Official (formerly) ITU leading to 2024 discussion thread…

Closed 3 more seconds, so worst case for the leaders looks like maybe a 30 second lead, gonna be a hectic T2 for that chase group

2 best runners w/ slowest T2’s, 43s gap to chase group.

Schomberg 15 sec penalty

Chase sat up a bit last lap, good for the break to get 40+ seconds. Now we see who has the run legs

Luis looks comfortable, now closing what he lost in transition. Just dont know what is happening behind yet

Ya 40 seconds on lap one, and all the favorites in the huge chase group. Luis is on fire today, got something to prove in his comeback. He absolutely destroyed the swim, some really good off the front swimmers missed the group

This is the template to beat the Norwegians.

Interesting run thus far, a few of the non favorites have closed a few seconds, but the favorites are still 40+ seconds back

And Iden and Blu running with Yee at the moment.

Well I guess we know how Luis is feeling today, he is on fire

Interesting run thus far, a few of the non favorites have closed a few seconds, but the favorites are still 40+ seconds back

Yee has closed 15 seconds since T2

Who was it that said Iden would be toast on this 10k run? He is setting pace, and Yee is on his shoulder

And yee is making his move now.

Yes he is, but still 36 seconds behind Luis, so only gained abut 8 seconds in the first 5k

I think I did, and get back with me when the final. resutls are done…same with Yee vs Luis…doens’t matter what the splits are 2.5km or 5km in, let’s regroup when the results are done.

McElroy struggling to hang on to that top run group and. is dropped. Not a good day for the boys from red white and blue.

Of course, but no denying that Luis is back. He absolutely attacked from the gun, lead the entire swim and broke the top swimmers, hammered the bike and organized them to stay away, and now will lead this race to the very end, maybe getting caught very late, or maybe winning. No denying he is on form

I dont know if he’ll win but Luis podium will be a hella good day for him for sure.

Say good bye to all the favorites, they lost ground on last lap. Day for the underdogs!!

This is going to be one hell of a finish to. see if he holds on for the W.

9 seconds and looks like he is still holding form. The lead chasers are going backwards, and they will have a massive sprint for top 5