get injured. Be inclusive of us runners who want to go shorter!

the operating principle is to give the community what it wants. if a majority of folks wants to lower what constitutes the minimum to establish a qualifying run, we’ll do that. just, we’ve hashed over the rules many times over the years. it’s been a pretty confirmed 3mi minimum. however, i’ll do whatever the community asks for, and if it comes down to it i’ll stick this up as a poll and we’ll settle it that way.

Hey slowman, if you want to give the community what it wants, like the CEO of any company you go by the ACTIONS of the consumers of the offering, not only the talk of a few.

I would say that by and large the community has literally voted with their feet puttng out countless 30 minute sessions (single or cumalative as the rules evolved) over 15 years. This may not be perfect for everyone but 500-800 per year play by giving the challenge largely as designed their time and legs. I think the option to add two runs in a day to count them as one, or one shorter run today and a longer one tomorrow (ex 15 and 45) accommodates the short run desire that many have (including myself).

30 min minimum accrues to 3.5 hrs runniing per week
1 mile minimum roughly accrues to 1:40 total minutes per week at 10 min per mile pace and 1:20 at 8 min pace

The latter is not nothing but it breaks the principle of carviing out 30 minutes per day from 24 hrs to devote it to running. Fundamentally when it comes to constency I asked participants 15 years ago, to make running the number 1 priority in life for 30 minutes. This is barely 2 percent of your lives that I asked where running is number 1.

The biggest challenge age groupers have is we cannot time manage ourselves to get to the start line of workouts…let’s get there and give running 2 percent of our daily lives for 100 days. Its not a big ask, and in a way this routine and repeatable priority management is what makes the challenge worthy.

If you want to go by what the community wants have a look at the results board from your last 10 years and you roughly have what the community wants on aggregate. What a few of us ask for is less relevant.

i think rules 1, 11, and 12 make it pretty easy to rack up runs in this challenge. we’ve been over this many times, and this is what the community agrees on. however, we tweak the rules every year, and are tweaking them again this year (3 runs per day max). the point of this thread starting a month out is to hash all this out, onboard everyone’s opinions, and then we commence.

I would like to do a separate 200/100 challenge with a different format.


a little more detail please.

There was a thread here:…_string=200#p7606155

I hadn’t really thought it thru as to rules but basically something that rewarded frequency. Any run, any distance, 200 runs no more no less. Two a day is better than one on one day and three the next. No bonus for miles, no bonus for extra runs.

One exception would be the long run… a long run of, say, 90min or more on Sunday can count as “two” runs.


Did the minimum run distance used to be 1 mile per day?

That’s what seems to be the Global Standard as far as what constitutes a Running Streak, according to Runners World,, and so on

For my money, that’s barely enough to get warmed up and into the “good stuff” endorphin-wise that comes on after 20-30 minutes, so why even bother?

Understand, I was just thinking of starting a streak like this but need to be careful with my mileage and time. The 1 mile per day for 100 day streak felt like a worthy goal but now I see that it is not to the spirit nor history of this 100/100 Run Challenge. I was under the wrong understanding how it was set up. The three mile/30 minute minimum does satisfy the real runners here. It is just more than I can take on from my current fitness and health. I can certainly do it on my own, it just won’t count for the 100/100 Run Challenge but would still be worthwhile for me.

“Zwift Running

We’re going to try to ramp up our group Zwift runs during this challenge”

I just started Zwift running, how do I link up and/or find our group runs? Is there a thread on this showing the details?

i think rules 1, 11, and 12 make it pretty easy to rack up runs in this challenge. we’ve been over this many times, and this is what the community agrees on. however, we tweak the rules every year, and are tweaking them again this year (3 runs per day max). the point of this thread starting a month out is to hash all this out, onboard everyone’s opinions, and then we commence.

I don’t think if vocal posters ask for wussification to make things easier you should buckle. The reason I say this is you don’t hear from more than 500 athletes a year. They just make their legs do the talking rather than the keyboard.

First year I did this, I ran 30 minutes outdoors every day no matter how much snow. No days off and i had to get my 30 min running in even with two 50km ski races and one 75km. But that was stupid and does not make for a fitting into any reasonable program when you can’t take days off and you cannot double. So next year days off and doubles came in and so on

30 minutes on its own is not much but it is also substantial depending on how we look at it

…fast forward from 2006 to 2018 and I had given up on running but you convinced me to do the challenge as 100 days of rehab. i started with 10x1min barely at 6kph shuffling on treadmill fightiing nerve spasms, then 5-8x2min with stretching breaks…then eventually I got to two of those sessions in a day and a logged a 100/100 qualifying 30 min of running in a day…gradually worked to 3-4x5 min or 2x7 min and would try to get to 30 min ove the day. Eventually I got up to one run as 5x6 min doing a weight circuit after each 5 min…finally by March I did ONE continuous 30 min run OUTDOORS. This was a huge achievement. I had given up on running in Nov 2018. By summer of 2019, raced 6 Olympic tris and won the local series for my age group. But dammit, part way through the challenge i was gonna get to that 30 min minimum.

If Mo Farah shows up and puts down a gold medal winning 10000m run, we have already said in the past that his fast 10km did not count…Mo go out and jog some celebratory laps and get to 30…but with the 3 mile rule he qualifies so its already easier anyway!!!

In any case I vote that you keep 30 min (or 3 miles) as your fundamental unit. How you want to slice and dice it, we have that largely covered.

New rule

13: Only 3 runs count in any given day.

So -* theoretically *- a runner could reach 100 runs on day 34, collect their Gold Medal, and go back into hibernation; all before Xmas

If that’s how they *wanted *to play it

On November 15th, the 2021/22 edition of the 100 runs in 100 days Challenge, commonly known as 100/100, commences.

Is my math correct then, that the final day is 2/22/22?

I want to get the bibs right
