Nutrition ( maltodextrin question)

I am trying to make my own carb drink mix, a lot videos about maltodextrin, but very little information which one.
When i went to buy i notice fewer different one.
Is anyone knows the differences between of them and have any experience with it.
Please help me know which should I buying. Or not to buy.
Thank you.

Maltodextrin is a generic chemical compound, typically derived from corn. Just get generic versions from the local home brewing store (it is used in beer making).

I buy the bulk supplements brand from amazing. I mix 50% maltodextrin and 50% table sugar into a gel. Works great for me.

Maltodextrin is a generic chemical compound, typically derived from corn. Just get generic versions from the local home brewing store (it is used in beer making).

I saw on in the beer making. For a very good deal.
I also saw a tapioca maltodextrin.

It may be derived from different sources, but it will all be inherently the same thing, regardless of the source.


When refrigeration was invented they used it to make ‘artificial ice’ and ship blocks of it to people’s homes instead of blocks of sea ice. There was a huge and partially successful marketing push to convince people that sea ice melts slower than artificial ice, even though they are both simply frozen water.

Like ice, maltodextrin is maltodextrin.

I would look into Alex Harrison’s posts here as he has some preferred vendors. I have found that some are better (as far as mixing) than others. I got a big orange tub of it from Amazon and it didn’t mix well at all, especially if the water was the least bit cool. Also from China so I wasn’t too excited about that. I’m using a Rhyno Power brand one now that seems to be really good. Search for Alex posts as he even has links on some.

I am trying to make my own carb drink mix, a lot videos about maltodextrin, but very little information which one.
When i went to buy i notice fewer different one.
Is anyone knows the differences between of them and have any experience with it.
Please help me know which should I buying. Or not to buy.
Thank you.
I think I may be able to help you out,. There are differences and it is usually noted as DE ## this indicates the dextrose equivalents. In a general sense the number if usually an indication of the sweetness you will experience because of free sugars also there is a DP # which indicated the degree of polymerization (the length of the polymer chains. That is important because how it acts in your stomach is related to the size of the molecules. Longer chains bigger molecules lower osmolality for the same mass of maltodextrin. osmolality is related to how it cause stomach upset. Therefore the lower the DE the higher the DP# and the lower the DE# the less sweet and usually it helps with tolerance as well. Almost all maltodextrins range from DE10-18 in general use.

I hope that helps

I used maltodextrin for quite awhile for my long rides. I had bought a 50 lbs bag - even after giving a third of it away and throwing away another 5-7 lbs, it was too much for me to remotely finish even over 5+ years! I finally just chucked it all as I didn’t like storing all that powder.

Have been following some other recs from here (Dr AlexHarrison) that say to just use table sugar or brown sugar, and it’s totally fine. Same calories, a bit sweeter, but I actually like that it’s sweeter. Way easier to purchase as well and you don’t get stuck with the markups of being an ‘athletic nutrition product.’

Give plain ol’ sugar a try - you won’t need to worry about malto sourcing if it works for you.

Maltodextrin is a generic chemical compound, typically derived from corn. Just get generic versions from the local home brewing store (it is used in beer making).

I bought mine in a 50 lb. bag from a warehouse for maybe $75 delivered to my front door. I don’t use it as much anymore, but probably went through 3 bags of it like that. Stuff has a shelf life of years.

I was using carbo pro and since MIA I switched to Ryno Power also, exact same as Carbo Pro.

Ryno is way more expensive unless you have the 40 percent off code. Even with the 40 it is more than Carbo, but it works and I like the convenience so happy to pay.

I typically buy the NOW Foods brand in 8# tubs. For intense rides or long rides, I’ll mix each bottle with 65g malto with 45g fructose and some electrolyte powder. 110g per hour seems to be a pretty good spot for me on those long hard rides, so far I’ve done up to about 8 hours with this combo and have felt good.

I typically buy the NOW Foods brand in 8# tubs. For intense rides or long rides, I’ll mix each bottle with 65g malto with 45g fructose and some electrolyte powder. 110g per hour seems to be a pretty good spot for me on those long hard rides, so far I’ve done up to about 8 hours with this combo and have felt good.

I use that as well.

I normally mix 1 big scoop of gatorade (from the big gatorade tub) with two equal scoops of Maltodextrin in a big water bottle. It’s about 350 to 400 calories per bottle.

I will then drink to thirst.

It’s a strong flavor and much cheaper than gels.

I used to get the malto but didn’t like how it mixed, and tasted, esp. in the heat - yuck!

I’m pretty much a Saturday Ap convert now, my sugar of choice is dextrose.

Tastes… like sugar. Dissolves, very easily.

I mix in the required amount of salt, depending on weather + intensity of workout…and I’m good to go.

I do however, about 1/2 the time put a squirt of water flavouring into the bottle to make it taste better, and then, drink more.

The $ I saved from not buying gels or expensive sugar water, I bought a tank or two of gas.

I am trying to make my own carb drink mix, a lot videos about maltodextrin, but very little information which one.
When i went to buy i notice fewer different one.
Is anyone knows the differences between of them and have any experience with it.
Please help me know which should I buying. Or not to buy.
Thank you.
I think I may be able to help you out,. There are differences and it is usually noted as DE ## this indicates the dextrose equivalents. In a general sense the number if usually an indication of the sweetness you will experience because of free sugars also there is a DP # which indicated the degree of polymerization (the length of the polymer chains. That is important because how it acts in your stomach is related to the size of the molecules. Longer chains bigger molecules lower osmolality for the same mass of maltodextrin. osmolality is related to how it cause stomach upset. Therefore the lower the DE the higher the DP# and the lower the DE# the less sweet and usually it helps with tolerance as well. Almost all maltodextrins range from DE10-18 in general use.

I hope that helps

I found this 50 pound on morebeer . I guess it is a good price. Just don’t know if it is a scam lol

I used to get the malto but didn’t like how it mixed, and tasted, esp. in the heat - yuck!

I’m pretty much a Saturday Ap convert now, my sugar of choice is dextrose.

Tastes… like sugar. Dissolves, very easily.

I mix in the required amount of salt, depending on weather + intensity of workout…and I’m good to go.

I do however, about 1/2 the time put a squirt of water flavouring into the bottle to make it taste better, and then, drink more.

The $ I saved from not buying gels or expensive sugar water, I bought a tank or two of gas.

Funny you said that, i just install this app today. I will give a shot.

I typically buy the NOW Foods brand in 8# tubs. For intense rides or long rides, I’ll mix each bottle with 65g malto with 45g fructose and some electrolyte powder. 110g per hour seems to be a pretty good spot for me on those long hard rides, so far I’ve done up to about 8 hours with this combo and have felt good.

Checked on Amazon . About $30 for the 8#. ( carb gain)
$79 for 50# maltodextrin
$59 for pure fructose crystalline

Straight up malto tastes terrible, that’s why i use the gatorade.

In the past I’ve used the non sweetened kool-aid with success. That was when i used carbo pro.

Now carbo pro is so expensive it’s not worth it. Something like $50 for 3lbs plus $30 shipping last time i checked.

I use skratch with carbo, now use Ryno with skratch.