Official (formerly) ITU leading to 2024 discussion thread…

She looked fantastic especially taking into account the work she did on the bike. I’m expecting that she and Flora will tear the legs right off the bulk of the field in Bermuda.
Am I right in assuming that, in Bermuda, both Duffy and Knibb will have the 70.3 world champs in their legs from 7 days earlier?

She looked fantastic especially taking into account the work she did on the bike. I’m expecting that she and Flora will tear the legs right off the bulk of the field in Bermuda.
Am I right in assuming that, in Bermuda, both Duffy and Knibb will have the 70.3 world champs in their legs from 7 days earlier?

You may well be correct. The start list isn’t up yet for the 70.3 champs. Even if they do race the 70.3 champs I still suspect they will burn down the shop on the Bermuda ride.

She looked fantastic especially taking into account the work she did on the bike. I’m expecting that she and Flora will tear the legs right off the bulk of the field in Bermuda.
Am I right in assuming that, in Bermuda, both Duffy and Knibb will have the 70.3 world champs in their legs from 7 days earlier?

You may well be correct. The start list isn’t up yet for the 70.3 champs. Even if they do race the 70.3 champs I still suspect they will burn down the shop on the Bermuda ride.

Not sure GTB is going to Bermuda either so if those 2 get a break they will be long gone come T2.

There’s little value proposition for GTB to race Bermuda, other than to potentially block Duffy from scoring more points, since best case scenario she swaps a 2nd for a 1st place in terms of her scoring, but with massive travel. Especially given that she’s racing the SLT events, she’s probably better off saving the travel and getting some training in instead (that said she’s still listed on the start list)…

The more important question is whether anybody can touch Duffy on the Bermuda course… I suspect that it could be a Duffy & Knibb led bike break, maybe Spivey and Coldwell and a couple of others hang in (GTB if she goes)?

The men’s race looks more wide open, could see the return of Vincent Luis, Blu and Iden are on the start list, Yee is there and motivated, but I am not sure how he will fare on a hard course like that if a strong motivated break goes on the swim, and he could have a lot of work to do on the run…

Here’s to hoping that we continue to see more courses like Cagliari and Bermuda on the circuit into future years. More fun to watch than straight up dashes for cash (one or two of those per year are ok, but when every race is a peloton into T2…)

Taylor Knibb ran 33:01. Out split Taylor Spivey who ran 33:33.

Is it just me or did Knibb’s run form look different (improved)?

I had the same thought. She’s got the goods to be an Olympic (individual) medalist.

The American men are doing the right things and putting themselves in much better position to nab 3 Olympic spots. I cannot believe the Olympic test event is in - what - 9 months! (Has a date been set?)

Quick question so I can avoid spoilers, which came first men’s or womens Caliagri race? Cheers in advance!


Great race for us Brits Caliagri!

Wasn’t sure we’d be seeing a Brit 1/2 on a men’s podium after Tokyo this soon.


Really surprised/impressed with Knibbs performance, thought she’d fall apart on the run but 3rds a great result coming from injury/longer distance. I’ll say it again Lombardi is scary good and at this point I’d go as far as to say she’s a medal favourite for Paris as long as she can stay injury free.

Fancy letting Jonny Brownlee go off on break! Mind blowing to think Yee was injured and absolutely destroyed everyone on that run.

Some biggish names with poor results in that men’s race, be an interesting end to the season.

What I noticed is that the folks doing super league, are filling out most of the top 10 spots, especially for women. I really thing that type of racing is good for ITU, and most of the SL athletes really did well to place themselves in the top of the swims. Super stoked for both the Taylor’s, they are both bringing their runs up to be able to hit just about any podium they race in now…

I didnt see the race yet, did Cassandra just get dropped on the bike, or did something happen? Looks like losing that pack cost her the win too, low 32 run, yikes!!!

I missed the bit where Knibb dropped most the field, I’m guessing CB just couldn’t hold on, her bike is terrible standard, sounds obvious but maybe she could do what Potter is doing and dropping most her run training to concentrate on her bike, probably going to cost her a medal.

Duffy/Knibb/GTB see her in the front pack and know they can drop her.

What I noticed is that the folks doing super league, are filling out most of the top 10 spots, especially for women. I really thing that type of racing is good for ITU, and most of the SL athletes really did well to place themselves in the top of the swims. Super stoked for both the Taylor’s, they are both bringing their runs up to be able to hit just about any podium they race in now…

I didnt see the race yet, did Cassandra just get dropped on the bike, or did something happen? Looks like losing that pack cost her the win too, low 32 run, yikes!!!

Once Knibb caught the front, she applied pressure. After the only U-turn on course, a break in the pack was formed with Knibb really pushing at the front. Cassandre and Beth were not enough near the front to be ahead of that break. Once the break happens and you’ve got Knibb’s firepower at the front, it’s game over (unless you sprint as hard you can for a minute just after the break happened).

What I noticed is that the folks doing super league, are filling out most of the top 10 spots, especially for women. I really thing that type of racing is good for ITU, and most of the SL athletes really did well to place themselves in the top of the swims. Super stoked for both the Taylor’s, they are both bringing their runs up to be able to hit just about any podium they race in now…

I didnt see the race yet, did Cassandra just get dropped on the bike, or did something happen? Looks like losing that pack cost her the win too, low 32 run, yikes!!!

Once Knibb caught the front, she applied pressure. After the only U-turn on course, a break in the pack was formed with Knibb really pushing at the front. Cassandre and Beth were not enough near the front to be ahead of that break. Once the break happens and you’ve got Knibb’s firepower at the front, it’s game over (unless you sprint as hard you can for a minute just after the break happened).

Yeh Beth was totally caught out cold with her positioning. She is much much stronger on the bike this season, but still doesn’t have the horsepower to bridge the gap when caught out. Still if she fixes that she can hang in the front group.

A bit of trashy gossip, Cassandre B has just moved into Loughborough with her boyfriend (who’s actually a British marathon Olympic swimmer) no wonder her swim seemed to go up a level!

Does this mean she’ll now train with a different squad? Maybe her bike Will improve in time for Paris!

A bit of trashy gossip, Cassandre B has just moved into Loughborough with her boyfriend (who’s actually an a British marathon Olympic swimmer) no wonder her swim seemed to go up a level!

Does this mean she’ll now train with a different squad? Maybe her bike Will improve in time for Paris!

Well they were living together when they were based near Montpellier and training in different swim squads but in same pool. She has been spending a lot of time in Loughborough, only thing that has changed is they have moved out of a shared house and got their own place.

Not sure she is there full time though.

I’m not sure it’s an ability thing with Potter at this point, as much as a psychological thing, and being able to read the tactics of a race, and organize a chase.

Big stretch coming up, this weekend, there’s the World Cup in Japan, the North American conti champs in Montevideo, along with the Super League finals in Saudi (not to mention 70.3 Worlds…), and then heading into Bermuda, and the Grand Final in a month… Despite the number of races this weekend, there look to be pretty solid fields across the board…

Big stretch coming up, this weekend, there’s the World Cup in Japan, the North American conti champs in Montevideo, along with the Super League finals in Saudi (not to mention 70.3 Worlds…), and then heading into Bermuda, and the Grand Final in a month… Despite the number of races this weekend, there look to be pretty solid fields across the board…“the North American conti champs in Montevideo” - less of the “North”!!
Start Lists: 2022 Americas Triathlon Championships Montevideo

I’m not sure it’s an ability thing with Potter at this point, as much as a psychological thing, and being able to read the tactics of a race, and organize a chase.

Big stretch coming up, this weekend, there’s the World Cup in Japan, the North American conti champs in Montevideo, along with the Super League finals in Saudi (not to mention 70.3 Worlds…), and then heading into Bermuda, and the Grand Final in a month… Despite the number of races this weekend, there look to be pretty solid fields across the board…

other than the men’s world cup, yes, this weekend is solid all around.

The turn around to Bermuda is 8 days for the men and 9 for the women. I think it is doable for Duffy and Knibb but I don’t see how the NOR are planning this. It is not the one extra day of rest that matters (though it does help), but of course the NOR have the IM in the legs.

Iden is a risk not to qualify for the Olympics if he doesn’t get some meaningful points in the first cycle. I mean, of course he is going to, right?

I think McQueen is going to be a solid points earner going forward. His run seems to have moved from liability to “decent” so with his swim/bike putting him in the first pack at almost every race, if not every race, he should rack up decent points with 12-18th places at WTCS events.

To race in the Olympics athlete must meet 1 of the 2 ranking qualifications:

Top 140 in the Olympic Points List or top 180 in the World Triathlon Rankings

Iden is currently ranked 139th in the Olympic ranking w/ 1 World Cup 15th placement. I would think with a “olympic focus” he could qualify within the top 140 olympic ranking. Essentially the 50-100 is kinda 1 result makes big changes in the rankings.

The real question is, would Norway pick him over Thorn or Stornes if he just has “meh” results and finishes well down on the rankings vs those guys. I get that Iden and Blu are “the” guys in the Norwegian federation and kinda sorta in the sport, and I guess that’s why they are going back to short course to get those needed results.

So it’ll be interesting how he does when they come back to itu next year especially. He’s been outsplit by Thorn at every race they have gone head to head in this year (and in the lone MTR they did). Again Iden was in “long course” mode, but I think it just means that Iden has even more to prove here on out to simply make the team.

I’m not sure it’s an ability thing with Potter at this point, as much as a psychological thing, and being able to read the tactics of a race, and organize a chase.

Not sure I agree with that. At the last race she was pushed to the back to avoid contact with someone not riding the line. Unfortunately, straight after Knibb forced the break.

Another winter working on bike/swim and she will be up there. She led the swim at the Commonwealths and has helped drive a chase pack back up to the front quite a few times.

Paris 2024 is going to be a brilliant race for the women. Knibb, Duffy, GTB, Beaugrand, Lombardi and possibly Potter, Klama and Spivey. The next 18 months are going to bring a whole new dynamic to qualification racing.

One has to wonder if yesterday’s really hard efforts by Taylor Knibb and Flora Duffy at the 2022 70.3 Championships will affect their races next weekend in Bermuda. I suspect that they’ll still swim and bike well but wonder if their runs may be significantly compromised. I believe Flora needs to win this one to be in hunt with GTB for the overall series and that might just be a tough ask.

