November Fish

Post em

First swim all month, been trying to sort out what is up w shoulder and baby it in the meantime. Scm
13 x 100 fist drill on 1:50
50 kick

Then 5.96 mi jog/walk and 30 min easy stairmaster

Monty and waverider responses in here along w update:

two days this week.
Monday was super easy 2k mix to work on my feel for the water again so as to improve my distance workouts and not just my ability to a 100 fast (which i am still focused on too btw)

today was our “threshold day” 5k total scy
1200 warm up mix
3 rounds of
500 rest 30 at strong tempo (like you could go faster for sure but then you would be done)
6 x 75 on 1:00 going that faster tempo
rest an additional 50 easy
500s were 5:48, 5:54, 6:02 (the pool Monty, was super hot today!! prob 83 and it was miserable. Three bottles total, two with just ice water in them)
75s I held 49s and 50s on them w the occasional slower one esp round 3 I fell off.

finished with 4 x 100 rest 10 sec breathing 3-3-3-2 by length (this was actually the easiest part)

Undecided on swimming tomorrow or not. Leaning towards yes to flush this out. Have a super speedy triathlete coming thursday who likes to swim fast so… hoping for some recovery from the past 3 days and having a much better thursday. Today was just not great.

To waveride on your october thread you talked about galloping through the water. Even being Neighed at (haha). Question: do you breathe on both sides?or are you only a single side breather? I used to gallop too. But it is very very inefficient. All that slowing and then velocity recreation eats away at energy stores.
Just curious on the breathing. (im NOT being critical just curious)


Per doctors orders……ease back into it for the next 4 weeks so……

Yesterday I did a slow 1050 yd swim and today I did 3 x 300 swim/100 kick.

Not to over do it, tomorrow will not swim and then will go again Thursday if I am feeling good.

Btw….enjoying playing with the new metrics (head coach) in the Form swim googles

happy to see you, how’s the recovery going?

Nice sets there

Single side breather and yes it’s very inefficient. can get away with it in rough ows I used to find but I have now tried to change it so I can hang on to higher pace over longer distances in the pool. Much better at avoiding it now. Feels good as I know how to fall into it and out of it but before I didn’t know how to

Watching phelps and other freestylers who gallop I think they probably actually stay very flat and don’t move around too much in the water. Helps if you can kick well too

Sets today
3 rounds 5x100 on 130 500 easy. Holding 14-15 for 100s the 500s 124-126 pace per 100
18x50 on 40,45
5x200 frim so free not fly on 307.5

last few pool workouts:

4x400 pull with shoes (~1:12/100y)
1x400 buoy only (4:33)
3000scy total

5x300 as 100 fast/ 100 cruise/ 50 fast/ 50 cruise (avg about 3:19)
6x75 odd fast/easy/fast, even easy/fast/easy (alternate 46/48)
5x50 easy
3000scy total

this day I wasn’t feeling it, so just started doing 100’s until I was:
15x100 on 1:20

6x100 pull same effort and interval

2x50 easy
3000scy total

4x50 25 sprint/25 easy
pull was ~1:05/100y pace, 50’s were 27’s
3000scy total


I think you’re right about the kicking… only the most elite of kickers can make up for that loss of velocity during the galloping
I was a single side breather too, but worked hard at adopting a bilateral skill.
I won’t dive too deep into this and happy to take it off line if interested… (pun intended)
What actually came out of it was a realization that I was actually faster breathing on my off side as the built in gallop movement didn’t exist there. So give it a go.
Yes. Getting the same quality of breath is a challenge (which is where I usually start all my lessons w how to breathe) but like I said… I digress.
Good luck.
Max speed session Thursday (for me) hoping I can recover a bit by then bc currently I’m smashed.


Good but really have to watch over stressing the lower abdomen……maybe the 100 yd kicks was too much at three weeks so will back off a bit Thursday and work on the Form metrics for the next couple of weeks. Also starting to run a bit but biking will be out!

Good but really have to watch over stressing the lower abdomen……maybe the 100 yd kicks was too much at three weeks so will back off a bit Thursday and work on the Form metrics for the next couple of weeks. Also starting to run a bit but biking will be out!

If you’re looking for a gentler way to move in the water, breaststroke kick on your back is likely to be less ab-engaging that flutter kick, methinks. Sculling would be ok too I think.
much love.

Thanks for the advice….I was a breaststroker in high school and college……but recovering from posterior hip replacement 8 months ago, that motion is not a good one for me yet as I also rebuild those tendons and muscles……remember the last 12 months I have been on the surgery train and can’t seem to get off:-)

Happy to say I will get in one day this week, snatched 5 of the swimmers from the camp and snuck off for a 50 minute swim. Should help me tie in from weekend to weekend… Basic and simple:

30x100as 5x(4buoy/pull@1;30/100frog@2;00/100back@2;00)buoys(1;23/22’s)pulls(1;15 to 1;12)frogs(1;53 to 1;48)backs(1;33 to 1;31)50 fly(39)

3050SCY in 50 minutes

Thanks for the advice….I was a breaststroker in high school and college……but recovering from posterior hip replacement 8 months ago, that motion is not a good one for me yet as I also rebuild those tendons and muscles……remember the last 12 months I have been on the surgery train and can’t seem to get off:-)

I knew you’d had a collection of surgeries but didn’t know - or forgot, more likely - that one was hip.

Keep it moving Monty!

Speed yesterday was not by best. Pool was “less” warm but i am just smashed and not recovering right now. I tried tho.

Biggest week of yardage for me in a while, with 2k, 5k, then 4k – tho it has been 3 pretty good weeks of consistency on tue/thur

Speed sesh was 4k in total
3 rounds
25 max then 25 easy on 1:00 (single breath on these really working posture and body line)
50 max then 50 easy on 1:30
75 max then 75 easy on 2 (all 43s and right at 44 tho)
100 max – then easy 300
My 50s were 26.9 and then 27.2, 27.4
the 100s were 57.9, 58.1 59.9 ( like I said I was smashed)

Coach was only getting our 50s and 100s as he had a couple groups to handle.

We finished w a 200 broken by 10 sec at each 50. I did the flip before starting the 10 sec rest.
Total 200 time minus the rest 202 something. I just fell completely apart on this. 27 high first 50, 29 on the second then a couple 33s (told you I was done)

Massive week for me w the running and biking and strength work.
here is a sample of part of my strength routine
2 x this week I did a 20min routine of:
even number minutes doing 20 push ups
odd number minutes doing 12 split stance squats w 16 kilo (8kg kettlebell in each hand) and doing this on each leg so 22 squats total

It starts off relatively easy but man the minutes start to fly by. Felt like a backyard ultra, (in a way)


Some pretty good times there Dave for a hot pool, mine hit 84 today, ouch. But it is the cycle here, it creeps up as the temps go down outside, and some days it will be 85 to 87 even for the water joggers. My plight, but used to it now. I did take a group on Wednesday for my one workout of the week, and noticed everyone has a bottle on the edge of the pool…

I’m old school and just take a drink in the car before workout, and then in the car after, but perhaps it is in my best interest to have a bottle on the lane too? What do all you fishes do these days, everyone drinking during workouts? Normally I would not even bother to ask, but since im stuck with a winter of hot swimming, perhaps time for this old dog to learn a new trick…

So did this today to break the ice of a light week, thinking about the Brute coming up and gonna do a lot of IM and distance free type stuff:

4x(3x100buoy@1;40/2x100frog@2;15/200IM@4;00)buoys(1;26/25/24/22/22/22/22/21/20/22/21/18+)frogs(1;56 to 1;47) IM’s(3;01/2;58/2;54/2;28+ broken@50@1;30–fly35+/Bk40/Br40+/Free32)
4x50 flutter/dolphin@1;30-(64/60/57/54)
5x100p easy descend@1;40(1;21/20/18/17/15)100SD
3600SCY in 61 minutes

as a kid i never took a drink during workout and didn’t take a bottle to the pool. i loved that feeling of getting a hot face at the end of a session in an indoor 25m pool steam box and just pushing on even more! now i take some kind of carbo mix and sit it in a bottle at the end

had my first OW race in awhile on the weekend. slated as a 1500m but it was probably a touch shorter than that. finished with 17’50s something, and took second male over all and third over all. Prob about 200 racers. was a bit of a wave on at the beach and we raced in age groups only. I let two guys in my wave go out in front of me through the wave zone getting out, and managed to find their feet once we got out the back. i got my breath back and then thought i could increase the pace a little bit. got in front of them and had one guy on my feet until the first can and then had a few body lengths on him about 50m past the first can.

we were coming after earlier age groups so there was a bit of navigating going on. as it was a bit windy and some waves were on the navigation was not so easy and it was pretty hard to get into a steady rhythm and really swim fast on the day.

got stung by a blue bottle at the second last can and then tried to really pick it up a bit to the last can before the wave zone. lots of traffic by now but managed to get a nice wave from fairly deep water and got into a stream line and kept my head down for a nice ride. didn’t bounce me too hard but i did have to kick pretty hard to stay on it. fell off that one when it hit the gutter and then finished with a nice little one just before the sand.

got in today and really wanted to try to find a good distance pace rhythm for 800 - 1500s. main sets were 2 rounds of 300 steady 4x150 8/10 effort. then 50 easy, 200 8.5 effort. then 3x50 3x100 150 3x200 on 1/30 base holding 1’15 per 100

Nice job on the race, bet you forgot how anaerobic you can get running out and diving under waves in the first couple minutes…So sounds like a woman won the race, or got 2nd overall?

Great feeling getting that outside wave and riding it to the gutter, but that feeling you get when you realize you have to keep swimming hard, brutal!! How big was the surf and which beach?

yep a very good master blaster woman got the overall - we went off in different waves and into different surf so it is a bit hard to compare times accurately. shes around 60 i think and probably one of the top handful of female masters in the world at endurance stuff.

you’re definitely right. its like swimming uphill… they put the surf as 2-3 foot but i definitely saw some bigger than that. biggest wave i saw would have been around 5 foot i’d say and they had closed the beach the day before - so some of those bigger sets would have been around the day before for sure.

they had the shorter race go off an hour earlier and there were quite a few people who took around 5-10 minutes to break through the wave zone.

Congratulations on the race!

2000 scm free ish and 50 kick as 20 x 100 fist on 1:50. Felt really good, no pain, hoping it doesn’t set in later
6 mi jog walk
70 min stairmaster

60 year old woman beat all you tough guys, ha!!! Just kidding, as a very good friend of mine who is now 65, would have cleaned all our clocks at 60 too. In fact she set what should have been an all time 1650 record, but they were one judge short on the deck of being able to ratify it as a record, so she lives with all time best ever mile for a 60+ woman…

She is also very good in the ocean, she went through lifeguard training with me on my 2nd go around, so I would be hesitant to put anything of any value on any race under 800 yards against her, and only if there is big surf, because I would need that wave!!..

Got in the hot pool today and continued on with my Brute training, but man it is not easy, or fun really as of yet…And did I mention it was really hot?

3x(500buoy or pull@7;30/7;00/200frog@4;30/100fly/200IM straight through)buoys(7;03/6;55)pull(6;34)frogs(3;47/3;40/3;38)300brute(4;40/4;37/ Broken 4;07as 50’s @1;10—43/42/40+/42+/43+/35)
3x(2x100p@1;30/50fly@1;30) pulls(1;17/17/16/15/16/14)fly(39/39/38)100SD
4000SCY in 72 minutes