October Fish

I didn’t have pool access today - 2:10 elliptical here. Post your swims!

I was in Jasper, Arkansas from Wed night through yesterday night and didn’t have swim access. Thurs was a rest day, Fri I walked 4.75 mi before my brother’s 24 hour climbing competition. Rest of Fri and some of sat had some walking but that was it as I was awake from 5 am fri to noon sat. Back today with 2000 scm easy free-ish, started w easier intervals just in case I had forgotten how to swim. 65 min stairmaster after.

7 x 100 fist on 1:50
12 x 100 swim on 1:40
100 fist
100 kick cd

im feeling tired thinking about that

me and a friend gave it some LCM juice today - wont be feeling good after lunch today

20x50 as 4 on 40,1 easy 4 on 40 1 easy 9 on 40 1 easy
200 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 as 130 base minus 10 seconds - actually just managed to do the last 2 x 50s

a bit of other easy mixing in through and then 3-2-2-1-100 on 120 base (355,234,232,114,115)

Got in a good ride early, then took some buddies to noon swim. Felt pretty good after about 10 minutes, had an overall good day;

100/200/300/200/100 up buoy@1;40/down pull@1;30-(1;27/2;48/4;06/3;48/2;27/1;08)300frog(5;40)
8x100@2;00. odds IM/evens pull–IM(1;25/20/20/21pulls(1;13/10/10/09)
2x100 frog(1;52/51)
2500SCY in 45 minutes

long course 1 hour 55 mins

400 easy 2x200 FRIM (free not fly) 400 easy 200 FRIM

3 rounds of 4x50 (IM order by round) hard on 55 400 on 540 steady. (hold 528-529 for 400s, 36s for fly, 37-38 for back, 41-42 for breast)

descending straight through 3x400 on 6, 3x300 on 420, 3x200 on 250, 3x100 on 120 (114s on last 3). weird but felt garbage just holding 129 pace for the 4s and barely making the time, and then only really started to feel good from the 200s onwards. rhythm important.

700 mix of slow floating easy no pressure

2 x crossing of Whonnock Lake, here in BC.

Out was at 1/2 race pace - 700 M in 14:41

Back was foggy, couldn’t see the shore for 10 minutes, so I sighted a lot more, hoping to see it.

Return in 15;20.

Getting colder in the lakes up here, hoping for a couple more weeks.

Arena cobra have great anti fog. Not sponsored. I’m just a big fan of the goggle as are many

Event report from the climbing is in the LR if you are interested
45.7 mi bike yesterday
Today 2700 scm free ish (plus 500 kick), 35 min stairmaster, quick work meeting, 55 min stairmaster

6 x 100 fist on 1:50
50 kick
5 x 100 on 1:45 swim
50 kick
4 x 100 on 1:45 fist
50 kick
3 x 100 on 1:40 swim
50 kick
2 x 100 on 1:40 fist
50 kick
1 x 100 on 1:35 swim
50 kick
1 x 100 on 1:35 swim
50 kick
2 x 100 on 1:40 fist
50 kick
3 x 100 on 1:40 swim
100 kick

Ha! Goggles were fine.
It was Mother Nature pulling down the fog curtain on us.
And when I say us, I mean even the eagles, that often check me out as I cross the lake had to use RADAR this afternoon.

that is some creepy stuff! did you swim solo out in a foggy lake? if so you are way braver than me

mix bag of strokes today in the long course

5x200 FRIM 600 worth of easy
3 rounds of 4 x 1 on 125 (hold 13-14s), 2x50 on 1 (as few breaths as possible. did 3 on first lap, 2 on second lap)
1.0 mix of easy slow free
5-4-3-2-1 as 5 back 4 im 3 back 2 im 1 back on 130 cycle (720,550,422,245,120)
700 mix of easy
200 (just go faster than 2im above) - 240
rest easy to make it up to 7k total

do you all breath on your first stroke off the wall? I usually do and sometimes double breath into the wall (treason ) but I may start experimenting with not breathing on the first stroke off the wall to try to get into my rhythm quicker coming off the push.

I miss that Palmdale pool!

I got back in the pool last night, first swim in 16 weeks (it was not a good summer). Felt good. I’ll do it again tomorrow.

It is a great pool, except when it is boiling human lobsters!!! Here anytime you want to stop in, maybe time for another womens camp…

Started resting yesterday, first day off in about 6 weeks. Just pool swim for today, sliding into some sort of taper, and overall body rejuvenation from all the new hard stuff I threw at it lately:

6x(200buoy or pull@3;10/100breast or back@2;00)buoys(2;54/47/43)pulls(2;36/34/33)breast(1;38/35/32)back(1;30/29/27)
2x(2x100frog@2;00/50buoy/50swim@1;00)frogs(1;51 to 1;49’s)buoy(40/38+)swims(35/34)
200p easy(2;39)
2900SCY in 55 minutes

Thurs 38 mi bike in both riding for riding and commuting.
1500 scm free ish today and 100 kick; 80 min stairmaster; 1 mi walk + 3.5 mi bike (these two errands/commuting)

6 x 100 on 1:45 fist drill
50 kick
600 swim build to moderate 9:23
50 kick
300 easy

4000 scm free-ish, 500+ scm kick
3 mi walk run (most walk), first time trying that in over a month, hoping Achilles is ok later - was fine during

5 x 100 on 1:45 fist drill
50 kick
500 swim
50 kick
4 x 100 on 1:45 fist
50 kick
400 swim
50 kick
3 x 100 on 1:45 fist (fairly sure I did 3. Might have been two. Unusual instance of spacing out and forgetting the time at the first push off)
50 kick
300 swim
50 kick
2 x 100 on 1:45 fist
50 kick
200 swim
50 kick
100 fist, 50 kick, 100 swim, 50 kick
500 swim
50 kick
5 x 100 on 1:45 fist
50 kick
100 swim (just in case I had only done 2 in the 3 set, see above)
100 kick

Sunday - 55 mi bike
Today - 4000 scm free-ish, at least 400 kick, 2 mi walk run. Felt tired in the pool

10 x 100 on 1:50 fist
50 kick
3 x 300 on 5:15 desc 441, 434, 427
50 kick
4 x 200 on 330 desc 259, 257, 256, 255
50 kick
700 swim
50 kick
6 x 100 on 1:45 fist
Kicked a bit

600 backstroke slow
400 easy free
2x200 FRIM
100 easy

5 rounds of 300, 50 hard, 50 fewer breaths (time cycle 415, 55,55). Desc rounds 1-5 on 3s as 358,354,350,348,340. 50 hard around 34-35s.

500 backstroke slow
50-100-150-200 backstroke on 130 cycle plus 5.
2x200 FRIM 100 easy

4x2 4 x 150 4x100 4x50 on 130 base minus 5

100 easy

600 backstroke slow
400 easy free
2x200 FRIM
100 easy
5 rounds of 300, 50 hard, 50 fewer breaths (time cycle 415, 55,55). Desc rounds 1-5 on 3s as 358,354,350,348,340. 50 hard around 34-35s.
500 backstroke slow
50-100-150-200 backstroke on 130 cycle plus 5.
2x200 FRIM 100 easy
4x2 4 x 150 4x100 4x50 on 130 base minus 5
100 easy

If I’m interpreting correctly, that was 7000 scm??? What does FRIM mean??? In any case, that was a big workout, espec since you did not any kicking. IMO, kicking 1000-2000 gets you to higher yardage/meterage with less drain on the shoulders and upper body. On the down side, it def makes for a longer workout.

7 on the dot

LCM is my local pool so today was LCM. in Australia basically all the pools are set to long course all year round. rarely they will set them to SCM, sometimes the outside lanes for classes / learn to swim. The only reason people swim SCM here is if the pool is SCM, as I think it maybe different in the States where you have long course and then shourt course seasons and the pools get adjusted accordingly.

FRIM is IM but you do free instead of fly :slight_smile: that is what I have read bowman and gregg troy set to keep the IM and stroke switches up when the team were fatigued sometimes (or do a 4IM with the first 50 free and last 50 fly of the first 100)

yes kicking definitely can get some low pressure yardage in on the shoulders but I am very bad at kicking, I have to carry my fins / board to the pool in my bag and I cycle there so I just like to keep it easy and just take goggles and maybe paddles. today i just swam with the hands and feet I was born with

i am feeling it after lunch that’s for sure… slower one tomorrow

7 on the dot. LCM is my local pool so today was LCM. in Australia basically all the pools are set to long course all year round. rarely they will set them to SCM, sometimes the outside lanes for classes / learn to swim. The only reason people swim SCM here is if the pool is SCM, as I think it maybe different in the States where you have long course and then short course seasons and the pools get adjusted accordingly.

FRIM is IM but you do free instead of fly :slight_smile: that is what I have read bowman and gregg troy set to keep the IM and stroke switches up when the team were fatigued sometimes (or do a 4IM with the first 50 free and last 50 fly of the first 100)

yes kicking definitely can get some low pressure yardage in on the shoulders but I am very bad at kicking, I have to carry my fins / board to the pool in my bag and I cycle there so I just like to keep it easy and just take goggles and maybe paddles. today i just swam with the hands and feet I was born with

i am feeling it after lunch that’s for sure… slower one tomorrow

Well, 7000 LCM is one looong workout, prob eqv of 8000 yds effort-wise. While you are correct that we in the U.S. do have separate long course and short course seasons, we just do not have that many 50 meter pools and so many swimmers just don’t swim LCM very often. Also, LC season is only 4-5 months vs 7-8 for sc.
So, how many km are you swimming per week??? Also, how long is your bike commute to the pool, and do you bike extra on top of the commute??? And do you run???

reminds me of a joke post thailand ultras made which is that his town in australia is shit because it doesnt have a 50m outdoor. he then shows an arial photo of an outdoor 25m pool less than 1km from beautiful blue coastline and a surf beach… lol

some of the aussies on this forum would know more than me on this topic but it was a big part of town planning and community spirit to give towns 50m pools at differnt points. you can go to the most random semi rural / outback towns and they have magic 50m outdoor pools.

**So, how many km are you swimming per week??? **swimming more this year than other years. last year high teens low 20s. this year all above 30 when not travelling or sick. wanted to get fit enough to hold sub 5 minute 400m LCM at the end of 3-4k sets, first goal was in the draft, and then out of the draft, and not get dropped by people who love to shit talk and go a bit too far and it is sometimes mean.

how much are you swimming atm?

**Also, how long is your bike commute to the pool, and do you bike extra on top of the commute??? And do you run??? **i would dare say my bike commute involves less milage than my swimming which is a terrific ratio if u ask me. i like biking a lot but just going easy and do many of my jobs / errands on it. i did road racing and MTB races when I was a teen ager and i now occasionally go for a light spin if I feel restless throughout the day. i do not run at the moment but did run a bit in university for curing hangovers. cycling seems very different now to back then. much more expensive and while still quite eccentric quite focussed on fashion and nice bikes. the bikes we used to ride were just entry level pigs that we thrashed around