Oceanside 70.3

The athlete-guide for 2012 is up. I was wondering about the three bag deal. I guess you need to hand off your morning clothes to someone eg sweat pants, and shirt after getting into your wet suit…foot gear too.


Better yet check out the San Clemente waiver. It appears to ne from a completely unrelated event. I sent an email to the RD about it but have not heard back.

You should actually read the guide. Green “Morning Clothes Bag” for drop off before at T1 before you swim.

And you have to stuff all your swim stuff in a bag before you leave on the bike. Will make T1 a little more difficult. I wonder if they will have helpers??

And in T1, “no gear allowed on the ground” Looks like all bike gear hung in bags next the the bike? And run gear hung in bags too?

And you have to stuff all your swim stuff in a bag before you leave on the bike. Will make T1 a little more difficult. I wonder if they will have helpers??

This is not uncommon at races. At every race I have been to with this protocol, you leave you bag at your T1 and then your bag is collected, along with all of the other bags, and then brought to the finish, where you can pick it up after the race. This slows down and complicates your T1, but it affects everyone else to.

Had to deal with this at the LA tri couple years ago…It sucks in my opinion but it is what it is. Hopefully leaving the race after we are done isn’t such a cluster as previous years. Good luck everyone

And you have to stuff all your swim stuff in a bag before you leave on the bike. Will make T1 a little more difficult. I wonder if they will have helpers??

This is not uncommon at races. At every race I have been to with this protocol, you leave you bag at your T1 and then your bag is collected, along with all of the other bags, and then brought to the finish, where you can pick it up after the race. This slows down and complicates your T1, but it affects everyone else to.

This format is much more suitable for swimmers who are out of the water quickly. As there are still many bikes around you don’t have to deal with other people’s gear getting in the way of getting your own stuff. At best I am a 30 min half and I find the transition much tidier and easier to navigate with everybody elses gear stored in a bag and out of the way.

Side note anyone know water temp? Lakes around here are still around 44 so I haven’t gotten out of the 78 degree pool in a while.

Water temperature is usually high 50’s.

I surf nearly every day about 20 miles upcoast from O’side. Water the past few days has been around 55. We have a solid storm coming in this weekend, which will be followed by strong NW wind on Sunday/Monday, which may drop water temps into the low 50s, but as long as we don’t get more strong NW wind, the water temp “should” recover back to the upper 50s by race day. We still have over 2 weeks.

I swim in the base side of the harbor, the water temp has been 56-59 depending on sunlight conditions. Not bad, but not good either. Water has been good and clear though lately.

You should actually read the guide. Green “Morning Clothes Bag” for drop off before at T1 before you swim.
Brett Miller

Yeah I did not read it that close. I just noticed it was a change from other races I’ve done.

And in T1, “no gear allowed on the ground” Looks like all bike gear hung in bags next the the bike? And run gear hung in bags too?

Yes, that’s what I was wondering. Anyone know the reason that we can’t lay out our bike shoes/helmet/towel etc in T1 before the start? If there’s space to rack our bike, there should be space to lay out some stuff? I understand putting all our swim gear in the bag before leaving on the bike. Vineman has two transitions and does this as well.

SWEET. Now I don’t have to worry about the Jack-Hole’s taking up enough room to set up base camp. If it doesn’t fit in a bag, you don’t need it.


water temp is currently 57.

With the howling NW winds we’ve had for the past 24 hours, it’s now down to 54 here in San Clemente, so expect the same in O’side. It “should” warm back up slowly over the next week, but they’re calling for possibly another storm next weekend. This is VERY normal for spring in SoCal. We always have our coldest water temps in March/April as these types of storms with strong NW flow in their wake come through this time of year.


Should be 73 by Wed :slight_smile:

But yeah, last year water temp was about 60. And air temp at race time was about 60 as well. I’ll take that again

SWEET. Now I don’t have to worry about the Jack-Hole’s taking up enough room to set up base camp. If it doesn’t fit in a bag, you don’t need it.

I wasn’t saying I needed to bring a base camp. I simply don’t understand why shoes, helmet, glasses (all necessary items IMO), would have to be kept in the plastic bag until you run into T1. Why not be able to have them out ready on the ground instead of hanging from the rack in a bag?

i think we will be able to have our stuff on the bike, out of the bag but just not on the ground. the only thing is if you don’t go the shoes clipped into the pedals route they would be in the bag. but helmet, sunglasses etc, can be on the bike.

any idea why they would put the 30-34 old age group in the last swim wave? I hate to think how it going to be standing around for an hour to swim, watching 1/2 the field get out of the water and out on to their bikes before we even touch the water.