Official FIT ASSISTANCE for Cervelo TT and Triathlon Bikes

Hey everyone, Eric Reid here, FIST certified full-time bike fitter here in North Carolina.

I’d like to start this thread in conjunction with Cervelo to help prescribe the right bike for you. You may have noticed a couple of new offerings from Cervelo, not to mention three interoperable mono-risers to fit the two new bikes. This thread will help you select not only the right size frame but the right mono-riser and front end configuration including basebar configuration, riser type, riser height, pad width, pad tilt (or not) and extension shape. There’s a lot going on here and you have a lot of options.

This thread is about fit. Your fit. I want you to be optimized… comfortable and powerful and ready to put down some fast bike splits based on a good position on the right size bike. What I won’t be talking about is availability, customer service, comparative aerodynamics, the pros and cons of high hands and short cranks, or maintenance. There are other threads here on the forum for that, and you can also contact your LBS. For information on the new P5d, see HERE. For information on the new P3x, see HERE. And for information on the new mono-riser systems, see HERE. You can also reference the P5d and P3x threads on the forum as well.

Rules of Engagement for this thread is to post your Pad X and Pad Y (pad stack and reach), and if you know it, your Pad Z (pad width) as well as the bike that you’re interested in. Remember, we’re measuring to the back of the pads for these bikes. If you’re not sure which bike, let’s talk about what you’re going to be using it for and go from there. If you’re not sure about your fit coordinates, I’ll walk you through it. If you’re not sure your fit is a good one, I’ll try to recommend you a competent fitter. Fit coordinates from a fitter will yield the best results in prescribing a new bike.

OK, so Pad X, Pad Y, and Pad Z to back of pads…

Let’s begin.


Hey Eric

I’ll go:

Pad X: 630 (top of pad)
Pad Y: 430 (rear pad)
Pad Z ~150

Currently have pads angled 12* up, on an (old) P5 in 54. I am very happy with my current fit.

Would ideally like to get the new P5d, but I also potentially have a good deal on a P5X available to me. Generally race full IM. The new P5d however has enough storage for my needs.

According to my own calculations using the Cervelo fitting tool, I’m probably ideally a 51 P5 (seems the 54 is a little long for me?), M in P5X / P3X.

Thanks Eric. Currently on a 54 P5 pads all the back, High V, no spacers. 640/425 (yes, back of pads). The z on my pads are 20 cm, center to center, and 30 cm outside to outside. 59 yr old, typically right at the very top of AG bike splits.

Let me know if you need anything further. Interested in your thoughts.

Thanks Eric. Currently on a 54 P5 pads all the back, High V, no spacers. 640/425 (yes, back of pads). The z on my pads are 20 cm, center to center, and 30 cm outside to outside. 59 yr old, typically right at the very top of AG bike splits.

Let me know if you need anything further. Interested in your thoughts.

normally i’d leave this to eric, but because you and i have a history, and because we started this on the other thread last week, i’ll add my $.02.

my mistake. you’re a 54cm., if you’re 425 to back of pad. and as you see, you’re barely a 54cm with your position. you’re a 54cm or a 56cm in your pad height (you could, technically, ride anything from a 51cm to a 58cm, and you can see perhaps why i wrote that this bike is very height adjustable, but with the P5’s front end is less adjustable lengthwise).

you do seem to me a candidate for the P3X’s front end, unless you can clearly get that pads back far enough on the stock front end. there’s 45mm of fore/aft adjustment per size in the default bar.

that’s not much. this bike is a lot like the scott plasma premium in that regard, when limited to this front end: your fore/after, per size, is limited to the holes in the pads. very height adjustable, not as length adjustable. but you’re within a centimeter. so you’re close. i’d try it as is. but if it won’t fit to your satisfaction, you’ll need to sub the P3X’s front end on this bike.


Hi Eric,

Currently at 665/467 (both measured at back of pad) with 10° tilt and have been very happy with this setup. I dont have pad Z but its middle of the road and will be fine on any setup im sure). Currently ride a size M Speedmax CF SLX.

I think the above would put me on a 56 P5d with the P3x riser cockpit…?

My uncertainty is the stack height of the basebar, relative to the pads. I currently run the riser basebar on my speedmax, which I like, but concerned the P5d basebar will simply be too low. Do you know what the stack heights are for this? I also don’t know if the P3x baserbar is also interchangeable for example to use the rise it features?

I’m really only interested in the P5d to be honest so after reassurance it will work (or not!). The P3x simply doesnt do it for me and the storage on the P5d is entirely sufficient for my usage across all distances.

I’m not close enough to an LBS to check this stuff out myself.

Thanks in advance!

hi Savan,

for P5d, the EX11 mono-riser that comes with the bike will provide plenty of width, but would not provide the tilt you like without an aftermarket solution.

That said, for a Y of 630 and X of 430, you’re coming in on either a 51 or 54 P5d. Depending on how you feel about your fit and your height, the 54 would allow for more future “growth”, but I think the 51 would be perfect, despite being towards the upper end of the stack range.

If you selected the EX10 tiltable mono-riser, you could achieve 10 or 15 degrees of pad tilt.

Finally, for that coordinate ratio, you’re slightly high for the amount of reach you have… for example on a size 54 P5d you’d be center-high on the stack range but be all the way at the back of the reach range. I’m wondering about that. How tall are you?


Hey Eric

I’ll go:

Pad X: 630 (top of pad)
Pad Y: 430 (rear pad)
Pad Z ~150

Currently have pads angled 12* up, on an (old) P5 in 54. I am very happy with my current fit.

Would ideally like to get the new P5d, but I also potentially have a good deal on a P5X available to me. Generally race full IM. The new P5d however has enough storage for my needs.

According to my own calculations using the Cervelo fitting tool, I’m probably ideally a 51 P5 (seems the 54 is a little long for me?), M in P5X / P3X.

as Dan said, and like Savan, you are at the upper end of the stack range in size 51 and at the back end of the reach range on a size 54 for the P5d w/ EX11 Riser. You are definitely a candidate for the P3x EX10 front end if you want to choose the P5d, it will widen the reach range fore and aft.


Thanks Eric. Currently on a 54 P5 pads all the back, High V, no spacers. 640/425 (yes, back of pads). The z on my pads are 20 cm, center to center, and 30 cm outside to outside. 59 yr old, typically right at the very top of AG bike splits.

Let me know if you need anything further. Interested in your thoughts.

Yes, size 56 in P5d and with the P3x EX10 tiltable mono-riser set at 10* of tilt.

On the P5d, the pursuit bar is inline with the top tube essentially. You’d have about a 12-14cm drop from your pads to your bull horns, dropping from a pad stack of 665mm to the frame stack plus 20mm or so of 541mm.


Hi Eric,

Currently at 665/467 (both measured at back of pad) with 10° tilt and have been very happy with this setup. I dont have pad Z but its middle of the road and will be fine on any setup im sure). Currently ride a size M Speedmax CF SLX.

I think the above would put me on a 56 P5d with the P3x riser cockpit…?

My uncertainty is the stack height of the basebar, relative to the pads. I currently run the riser basebar on my speedmax, which I like, but concerned the P5d basebar will simply be too low. Do you know what the stack heights are for this? I also don’t know if the P3x baserbar is also interchangeable for example to use the rise it features?

I’m really only interested in the P5d to be honest so after reassurance it will work (or not!). The P3x simply doesnt do it for me and the storage on the P5d is entirely sufficient for my usage across all distances.

I’m not close enough to an LBS to check this stuff out myself.

Thanks in advance!

Much appreciated, thank you.

EDIT: sorry - is the P3x baserbar interchangeable or is it just the mono stem assembly?

the P3x basebar is flippable on the P3x. It is not usable on the P5d.

However, the P3x EX10 mono-riser is usable on the P5d.

Does that answer your question?

Much appreciated, thank you.

EDIT: sorry - is the P3x baserbar interchangeable or is it just the mono stem assembly?

the P3x basebar is flippable on the P3x. It is not usable on the P5d.

Yes - the above is exactly the confirmation I was after. Thanks again.

Thanks for pointing me to the appropriate place. I’ll go ahead and ask for assistance on both my wife and my fit.

My wife:
Reach: 405
Stack: 520
Pad width (suspect): 210
Saddle height: 659
She tried 155 cranks but the first go didn’t feel good and she went back to 165
She is not currently able to ride in this position. It came off a Guru fit bike session. She is trying to get more aerodynamic. She is still able to ride at the front of the women’s pro field in most full Ironman. Since she is still trying to find a good position it would be great to have some room for adjustment, but I know that’s asking a lot. Am I right in seeing that the p3x and p5x front end have a difference in stack height? I think her best bike would be p3x because she has her own hydration and usually starts with 3 bottles. Unless she could do the double bottle on front end but that’s probably too complicated.

Since I’m here I’ll ask about me
Reach 473
Stack 555
Width 210 …that’s why I said I was suspect of her’s
Saddle height 739.
History of bike racing and I had a pretty successful “legal” TT position. I lost track and I have been happy with “tri” fits since then, but maybe it’s my fitness I’m not happy with.


OK first let’s start with you and then move to the subject of your wife.

For you, you are a size S in P3x, long and low. Pad holder flipped forward and pads set in the +80mm setting. Riser set at 17. If you choose the P5d, you are just slightly lower than the stack of a 51cm P5d. You can achieve a stack of 558 and reach of 473 with the pads in the 2nd furthest forward position.

Now, your wife. I’m not her fitter but I’m hearing some red flags… not liking the 155s and switching back, and also your statement that she is not currently able to ride the position I’m looking up. Getting more aero is not just about getting lower, so I’d recommend you re-engage with her Guru fitter and explore the issues that are holding her back.

That said, yes, the P3x is slightly higher than the P5x. However because of your comment about her not being able to sustain the position, I’m really curious. Her stack of 420 is about 15-20mm too low for a P3x or P5x or a size 48 P5d. Are you sure of those coordinates? What bike is she currently riding.

Finally, please excuse my ignorance, but I recognize your screen name… who is your wife?


Thanks for pointing me to the appropriate place. I’ll go ahead and ask for assistance on both my wife and my fit.

My wife:
Reach: 405
Stack: 520
Pad width (suspect): 210
Saddle height: 659
She tried 155 cranks but the first go didn’t feel good and she went back to 165
She is not currently able to ride in this position. It came off a Guru fit bike session. She is trying to get more aerodynamic. She is still able to ride at the front of the women’s pro field in most full Ironman. Since she is still trying to find a good position it would be great to have some room for adjustment, but I know that’s asking a lot. Am I right in seeing that the p3x and p5x front end have a difference in stack height? I think her best bike would be p3x because she has her own hydration and usually starts with 3 bottles. Unless she could do the double bottle on front end but that’s probably too complicated.

Since I’m here I’ll ask about me
Reach 473
Stack 555
Width 210 …that’s why I said I was suspect of her’s
Saddle height 739.
History of bike racing and I had a pretty successful “legal” TT position. I lost track and I have been happy with “tri” fits since then, but maybe it’s my fitness I’m not happy with.


Thanks Eric
I’m 175cm tall, FWIW I have my saddle at 750mm.

Please help me…
This is my measure taken on my Cervelo P5-six.
I pretend to move to new P5d.
tks a lot

Thanks. AND, not trying to “double post.” Eric is down the road so helping him w/ data points. Again, so sorry for previously giving you middle pad instead of back of pad.


with a Pad Stack of 655 and a Pad Reach of 451 you are either a 54cm or 56cm P5d.

With the 54 you will have a riser position of 81 with the pads in the +30mm position, and with the 56 you will have a riser position of 63 and the pads at +15.

You’ll be at the upper range of the 54’s stack… the 56 might give you more flexibility with future adjustments.


Please help me…
This is my measure taken on my Cervelo P5-six.
I pretend to move to new P5d.
tks a lot

First, thanks for doing this.

Pad Reach-475(Back of pad)
Pad Stack-692
Z plane -187 CtoC
Saddle height 839

Currently on a 61 P2 with PD Svet Zero bars w/Sonic brackets and Ergo pads

Looking at the P5d for next season, but i’m at the very tippy-yop of fitting on the 58. I could go for the P3x or P5x but like the P5d better if i’d fit

Let’s give this a go when you find a minute…

Measured to top rear of pad:
Arm Pad Reach: 460mm
Arm Pad Stack: 555mm
Arm Pad Drop: -140mm
Saddle Height: 717mm
Saddle setback: -50mm

Oh I’m sorry I didn’t explain more clearly. Neither of us are in the positions I have quoted on our current bikes, but the problem is that our current bikes can not achieve that position. I have successfully ridden a lower position in the past myself . I am currently riding a medium speed concept and she is on a small. Neither of us can go lower on our current bikes. I have learned that I could achieve my “new” position on her bike.

I think she and I would readily admit that she is not settled on fit coordinates, but she needs to make a choice of cervelo. Likely either p5d or p3x. I am just trying to help continue her fitting process with the most room for change on her new bike.

Chris Morales and my wife is Katie