Official (formerly) ITU leading to 2024 discussion thread…

Is there a free viewing option in the US?

Nope but ITU live is darned inexpensive entertainment.

Who is dialed into a 10km run more? The 2 girls who have been racing Superleague or the girl coming off a 70.3?//

I honestly dont know who would be dialed in more for a 10k. Since many of these races come down to the last K or two, I would give it to the SL trained athletes. If it is a strong runners course, then the 70.3 trained athletes. But reality is that all of them have a great 10k in them, they have all been training for ITU racing regardless of what they have actually been racing. I think the only question is how did last weeks race play into their preparation for this week? In that I think the half marathon ladies are at a disadvantage, except for Knibb. As I said earlier, she may have run quite controlled, but from her interviews, sounded like she hammered and then hung on, which is not a good sign. Duffy definitely blew, she was in a 3 way pack for much of the run, getting pushed and eventually popped, and then passed and had to repass for her 5th place. She could actually be in trouble in a very fast last 2k in the run. I dont think we can expect the gold medal Flora to be at the race this weekend, but who knows, it is her home race, and that has to be worth at least a minute in the run to have the home crowd cheering just for you. Hell, they named schools, streets, and new borns after her there!

Knibb will have to take control of the bike if she wants any shot, and she has proved she can race that way, similar to the Killer B’s. I dont know how involved their coach gets into tactics, but I believe both Taylors have the same coach. What does Paulo tell them, good luck and go fast? I mean he knows each of their strengths and weakness, and probably how they are feeling too at the time. SO does he use this inside information to help one over the other? Kind of a conflict, but not unlike Gustav and Blu, only those two actually train everyday together, so probably dont need to be told what the others weakness is going to be, if any…

On another note, does anyone have any idea how good Vincent Luis is going? He has been out for awhile, I wonder if he is back 100%? He would be the wild card for sure, and of course Blu too. But look for Iden to want to redeem himself, just depends on if his health came right in time. Glad he pulled out last week, but probably should have done that before loop one of the run.

Home race or not, I don’t see anyone outrunning Duffy, I think GTB is the only women coming off a hard bike who can (can’t wait for grand final)

What does it take for Iden to redeem himself? Because he’s not getting near the podium!

Something seems “off” from Duffy since she kinda did all this experimenting with 70.3 racing. She even alluded to it post PTO Dallas of kinda the demands of training being just enough different that it’s just different.

I can’t see her taking it 1km into the run as Jackets’ suggested, I just dont see the fitness/speed to say that.

Knibb and Spivey don’t have the same coach. Knibb is coached by Ian O’Brian while Spivey is as you said w/ Paulo. Coaches at that level don’t really use info to gain help over the other, especially if they are squad mates etc. Everyone has their own strength and weakness and most athletes and coaches can “predict” how the race will play out and formulate a plan that is detailed to each athlete. But to suggest an coach would use “inside” info from one squad athlete to use against another…nah that would be bad for the culture of the team. That kind of behavior would put the coach in a very poor light, and all those athletes are all really good friends and everyone knows everyone, and more importantly everyone talks. That type of behavior by a coach would be ratted out fairly quickly, and would piss off the athletes. A coach has a duty to prepare each athlete to the best of their ability, as long as they do that for each athlete, even if they have competiting plans, etc., that’s simply fair tactics. That’s all that can be asked from a coach and athlete.

SO the guy that got 8th in the Olympic Games, and has maybe just two or three(?) of the guys that beat him in this race, has not shot at the podium?

I think if he is healthy he always has a shot at just about any podium. I just dont think there is enough fire power to sustain an off the front break here for the men, so there should be an even start for the run with many. And not a terribly deep field either, so if it is a 10k flat start, he could do well, especially if he sits in on the bike and plays possum.

I would put him in the “no” podium ability category at this point in the season, especially after he basically said he still feels pretty much smoked physically wise (and you see what happened in StG). It’s going to be very very hard to drop down in distance and ratchet up the necessary speed to race well on this course. I dont really think 8th at the Olympics matters as much as what he’s done in the last month. That has far bigger impact on this race then his olympics 16 months ago.

Great to see the hype for the race tomorrow. Wanted to have a little fun and steal an idea I got from some pro cyclists going to Reddit to let the forums decide their race tactics.

Should I try to sneak off the front for a little breakaway tomorrow a la Stornes 2018 Bermuda and if so what lap of the 8 lap bike course should I go?

lol love it! Go crush it tomorrow Seth!

Should I try to sneak off the front for a little breakaway tomorrow a la Stornes 2018 Bermuda and if so what lap of the 8 lap bike course should I go? //

Well that depends, how much faith do you have in your run at the moment? The less you have, the sooner you should go. If you feel your run is competitive and on your great day you could run with the lead guys that are there, then just maybe the last lap. Not enough to sap your run, but enough to maybe get 10 seconds…Do you know how to attack a Tri group? Whenever I see triathletes attack the group I just cringe, often doing it in front of everyone. You will have the advantage of having ridden many laps with the group, so take notice of where there is slowdowns, and accelerations in the loop, and watch what happens if others go early. Who is chasing, how many, and it may be that any attacks are just doomed. But once you have figured out all this stuff, load up at some spot from the back where the front compresses(like after a decent and going up the first part of a hill). And hit the front at max speed and hold it for awhile, and then see what the group is going to do. Often on the last lap it is really hard to get away, because everyone is already thinking about getting front row position for T2.

So maybe lap and a half, or even two if you feel the pace really slows enough to get a good launch. But you have to snap the cord in the first 20 seconds, you cannot grind your way off the front of a big group, usually… Once you get out there far enough, then everyone starts to look at each other, you chase, no you chase. No one wants to sap their run legs so late in the ride. Unless there are domestics in the race, then you are just screwed, not sure how this race plays out in that regard…

Good luck man, we will be pulling for you!!

Bermuda is traditionally the Norwegians best course I think, so I’d give Iden a chance of making the top 10.

I think he’s more likely to finish top 30.

Yee pulled up with cramp and was almost hobbling around on that run at one point in Cagliari, he still had the fastest run split by 9 secs, wonder what sort of lead you need to be safe from him now coming off the bike now?

Home race or not, I don’t see anyone outrunning Duffy, I think GTB is the only women coming off a hard bike who can (can’t wait for grand final)
What does it take for Iden to redeem himself? Because he’s not getting near the podium!
“Noone will outrun Duffy” Remind me how St George went (21km). Did Knibb ride hard (umm yes)? Did Duffy (mostly in the wheel)? How did the runs go? At Cagliari, how many seconds was Knibb behind GTB? (Clue: Knibb was 5th fastest in the whole field (and #1 #2 and #4 are not on the start list)). This is 2022 Duffy not 2021 Duffy. Hope she’s back strong in 2023 et seq.
Superleague (1km runs). 70.3 (21km run). Which is a better guide to 10km form? Spivey v Knibb at Cagliari (10km) . . . review please.
For @Monty Iden has shown zero form at short course since Tokyo - 8th place was a great result for him. How did Bergen go? Am agreeing with @Jackets and @Brooks that he is most unlikely to be up the sharp end, with both Kona and St George (part) in his legs. Norge need the points and WTCS is the focus for the next 20 months. This is a starter for Iden.

You’re not convincing me Knibb is out running Duffy with a 70.3 result, I just think it will be normal service resumes with Duffy tomorrow.

Not even taking into account its her home race, from the hard bike we’ll get tomorrow Duffy Will have the best run, if Knibb decides to tow everyone around like she did Cagliari again she’ll definitely not be getting on that podium.

It’ll be very interesting to see how that plays out, because the past few non itu races, Duffy’s def has been “off”. Based on what she said post PTO Dallas, it sounds like she’s really struggled with juggling the itu demands and the 70.3 racing demands. Will be fun to watch.

It’ll be very interesting to see how that plays out, because the past few non itu races, Duffy’s def has been “off”. Based on what she said post PTO Dallas, it sounds like she’s really struggled with juggling the itu demands and the 70.3 racing demands. Will be fun to watch.

Everytime I have doubts about Duffys run, she blows the whole field away I’ve learnt my lesson, someone mentioned Iden looking for redemption, so too is Duffy! I hope the bookies are seeing this race the same as ST, I think I’ll make a bit of money tomorrow.

Oh I’m not saying she won’t win, I just dont see the race playing out like you do, with Duffy running away 1k into the run. That would be very shocking to me for her to win in that manner.
ETA: I dont see how Iden can make a podium. I dont think his swim is there, so even if they chase and make the front group, I just dont think he’s going to have the run speed to beat itu guys. Maybe he does, I just dont see how with his race calendar the past month.


Lap 5. Ride 3-5th wheel til the final 15 seconds of the climb.
Then attack the final pitch, keep it going through the U-turn and descend like hell.

God Speed.

p.s. Tell Furuya pre-race. He’s right next to you in line, and he’s the best guy to join in the fun.

Taylor Spivey is coached by PS and Taylor Knibb is coached by Ian.

They don’t have the same coaches.

It’ll be very interesting to see how that plays out, because the past few non itu races, Duffy’s def has been “off”. Based on what she said post PTO Dallas, it sounds like she’s really struggled with juggling the itu demands and the 70.3 racing demands. Will be fun to watch.

She def isn’t the sole dominant athlete like previous years and I would say compared to that she is a little “off”. I am not sure it is purely down to 70.3 training.

She has had covid twice this year and she said recovery took a lot longer than anticipated. I think it is probably a combination of a lot of factors including post Olympic year.

She will finish 1st or 2nd in the series (I think she will be WC), so if she can do that in an off year I think the road to Paris is going to be electric!

I really hope Knibb, Spivey, GTB et al. are all on top form next year. Will be a fantastic Olympic qualification phase.

There’s a decent chop for today’s Bermuda men’s swim. It ought to favor the more skilled open water swimmers.

Luis pulled entire swim and put a ton of pressure on the pack. Broke 3 guys at half, and 5 bridged later on, so now 8 off the front on the bike. Gonna be some big chase groups with all the favorites.