Nothing to see here (3)

EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden paid nearly $2.75million CASH for Rehoboth Beach house within weeks of Hunter sending ‘threatening’ text to Chinese business partner demanding to close $10million deal (

just more coincidences. After all, we still don’t have any real evidence. It’s not like we have a video of Hunter and James handing a 50 year public servant and his doctor of Education wife a bag with a $ sign on it.

edit: maybe he sold all his other residences and rolled all the proceeds into this beach house… oh wait, nope.

Maybe Corn Pop left him something in his will.

Hate to agree with this guy, but he’s right for a change. Important bit highlighted for you.

Property records show Joe’s six-bedroom second property was purchased on June 8, 2017 for $2,744,001 – just seven weeks before his son’s shakedown messages.


In 2017, the first year Joe was out of office after 36 years in the Senate and eight more as vice president, the couple declared an income of $11 million, and a further $4.58 million in 2018.

At the time of Joe’s Rehoboth house purchase, local news site Delaware Online reported that it had been bought ‘using part of their advance from a multi-book deal’.

Seems like the thread title is appropriate.

Should we now talk about Trump buying a FL property in 2004 for $41.35m and selling it to a Russian oligarch in 2008 for $95m. The Russian, Rybolovlev, described the purchase as an investment and never stayed there.

Meanwhile FAA records have shown Rybolovlev’s private jet visited cities where Trump was during his campaign and presidency., including coinciding visits to Las Vegas, Charlotte and Miami.

Seems like the thread title is appropriate.

Should we now talk about Trump buying a FL property in 2004 for $41.35m and selling it to a Russian oligarch in 2008 for $95m. The Russian, Rybolovlev, described the purchase as an investment and never stayed there.

Meanwhile FAA records have shown Rybolovlev’s private jet visited cities where Trump was during his campaign and presidency., including coinciding visits to Las Vegas, Charlotte and Miami.

Ty will be along shortly to tell you that there’s nothing to see here, except that the FAA has been weaponized.

EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden paid nearly $2.75million CASH for Rehoboth Beach house within weeks of Hunter sending ‘threatening’ text to Chinese business partner demanding to close $10million deal (

just more coincidences. After all, we still don’t have any real evidence. It’s not like we have a video of Hunter and James handing a 50 year public servant and his doctor of Education wife a bag with a $ sign on it.

edit: maybe he sold all his other residences and rolled all the proceeds into this beach house… oh wait, nope.

Maybe Corn Pop left him something in his will.

The People with TDS are going to take over this thread in no time

Hate to agree with this guy, but he’s right for a change. Important bit highlighted for you.

Property records show Joe’s six-bedroom second property was purchased on June 8, 2017 for $2,744,001 – just seven weeks before his son’s shakedown messages.


In 2017, the first year Joe was out of office after 36 years in the Senate and eight more as vice president, the couple declared an income of $11 million, and a further $4.58 million in 2018.

At the time of Joe’s Rehoboth house purchase, local news site Delaware Online reported that it had been bought ‘using part of their advance from a multi-book deal’.

So the article explains exactly where the money came from and makes clear that it happened weeks before the super scary “shakedown messages”.

Kind of weird that Tyler is pushing the link that explains his thread title. I expected some misdirection. I, for one, am glad to see this new straightforward Tyler.

The People with TDS are going to take over this thread in no time

You had to bring up Trump.

The People with TDS are going to take over this thread in no time

You had to bring up Trump.

To be fair, once it had been established that there really isn’t anything to see here, I brought up Trump.

I know, I know, I have TDS…. I shouldn’t be concerned about possible money laundering of Russian money via his real estate transactions, or raising money for vets and then pocketing the cash, or being indicted four times, or held liable for sexual assault…

It’s so sad to see posters suffering from Biden Derangement Syndrome.

Get well Tyler.


Do you think you are being objective in this post?

Did you actually read it the whole of the article?

we still don’t have any real evidence.


The title of this thread is 100% accurate.

What l find interesting is that the vast majority of Tyler’s posts are just drive-bys; he so rarely follows up on supporting his BDS or other random thoughts.

I kinda love my TDS. Trump is hilarious and provides endless entertainment. And the new trump material never seems to stop.

What l find interesting is that the vast majority of Tyler’s posts are just drive-bys; he so rarely follows up on supporting his BDS or other random thoughts.

I kinda love my TDS. Trump is hilarious and provides endless entertainment. And the new trump material never seems to stop.

Let me correct you right there. Trump would be endless entertainment if there wasn’t a real possibility of him becoming president again. However, as long as he has that potential he will be a risk to our country and our democracy. Once he is gone(hopefully soon) or in jail it will be much more entertaining.

So from what I can make from all of this is:

  1. After office biden signed a book deal.
  2. After office biden got an advance on the book deal,
  3. After office biden used the advance to purchase a big house.

All of this is evidence of corruption?

So from what I can make from all of this is:

  1. After office biden signed a book deal.
  2. After office biden got an advance on the book deal,
  3. After office biden used the advance to purchase a big house.

All of this is evidence of corruption?

I could see some possible aspects of these sorts of book deals that could be considered corruption.

Publishing companies know that these books by politicians are going to be bought in large numbers by groups that use them as gifts for fundraising. So they know these sorts of deals will sell a bunch of books paid for by political donations. So it is a way for political donations to be put directly in a politicians pocket. That would be especially true if a large portion of the total sales was to these political groups.

I could see a way that is corrupt. I think it may be reasonable for a law to be made so political donations can’t be used this way.

Of course this is not only totally legal, but also something lots of Republicans do! So kinda hard to think that actually think this corrupt when they do the exact same fucking thing. Not just Republican politicians, but do people really think lots of people wanted to read a book “written” by Donald trump junior? Of course we know that various political pacs bought lots of junior’s book.

Let me correct you right there. Trump would be endless entertainment if there wasn’t a real possibility of him becoming president again. However, as long as he has that potential he will be a risk to our country and our democracy. Once he is gone(hopefully soon) or in jail it will be much more entertaining.

This is why when people bring up “TDS” as if Trump would be a non-factor unless stupid liberals kept fixating on him is fiction, that’s sheer nonsense.

Trump is not going away if libtards stop fetishizing and fixating on Trump.

“Trump is liberals’ fault because they give him oxygen” is a flat-out lie.

But in 2017! It would be like saying Obama was illegally taking campaign funds in 2017. Makes no sense.

So from what I can make from all of this is:

  1. After office biden signed a book deal.
  2. After office biden got an advance on the book deal,
  3. After office biden used the advance to purchase a big house.

All of this is evidence of corruption?

I could see some possible aspects of these sorts of book deals that could be considered corruption.

Publishing companies know that these books by politicians are going to be bought in large numbers by groups that use them as gifts for fundraising. So they know these sorts of deals will sell a bunch of books paid for by political donations. So it is a way for political donations to be put directly in a politicians pocket. That would be especially true if a large portion of the total sales was to these political groups.

I could see a way that is corrupt. I think it may be reasonable for a law to be made so political donations can’t be used this way.

Of course this is not only totally legal, but also something lots of Republicans do! So kinda hard to think that actually think this corrupt when they do the exact same fucking thing. Not just Republican politicians, but do people really think lots of people wanted to read a book “written” by Donald trump junior? Of course we know that various political pacs bought lots of junior’s book.

The greater corruption risk is not the buyers of the books, it’s the publisher. As we saw with Sotomayor, incremental book sales may only put money in the publisher’s pocket, not the author- politician’s. With these huge advance book fees, the author likely is not getting much/anything additional from book sales.

But, a giant fee from a publisher does raise corruption risks. Publishers have political issues — DOJ opposed a merger between two major rivals of Macmillan, which is Biden’s publisher.

Not saying there is anything shady in the Biden deal, and the timing makes it look innocuous. Still, in principle we ought to be a little concerned with the possibility that a publisher is funneling money to a politician far beyond the market value of the book rights.

Let me correct you right there. Trump would be endless entertainment if there wasn’t a real possibility of him becoming president again. However, as long as he has that potential he will be a risk to our country and our democracy. Once he is gone(hopefully soon) or in jail it will be much more entertaining.

This is why when people bring up “TDS” as if Trump would be a non-factor unless stupid liberals kept fixating on him is fiction, that’s sheer nonsense.

Trump is not going away if libtards stop fetishizing and fixating on Trump.

“Trump is liberals’ fault because they give him oxygen” is a flat-out lie.

maybe instead of focusing on Trump the stupid liberals should focus on the fact that after voting Trump out and having almost 3 years to establish the admin they wanted with the policies they wanted, things are so bad that Trump is still a factor in the conversation.

listening to people in this room you’d think Brandon was up 10 points.