Official (formerly) ITU leading to 2024 discussion thread…

Yeah, it doesn’t matter that she won the Yoko race (or was she 2nd?) Knibb only went to the Olympics because she won an auto selection.

Has the US announced selection process? I hope they have learned: as exciting as it is, you can only have 1 auto selection and frankly that should be contingent upon having 3 spots.

Paris games procedures are due to be announced this month.

I think they’re still working through the procedures. There was a draft about six weeks ago and I gave some feedback but I haven’t seen a final announcement. They’re recruiting a new performance director for USAT, with the departure of John Farra, so maybe we won’t see the final QC until that position is filled?

Yeah, it doesn’t matter that she won the Yoko race (or was she 2nd?) Knibb only went to the Olympics because she won an auto selection.

Has the US announced selection process? I hope they have learned: as exciting as it is, you can only have 1 auto selection and frankly that should be contingent upon having 3 spots.

I think she’s totally a lock in for MTR. But what is interesting, can she “auto” qualify with basically a podium performance again. If she didn’t do her breakaway at Yoko it was almost assuredly going to be Spivey and Kz on the team. I would 100% assume she’s an pick for MTR due to her strength and so whether she AQ or not, she’ll get discretion pick. If I had to guess Summer Rapp wont make it (unless she AQ’s).

But what’s even more amazing. KZ crashed out Kasper at the test event in the breakaway, when those 2 Americans would have very easily finished top 8 and made the AQ Olympic spots… KZ looked back at the chase pack and veered into Kasper and the barrier, crashing both out.

If that crash doesn’t happen, the auto Q would have been Kasper and KZ and likely Spivey gets the discretion over Rapp or Knibb. Knibb’s breakaway wouldn’t have counted as the 2 spots would have already been taken and the 3rd was always discretion.

So it’s odd how random things can go and turn for careers.

With the exception of Flora Duffy I don’t think anyone is totally locked in for anything. Even GTB had to prove her fitness the last 2 weeks before Tokyo. Sophie Coldwell was a travelling reserve and know there was a possibility she would be subbed in.

Nothing is guaranteed 2 years out.

Oh I don’t mean officially locked in for US spot. and I think GB has policies that lock in medal winners the earliest for the next games. I also smirk at the idea that an athlete has to show fitness 2 weeks out (I know GTB wasn’t in the “medal games winner” category before Tokyo). I think that’s a formality of just making sure your not actually injured because in some cases athletes have kinda hidden injuries. Henry Schumann in Tokyo had I believe a Achilles injury and was essentially individual race only.

But imo Knibb (barring injury, which is why you always have a reserve) will go on her MTR strength. Right now minus KZ it’s really Spivey, Rapp, Knibb (maybe auckerland and Kasper) in the running. Rapp I think has to show her mtr skills talent to suggest she can be a weapon….which w her bike skills I just don’t see happening. So it’s really Spivey and Knibb so far as the best team. W KZ as well and the US women will very likely get 3 spots I would think when they all race the full schedule the next 1.25 years of the qualifying period.

I’ll admit that I was surprised with how Rappaport did on the bike at SLT Malibu, and that she stayed upright when GTB wrecked (to be fair, GTB attacked the corner to drop Summer, and slid out because of sand on the road)…

That said, there’s no such thing as a lock this far out in an Olympic cycle, but I agree, that based on current form, Knibb would likely be as close to a shoe-in for the MTR for the US ladies at the moment.

I’ll admit that I was surprised with how Rappaport did on the bike at SLT Malibu, and that she stayed upright when GTB wrecked (to be fair, GTB attacked the corner to drop Summer, and slid out because of sand on the road)…

I dont know how much can be gleaned from that but I agree, it was surprising that she stayed away from Spivey. I cannot imagine how frustrating it is for Summer, undoubtedly a world class athlete with world class engine, to constantly lose races because of bike handling.

WTCS Cagliari action this weekend amongst Kona and Ganna’s Hour Record.
I’ll save the spoilers for those on the other side of the pond.

Womens race is first (just finished) for those wanting to watch the replays.

WTCS Cagliari action this weekend amongst Kona and Ganna’s Hour Record.
I’ll save the spoilers for those on the other side of the pond.

Womens race is first (just finished) for those wanting to watch the replays.

Brilliant comeback for Knibb, she forced that result with a massive bike contribution. Lombardi in only her 3rd start at top tier is mind boggling.

USA 3 in top 6 is an awesome result.

Taylor Knibb ran 33:01. Out split Taylor Spivey who ran 33:33.

Taylor Knibb ran 33:01. Out split Taylor Spivey who ran 33:33. account here:

Yee runs 29:18 for the win, including a brief stop (for hamstring cramp?).

Yee runs 29:18 for the win, including a brief stop (for hamstring cramp?). off the front by 30 seconds into T2; and only Yee caught him. GBR’s Olympic multiple medallists first AND second in 2022’s first world top tier standard distance race.

Potter and Beaugrand getting dropped from the lead group and outbiked by 2+ minutes! Does biking matter, once again, in short course?

I think swim and bike are super important now if you want to beat Yee or Wilde. Takes a smart racer to execute and find the opportunities. Someone like a fully firing JB can exploit that. Makes it more fun at least.

I liked what Jonny said in the post-race interview, paraphrasing, but he essentially said ‘he was taking charge, rather than just sitting in’ which he said hasn’t done in ages.

Pretty certain many of us (or at least us Brits) have been screaming at screens wanting the same to happen for a few years now at WTCS level.

Going to be an interesting Olympic cycle, seems Dixon is best positioned right now to go for the 3rd slot (with Yee/JB), though not sure we’ve seen him at a Olympic distance yet?

I liked what Jonny said in the post-race interview, paraphrasing, but he essentially said ‘he was taking charge, rather than just sitting in’ which he said hasn’t done in ages.

Pretty certain many of us (or at least us Brits) have been screaming at screens wanting the same to happen for a few years now at WTCS level.

Going to be an interesting Olympic cycle, seems Dixon is best positioned right now to go for the 3rd slot (with Yee/JB), though not sure we’ve seen him at a Olympic distance yet?

Ben Dijkstra is coming back onto the top tier. He has had some good WC results and is off to Asia today for another couple of WC races. He needs a few more to get a discretionary WTCS start. Don’t think he will get one this year but hopefully his ranking can be high enough for the start of next season.

Hopefully, UK will have a chance of qualifying that 3rd man but it won’t be easy.

That’s good to hear about Ben, proven MTR racer as well.

Taylor Knibb ran 33:01. Out split Taylor Spivey who ran 33:33.

Is it just me or did Knibb’s run form look different (improved)?

Taylor Knibb ran 33:01. Out split Taylor Spivey who ran 33:33.

Is it just me or did Knibb’s run form look different (improved)?

She looked fantastic especially taking into account the work she did on the bike. I’m expecting that she and Flora will tear the legs right off the bulk of the field in Bermuda.