NYT Poll

. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/05/us/politics/biden-trump-2024-poll.html

President Biden is trailing Donald J. Trump in five of the six most important battleground states one year before the 2024 election, suffering from enormous doubts about his age and deep dissatisfaction over his handling of the economy and a host of other issues, new polls by The New York Times and Siena College have found.

I was watching CNN coverage of this poll this morning. What a surprise. I think just a couple weeks ago Trump was loosing to Biden across the board.

Do you think the results really reflect voters in these states?

. https://www.nytimes.com/...trump-2024-poll.html

President Biden is trailing Donald J. Trump in five of the six most important battleground states one year before the 2024 election, suffering from enormous doubts about his age and deep dissatisfaction over his handling of the economy and a host of other issues, new polls by The New York Times and Siena College have found.

I was watching CNN coverage of this poll this morning. What a surprise. I think just a couple weeks ago Trump was loosing to Biden across the board.

Do you think the results really reflect voters in these states?


maybe spending more time addressing the poor decisions made within their own party in the last 3 years and less time trying to indict and keep the other parties candidate off the ballot might help? Nah…

. https://www.nytimes.com/...trump-2024-poll.html

President Biden is trailing Donald J. Trump in five of the six most important battleground states one year before the 2024 election, suffering from enormous doubts about his age and deep dissatisfaction over his handling of the economy and a host of other issues, new polls by The New York Times and Siena College have found.

I was watching CNN coverage of this poll this morning. What a surprise. I think just a couple weeks ago Trump was loosing to Biden across the board.

Do you think the results really reflect voters in these states?

You know these poll’s mean nothing. Glad to say the economy is one reason, cause it will probably be much better by next fall.

Trump probably wont even be the Rep. candidate by then.

Never want to see people die, but boy if both of them Died (or taken seriously ill, where it was clear they could not continue, thought for Trump supporters and the Rep. party that wouldn’t matter. They would elect him if he was in a coma for 6 months leading up to the convention) right before the conventions could make for some great, conventions.

. https://www.nytimes.com/...trump-2024-poll.html

President Biden is trailing Donald J. Trump in five of the six most important battleground states one year before the 2024 election, suffering from enormous doubts about his age and deep dissatisfaction over his handling of the economy and a host of other issues, new polls by The New York Times and Siena College have found.

I was watching CNN coverage of this poll this morning. What a surprise. I think just a couple weeks ago Trump was loosing to Biden across the board.

Do you think the results really reflect voters in these states?


maybe spending more time addressing the poor decisions made within their own party in the last 3 years and less time trying to indict and keep the other parties candidate off the ballot might help? Nah…


I don’t trust polls all that much at all anymore and I trust phone polls even less - no-one under 60 answers their phone to unknown numbers anymore so you get a very specific slice of the electorate responding when you do that. I know it’s a respected polling organization and assume they have a way to try to back that skew out of the results but it seems an insurmountable issue to me. I also believe these polls at this stage tend to land as “do you have concerns and would you like to get the team in charge’s attention?” rather than an honest survey of which option they’d prefer in an actual vote.

All of that said, I do expect the result if it comes down to these two to be close and find that incredibly depressing.

Finally, finally, I know you know that Biden and his administration have nothing to do with your guy getting indicted multiple times.

The other key data point is that all of the odds makers favor Trump over Biden. I think the NYTimes is the right approach, just poll the swing states and ignore the rest. National polls are close with both polling near the same number, but national polls don’t matter.

Others will say that polling this far out is pointless, but I think with the candidates as well know as these two that may not be the case. That being said, incumbents usually pick up a few points as the election cycle goes on.

. https://www.nytimes.com/...trump-2024-poll.html

President Biden is trailing Donald J. Trump in five of the six most important battleground states one year before the 2024 election, suffering from enormous doubts about his age and deep dissatisfaction over his handling of the economy and a host of other issues, new polls by The New York Times and Siena College have found.

I was watching CNN coverage of this poll this morning. What a surprise. I think just a couple weeks ago Trump was loosing to Biden across the board.

Do you think the results really reflect voters in these states?


maybe spending more time addressing the poor decisions made within their own party in the last 3 years and less time trying to indict and keep the other parties candidate off the ballot might help? Nah…

I think it’s a reflection of the inherent flaw in our two party system when a pile of human excrement—or if that’s too hyperbolic for you, a compulsive liar con man rapist insurrectionist—like Donald Trump can lead the polls simply by virtue of not being the other guy. In a sane political system this should never happen.

As I mentioned in another thread, any poll taken right now is suspect because it must be heavily influenced by current events in Israel. Pres Biden is taking some hits from voters who don’t like his support for Israel as the humanitarian crisis looms in Gaza.

Not sure about the poll or those particular states, but Muslims swung heavily to Biden in 2020 (naturally given the Trump “Muslim ban”), but he has completely lost their (our) support in the last month. I won’t vote for Trump but I won’t vote for Biden either - I’ll write in a wet towel over either of them. The Muslim vote would be enough to make the difference in several states.

. https://www.nytimes.com/...trump-2024-poll.html

President Biden is trailing Donald J. Trump in five of the six most important battleground states one year before the 2024 election, suffering from enormous doubts about his age and deep dissatisfaction over his handling of the economy and a host of other issues, new polls by The New York Times and Siena College have found.

I was watching CNN coverage of this poll this morning. What a surprise. I think just a couple weeks ago Trump was loosing to Biden across the board.

Do you think the results really reflect voters in these states?


maybe spending more time addressing the poor decisions made within their own party in the last 3 years and less time trying to indict and keep the other parties candidate off the ballot might help? Nah…

Their guy’s a fuckin criminal. Maybe you don’t get it. It’s not about keeping him off the ballot, it’s about enforcing the law.

The ‘‘used to be law and order party’’ is now run by a life long criminial, who failed at everything except laundering money for other criminals!

As I mentioned in another thread, any poll taken right now is suspect because it must be heavily influenced by current events in Israel. Pres Biden is taking some hits from voters who don’t like his support for Israel as the humanitarian crisis looms in Gaza.

My opinion is not based on this poll. Dems need someone who isn’t Biden. They need to start taking Trump seriously.

The two party system can’t be blamed for Trump leading the GOP nomination polls.

My opinion is not based on this poll. Dems need someone who isn’t Biden. They need to start taking Trump seriously.

This. Their one and only plan seemed to be hope enough legal proceedings keep Trump away. There needs to be a Plan B. Trump is so bad, whoever runs against him should be high-stepping into the end zone.

Edit: and not Dean Phillips. Give me Whitmer, or Polis.

My opinion is not based on this poll. Dems need someone who isn’t Biden. They need to start taking Trump seriously.

This. Their one and only plan seemed to be hope enough legal proceedings keep Trump away. There needs to be a Plan B. Trump is so bad, whoever runs against him should be high-stepping into the end zone.

Edit: and not Dean Phillips. Give me Whitmer, or Polis.
Logically, my dog should beat DJT

I’m of the completely irrational opinion that campaign polling is like bike racing. You should draft from behind until the last few weeks, then stand up and sprint. If Biden were ahead I’d be worried and telling him to lift his foot off the gas. Only Obama can solo off the front.

My opinion is not based on this poll. Dems need someone who isn’t Biden. They need to start taking Trump seriously.

This. Their one and only plan seemed to be hope enough legal proceedings keep Trump away. There needs to be a Plan B. Trump is so bad, whoever runs against him should be high-stepping into the end zone.

Edit: and not Dean Phillips. Give me Whitmer, or Polis.
Logically, my dog should beat DJT

Well you have idiotic people like Tyler who will vote Trump even though he knows how bad he is.

maybe spending more time addressing the poor decisions made within their own party in the last 3 years and less time trying to indict and keep the other parties candidate off the ballot might help? Nah…
I don’t always agree with you but you have captured the issue pretty well. Unfortunately what you describe is true for both parties.

As I mentioned in another thread, any poll taken right now is suspect because it must be heavily influenced by current events in Israel. Pres Biden is taking some hits from voters who don’t like his support for Israel as the humanitarian crisis looms in Gaza.

A whole bunch of future events to play out in the next 12 months. I hate all polling.

My opinion is not based on this poll. Dems need someone who isn’t Biden. They need to start taking Trump seriously.

This. Their one and only plan seemed to be hope enough legal proceedings keep Trump away. There needs to be a Plan B. Trump is so bad, whoever runs against him should be high-stepping into the end zone.

Edit: and not Dean Phillips. Give me Whitmer, or Polis.
Logically, my dog should beat DJT

Well you have idiotic people like Tyler who will vote Trump even though he knows how bad he is.

Maybe you realize it, maybe you don’t. But posts like yours further strengthens Trump supporter resolve.

I work in one of the three counties that Trump won’t win in my state. I’m surrounded by Trump supporters. Every time they see a post like yours, they’re thinking, “we’ll see what happens on election day.”

I wish there was a viable third option.

As I mentioned in another thread, any poll taken right now is suspect because it must be heavily influenced by current events in Israel. Pres Biden is taking some hits from **voters who don’t like his support for Israel **as the humanitarian crisis looms in Gaza.

Seeing Palestinian Americans and others threatening to pull their support for Biden in the next election is rather amusing . I presume Uncle Don makes everything better ?

Seeing Palestinian Americans and others threatening to pull their support for Biden in the next election is rather amusing . I presume Uncle Don makes everything better ?

I doubt the would vote for Trump, but maybe they just sit home to spite Biden.