Official (formerly) ITU leading to 2024 discussion thread…

did he just admit that he caused the crash?

why does triathlonlive use a woman who barely can speak english to conduct interviews in english???

We still don’t really know what happened to JB and Yee on the bike.

But Luis riding straight through T2 into the barriers was comedy gold

Hayden just apologised to Jonny and Alex in his winners interview, it sounded like he caused a bike crash they were caught up in early on.

Pretty classy of him, it was the first thing he said in the interview.

did he just admit that he caused the crash?

He certainly admitted being involved in the chain of events that “seemed” to lead to the crash.

If I’m watching the same interviews as you are she speaks perfect English, but with a regional (Northern Irish) accent

If I’m watching the same interviews as you are she speaks perfect English, but with a regional (Northern Irish) accent

Regional? Controversial :wink:

Duffy’s boss move dropping Beaugrand was the most incredible move I’ve ever seen on the women’s bike leg.

But now Duffy has been dropped. Big surprise

But now Duffy has been dropped. Big surprise

Her recent case of Covid probably did her no favors.

Coldwell’s recent bike racing experience certainly seems to have helped her already excellent skills and fitness.

Coldwell’s recent bike racing experience certainly seems to have helped her already excellent skills and fitness.

Yeh her technical ability is adding to the gap through every technical section.

We still don’t really know what happened to JB and Yee on the bike.

But Luis riding straight through T2 into the barriers was comedy gold

Hayden Wilde caused a crash that took out about 5 athletes. 2 Brits, 1 NZ and 1 US I think.

Beaugrand put on a running clinic just as impressive as Hayden Wilde. She certainly is looking good for an excellent Paris performance.

If I’m watching the same interviews as you are she speaks perfect English, but with a delightful (Northern Irish) accent

Broken elbow for JB.

Also points the finger without actually naming names: “I know these things happen in sport but the racing is definitely getting more dangerous and it is down to a select few athletes. We need to look after each other better”

Broken elbow for JB.

Also points the finger without actually naming names: “I know these things happen in sport but the racing is definitely getting more dangerous and it is down to a select few athletes. We need to look after each other better”

JB probably out for a major part of season including commonwealth games. Yee lucky to escape unhurt but broken £5k frame and helmet split open. No news from other athletes Wilde took out including his own team mate and a US athlete.

Probably cost GB-Tri the win in the relay today, which I think is an Olympic qualifying race but not sure. Also probably cost England medals at the Commonwealths.

Really feel for JB, his last chance to race in Leeds on a course playing to his strengths.

And video of the crash or did they miss it?

Hard to tell without video, but Wilde said he was involved, rather than caused it. From what I can piece together from the different versions from athletes involved, it sounds like McCullough lost his balance and bumped into Wilde, Wilde was able to save it and stay upright, but McCullough went down, and the others were right behind them and came into the back of it.

I love the TriathlonLive coverage, but I’ll say it again, the commentators need to take a level 1 officials course (or even just read appendix K to the rulebook about penalties). So many times in the coverage they are talking nonsense, making up non-existent rules, and speculating on penalties/DSQs with no relationship to the actual rules. You would think that the feed delivered by the Sports governing body would want to get those things correct.

I’ve seen a bunch of social media posts of the video of Vincent Luis bombing through the T-Zone with a smattering of ignorant comments. WT elite races are different than AG races in that they have a “hot transition” (the athletes lap through the T zone on the bike and run), which changes things a bit. He clearly failed to dismount before the line, which results in a dismount penalty (10sec for the sprint distance). It has nothing to do with advantages, or anything, he violated the rule, which results in the penalty. In an age group race, it would be a correct and amend penalty, and if not corrected, it would be a DSQ. The biggest difference is that in an AG race, they would never be riding in the TZ, because the courses don’t lap through, whereas for the elites, he miscounted his laps and was following the prescribed course… Classic example of race brain (the inverse relationship between Heart Rate and cognitive functioning), with the loud crowds and being on the rivet, it can sometimes be easy to lose track of laps (in collegiate track, indoors, I used to count the laps in the mile on my fingers to not lose track, because you couldn’t always see the lap counter). He’s lucky he didn’t take out the Moto, otherwise he would have ended up with broken bones like JB. He did well hanging onto a top 10, despite the crash into the fence, and having to run back to his spot, plus the penalty. I also saw people questioning the fences at the end, and that is a simple answer. Firstly, there is overlap between the bike and run courses, and at a certain point bikes get pulled to avoid dangerous overlaps (first runner/last biker scenario in the rules/Event Organizers Manual), secondly, the athletes had to make a sharp right at the end of the zone to enter the run course, the fences would prevent people from going the wrong way (with them being the leaders, any lapped cyclists would have already been lapped out/pulled), it’s pretty common where the course is set-up like that…

On the ladies side, Coldwell is a beast, not remotely surprised at that break, and she was completely transparent in the post-race interview, that she’s still finding her run form, so was trying to maximize the gap knowing that there were so many strong runners in the chase (likely the same for Spivey who has been very limited with her running due to injury). Beaugrand was impressive, despite the penalty, on a tough run course, she’s such a smooth runner, that she can be lethal. She seems to be improving on the bike as well, which could make her really scary coming up towards Paris if she can stay healthy. GTB is GTB, and race strong, and super consistently. Was a bit surprised of Flora, but she did have a recent bout of illness, so likely still finding her lung capacity again.

Two very exciting races, looking forward to the MTR this morning. Leeds didn’t disappoint. Really unfortunate to see Brownlee’s season put on pause with the broken elbow. Yee looked OK, and walked away. Been very impressed with the German team lately, so much depth on both men and women’s sides, if they can keep it together they can be super dangerous in the relays.

I just kinda got the feeling from how Wilde was talking that he was being gracious in victory but it wasn’t necessarily him at fault. Let’s see if there is a video.

Just catching up on the men’s race, had no idea this was a sprint, but don’t think that would effected my predictions.

Thought this race was today and not yesterday, absolutely gutted for Yee and Jonny, and Jonny now looks out for the Commonwealth, (now idea how Yee is as I’m trying to avoid spoilers still) Jonny has taken a swipe at I’m guessing Wilde who admit the crash was his fault saying the bike is getting more dangerous ‘due to a select few athletes’

Never heard of the dude who finished 3rd, so fair play to him, Wilde finally gets a win and very decent of him for his honesty and not really celebrating the win, his run seems to be on another level to anyone else other than Yee at the moment.

Potentially entering an era where the pair of them dominate ITU.

Just catching up on the men’s race, had no idea this was a sprint, but don’t think that would effected my predictions.

Thought this race was today and not yesterday, absolutely gutted for Yee and Jonny, and Jonny now looks out for the Commonwealth, (now idea how Yee is as I’m trying to avoid spoilers still) Jonny has taken a swipe at I’m guessing Wilde who admit the crash was his fault saying the bike is getting more dangerous ‘due to a select few athletes’

Never heard of the dude who finished 3rd, so fair play to him, Wilde finally gets a win and very decent of him for his honesty and not really celebrating the win, his run seems to be on another level to anyone else other than Yee at the moment.

Potentially entering an era where the pair of them dominate ITU.

Yee wasn’t allowed to race today due to concussion protocols.