NYT Lance weighing doping admission?


This threads about to explode…can the government go after him if he admits? Would there be a 1 year triathlon ban or a deal worked out with Tygart?

The siren song of Kona sings…

runs off to grab popcorn

I hope he makes a full admission based on his desire to improve the sport and help his foundation, without any expectation of concessions from USADA.

Could the government go after him for what?

Lots of bad things will begin to happen legally if he comes clean. I’d keep quiet if I were him. I’m not seeing a huge upside for him.

To quote the article “so he can continue his athletic career” You have to be freekking kidding me. What an arrogant ass

It’s in the New York Times. I wonder if the story is true.

Perjury. He was deposed under oath in the SCA trial, where he apparently claimed to have never doped.

So, assuming he doped for ~10 years, would it be fair for him to return to competition, after benefitting from training/doping for that long? I say no.

The siren song of Kona sings…

runs off to grab popcorn

A sentence reduction would likely be eight eight years, which is what the WADA rules allow as the maximum reduction of a lifetime sentence. He won’t be at Kona until he is fifty.

Is he just waiting until no one cares anymore or something?

You have to be f#@^king kidding me.

So, is this your home or work address?


I hope he makes a full admission based on his desire to improve the sport and help his foundation, without any expectation of concessions from USADA.

This is sarcasm right? Thought so.

I have no clue how I did that…funny

Pretty sure the Statute of Limitations is 5 years, so he’s free on perjury. The other thing that is brought up is the money from the postal service. I imagine thats a pretty complex case, but they sponsered the team to get publicity and that ended up to be a great deal for them by all accounts.

Pretty sure the Statute of Limitations is 5 years, so he’s free on perjury. The other thing that is brought up is the money from the postal service. I imagine thats a pretty complex case, but they sponsered the team to get publicity and that ended up to be a great deal for them by all accounts.
Can’t speak for the perjury but I know Floyd brought that whistleblower case against him and the damages would be huge. Tens of millions from what I have read.
Totally agree with you on the sponsorship deal. He delivered great exposure for USPS. It’s not like all of the sudden people are gonna say, “omg USPS sponsored lance and he was a doper. Not using their services anymore.”

The US Postal Service is effectively bankrupt and has been for years. How did sponsoring a cycling team help them from a monetary standpoint?

Smells like a trial balloon to me.

So far the government hasn’t joined the FL case. That isn’t a good sign. The reports on its worth are just based on the possible amount of fraud I doubt that all of money waas used for drugs ;-).

I’d like to see SCA get their money and the newspaper that is suing over losing the defamation suit also. But I’d really like to see Betsy Andreu sue and win a defamation suit. Somehow I think it would gall LA more to write her a check for $500 than it would to send SCA $10 mil.

Some people just dont know when to quit.