Now We've Seine It All: August Fish Thread

My shoulder is acting up so I don’t know what I’ll be able to do this month, but have at it.

Skuj gets the hat tip for the thread title!

My shoulder is acting up so I don’t know what I’ll be able to do this month, but have at it.

Skuj gets the hat tip for the thread title!
I think you mispronounce Seine… maybe better “In Seine: August Fish Thread?” :wink:

I think you mispronounce Seine… maybe better “In Seine: August Fish Thread?” :wink:

I’m sure I’m mispronouncing it. I like your idea too! If others have a strong preference, and Skuj (who will surely see your idea and love it) approve, we can change the title.

I think you mispronounce Seine… maybe better “In Seine: August Fish Thread?” :wink:

I’m sure I’m mispronouncing it. I like your idea too! If others have a strong preference, and Skuj (who will surely see your idea and love it) approve, we can change the title.
for the English speakers Seine is pronounced somewhat like “sane” whereas the sentence in the title is likely pronounced like “seen” but still gets the point across.

I think you mispronounce Seine… maybe better “In Seine: August Fish Thread?” :wink:

I’m sure I’m mispronouncing it. I like your idea too! If others have a strong preference, and Skuj (who will surely see your idea and love it) approve, we can change the title.
for the English speakers Seine is pronounced somewhat like “sane” whereas the sentence in the title is likely pronounced like “seen” but still gets the point across.

I thought it was pronounced like zen but with a s.

Was looking for the July thread but WE’RE SUDDENLY ALREADY IN AUGUST!! How this happens every year, I’ll never know…

Anyway, 8/1, :57 3500 scy
7 x 500 as
500 ez
5 x 100 on 1:40 buoy band
500 buoy band paddles
5 x 100 swim on 1:30
500 buoy band (7:30)
5 x 100 buoy band paddles on 1:30 (held 1:19, yeah paddles!)
500 ez swim

My shoulder is acting up so I don’t know what I’ll be able to do this month, but have at it.

Skuj gets the hat tip for the thread title!
I think you mispronounce Seine… maybe better “In Seine: August Fish Thread?” :wink:

If someone else came up with it, surely it’s CoSeine

Funny title tiger. Its a bit inseinstive to the organisers who just turned a tap on and made the water quality terrific though :wink:

Did a kieren perkins set today 6 rounds of 200 150 100 50 (1 minute for the 50 the rest on 1:30 cycle just giving yourself a flogging best effort)


I am wondering if y’all can help me out with a question about my swim technique and a(n almost certainly) related shoulder tendonitis problem? Not sure if this is really what this thread is for, hence the query in advance. If you think it better to post in the main forum then I’m happy to do - please just say!

And tbh my preference for posting here - apart from the obvious of tapping into swim-focussed wisdom - is a desire to avoid inspiring another rerun of the usual ST thread upon asking a swim technique question!

Steady as she goes.

Thurs 8/1 - 700 yd

Funny title tiger.

not mine. Skuj came up with it!


I am wondering if y’all can help me out with a question about my swim technique and a(n almost certainly) related shoulder tendonitis problem? Not sure if this is really what this thread is for, hence the query in advance. If you think it better to post in the main forum then I’m happy to do - please just say!

And tbh my preference for posting here - apart from the obvious of tapping into swim-focussed wisdom - is a desire to avoid inspiring another rerun of the usual ST thread upon asking a swim technique question!

Ask away and give us as much detail as possible.

I’m training for a du at the moment, so i really don’t have much to offer to thread.

still, wanted to pop in and congratulate you on an outstanding run of titles here. great job, month after month. chapeau!

still, wanted to pop in and congratulate you on an outstanding run of titles here. great job, month after month. chapeau!

Skuj and I are kind of killing it :smiley: thanks.

Ask away and give us as much detail as possible.

The injury issue is tendonitis in my right shoulder. I think the likely cause is how wide my right arm goes under the water. I might be wrong about that of course so open to other thoughts. I’m not sure if the attached video is clear enough … it’s not ideal in several ways including that I have pull/paddles on … albeit my right arm does the same thing without them … I can get some more video if need be …but hopefully you can get the gist.

I only started swimming when I took up triathlon 10+ years ago (54 now), so I’m short of a natural feel for things. I’ve tried to correct the right arm position underwater by just trying to not pull so damn wide but I suspect there’s a root cause which I need to fix, else I’ll always be swimming against the tide as it were.

Obviously there’s a bunch of other messy stuff going on with my stroke. To my mind, my priority should be sorting out my shoulder pain (and my assumption is the wide arm is the cause of irritation) - but feel free to persuade me that other things ought to come first.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer.


I’m not a swim coach and always wished I was better at helping people improve their stroke.

That said, is your shoulder hurting here, and are you altering your stroke as a result? Sort of looks like two separate people, left arm to right arm. Left looks ok, but right has a bit of a hitch in the recovery and comes in very flat, when compared to the left which has a stronger entry. Also, that right arm pulls way out to the side whereas the left stays nicely under the body

Perhaps using a snorkel for a few sets so you can really keep track of the right arm on the pull

I think the likely cause is how wide my right arm goes under the water. I might be wrong about that of course so open to other thoughts. I’m not sure if the attached video is clear enough … it’s not ideal in several ways including that I have pull/paddles on … albeit my right arm does the same thing without them … I can get some more video if need be …but hopefully you can get the gist.

  1. No more paddles while you are getting rid of the tendonitis. The only paddles you are allowed - which are not paddles - are the Finis forearm fulcrum
  2. Yup, that wide entry and pull on the R is the thing I would work on. Try (a) catch up drill and (b) fingertip drag drill, and on that one think about bringing your R arm from your hip up the right side of your body super close to your body and see if it gets the R hand in front of the shoulder. I’d describe both drills but you can find video and I think that’s better.
  3. Video that shows your kick would be good

hand should enter right in front of shoulder - that’s the cue I would use.

I thought it was pronounced like zen but with a s.

That’s my experience with native french speakers too, more like zen. Still works for the thread title.

Did 3350 yesterday easy, pacing dan for his 2k tt.He asked if I could do 1;35’s and I wasnt sure I could.Did a few in warm up, and yes I could swim that slow and steady for 2k!!! He dropped off after 1k but held strong to beat his goal of breaking 32 minutes by a few seconds. I found it mesmerizing to swim so easy and just keep floating through a long swim. I think I will do more like that, albeit maybe 1;30 or just under pace, body sinks at that speed;

Big race this Sunday, at the beach now and did 1k ocean swim and water has cooled, about 66, down from 70 last week. And I like that and the current is going against us right now, so could be a long morning…

500 warm up
2k tt @ 1;35 pace(31;33)
5x100swim@ my long pace(1;26/25’s)
200IM kick
3200SCY in 57 minutes

is your shoulder hurting here, and are you altering your stroke as a result?

I think everything you see was the way I swam before the shoulder got sore. But when I shoulder is sore I am definitely more tentative on that side too.

Perhaps using a snorkel for a few sets so you can really keep track of the right arm on the pull

Will do - thanks