Official College Football Week 3

Early Games

Bama at Wisconsin…who boy they gonna be jumping around

Memphis at FSU …Schadenfreude alert

BC Mizzou…Let’s see how good BC is

Afternoon games

Oregon Oregon St…sometimes unpleasant rivalry

U Dub Wazzu …Apple Cup baby


CU CSU…hubris comeuppance?

Indiana UCLA …I needed a second game

Possible upsets as they get close shall be updated

Backyard Brawl at Pitt

CU v CSU was the most physical game of 2023

First I caught this year, I like Saban on Gameday

Saban is good. It is funny how well he and Pat work together. Darius Rucker was also good today.

FSU off to a great start :roll_eyes:

Depends on one’s perspective

The Little Apple Wildcats beat the desert Wildcats last night and we looked much better than the first two weeks. Our baby quarterback seems to be getting his legs under him.

Things aren’t quite as good over at Mount Oread.

LSU on upset alert they looked like gator shit in the firdt half

I watched the end of the first half and it felt like LSU had some momentum. They started down 0-17, so definitely making the comeback much more likely.

It should be a good second half. Not surprisingly, the Alabama/Wisconsin game isn’t worth watching.

You cannot run the Air Raid in the B1G…Fickel fired after next season

Fucking hootie and the blowfish pissed it down their leg

Man, that was brutal. The whole game swung on that personal foul during the pick-6 return. Maybe I don’t understand the rule, but that looked clean to me. My understanding is that you can’t blind-side someone during a return and light them up. This wasn’t anything like that. He was standing right in front him and blocked him in the front of his shoulder pads.

Anyway it was a mistake in hindsight to even touch him, but it looked OK to me.

The game changed entirely when SC got called for the phantom OPI call in the 4th quarter. Went from them being deep into LSU territory to backed up to like their own 15 or something. Horrid call.

Florida State paid Memphis $1.3 million to come to Tallahassee and beat them.

Yeah that was an even more obvious bad call than the PF I mentioned. The refs screwed them hard.

OIP (3)

The Cougs win the Apple Cup! They had a goal line stand at the end of the game.

I’d love to see them in the playoff in their first year of exile. They’d probably have to nearly run the table because their strength of schedule won’t be great with them playing mostly Mountain West team. That’s why this win over Washington was big, beyond the rivalry.

My schadenfreude requires me to root for Wazzu

Good man! Go Cougs!

Deon is a fucking idiot when it comes to clock management

Even though I grew up in Cougar territory, I was always a Huskies fan until they bailed the conference. Seeing the Cougs win put a smile on my face this morning and I wish them luck this year.

I’d love a simultaneous firing just to mess with all the who will be first polls Napier or Norvell